2023-06-23 19:34:09 +02:00

278 lines
7 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/env perl
eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if $running_under_some_shell;
# This script updates the simgrid XML file passed as argument (modification in place)
# It is built to do the conversion incrementally.
# Copyright (c) 2006-2022. The SimGrid Team.
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the license (GNU LGPL) which comes with this package.
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
simgrid_update_xml - updates simgrid XML files to latest version
B<simgrid_update_xml> I<xml_file>
simgrid_update_xml updates the simgrid XML file passed as argument. The file
is modified in place, without any kind of backup. You may want to save a copy
before running the script.
In SimGrid XML files, the standard version is indicated in the version
attribute of the platform tag. Current version is 4. Here is a list of major
changes in each version.
=over 4
=item B<Version 0:> Used before SimGrid 3.3
=item B<Version 1:> Introduced in SimGrid 3.3
=over 4
The version attribute of platform were added to allow file versioning.
The link bandwidth changed from Mb/s to b/s; and the CPU power were changed
from MFlop/s to Flop/s
=item B<Version 2:> Introduced in SimGrid 3.4
Several tags were renamed:
=item B<Version 3:> Introduced in SimGrid 3.5
=over 4
The AS tag were introduced. Every platform should now contain an englobing AS
Routes are now symmetric by default.
Several tags were renamed (for sake of XML sanity):
=item B<Version 4:> Introduced in SimGrid 3.13
=over 4
Rename the attributes describing the amount of flop that a host / peer / cluster / cabinet can deliver per second.
<host power=...> -> <host speed=...>
In <trace_connect>, attribute kind="POWER" is now kind="SPEED".
The DOCTYPE points to the right URL.
Units are now mandatory in attributes. USE THE SCRIPT TO CONVERT THIS
- speed. Old default: 'f' or 'flops'. Also defined:
'Yf', 'Zf', 'Ef', 'Pf', 'Tf', 'Gf', 'Mf', 'kf'
'yottaflops', 'zettaflops', 'exaflops', 'petaflops', 'teraflops', 'gigaflops', 'megaflops', 'kiloflops'
- bandwidth. Old default: 'Bps' bytes per second (or 'bps' but 1 Bps = 8 bps)
Also defined in bytes: 'TiBps', 'GiBps', 'MiBps', 'KiBps', 'TBps', 'GBps', 'MBps', 'kBps', 'Bps'
And the same in bits: 'Tibps', 'Gibps', 'Mibps', 'Kibps', 'Tbps', 'Gbps', 'Mbps', 'kbps', 'bps'
- latency. Old default: 's' second. Also defined:
'w' week, 'd' day, 'h' hour, 'm' minute, 'ms' millisecond, 'us' microsecond, 'ns' nanosecond, 'ps' picosecond
=item B<Version 4.1:> Introduced in SimGrid 3.16 (this is the current version).
=over 4
Rename a few tags, but in a backward-compatible manner: the old names are still accepted.
AS -> zone
ASroute -> zoneRoute
bypassAsRoute -> bypassZoneRoute
process -> actor
=item Other backward-compatible changes (old syntax is still accepted) for which we did not bump the DTD version:
=over 4
Rename the FULLDUPLEX sharing into SPLITDUPLEX.
In <host> and <peer>, rename the 'availability_file' attribute into 'speed_file'.
=head1 AUTHORS
The SimGrid team
Copyright (c) 2006-2022. The SimGrid Team. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of GNU LGPL (v2.1) license.
use strict;
my $fromversion=-1;
my $toversion=4.1;
my $filename = $ARGV[0] or die "Usage: file_to_convert.xml\nPlease provide an XML to convert as a parameter.\n";
open INPUT, "$filename" or die "Cannot open input file $filename: $!\n";
my $output_string = "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n".
"<!DOCTYPE platform SYSTEM \"\">\n".
"<platform version=\"$toversion\">\n";
my $line;
while (defined($line = <INPUT>)) {
chomp $line;
# eat the header, whatever form it has
next if ($line =~ s/<\?xml[^>]*>// && ! $line =~ /\S/); # just in case several tags are on the same line
next if ($line =~ s/<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>// && ! $line =~ /\S/);
if ($line =~ s/<platform(_description)? *>//) {
$fromversion = 0;
print "$filename was using version 0\n";
next if !$line =~ /\S/;
} elsif ($line =~ s/<platform.*version=["']*([0-9.]*)["']*>//) {
$fromversion = $1;
if ($fromversion == $toversion) {
warn "Input platform file $filename is already conformant to version $fromversion. This should be a no-op.\n";
if ($fromversion > $toversion) {
die "Input platform file $filename is more recent than this script (file version: $fromversion; script version: $toversion)\n";
next if !$line =~ /\S/;
print "$filename was using version $fromversion\n";
if ($fromversion == 0) {
while ($line =~ m|^(.*?)<cpu(.*?)power="([^"]*)"(.*)$|) {
$line = "$1TOTOTUTUTATA${2}TOTOTUTUTATA".($3*1000000)."TOTOTUTUTATA${4}";
while ($line =~ /^(.*?)TOTOTUTUTATA(.*?)TOTOTUTUTATA(.*?)TOTOTUTUTATA(.*)$/) {
$line = "$1<cpu${2}power=\"$3\"$4";
while ($line =~ m|^(.*?)<network_link(.*?)bandwidth="([^"]*)"(.*?)$|) {
$line = "$1TOTOTUTUTATA${2}TOTOTUTUTATA".($3*1000000)."TOTOTUTUTATA${4}";
while ($line =~ /^(.*?)TOTOTUTUTATA(.*?)TOTOTUTUTATA(.*?)TOTOTUTUTATA(.*?)$/) {
$line = "$1<network_link${2}bandwidth=\"$3\"$4";
if ($fromversion < 2) {
# The renamings (\b=zero-width word boundary check)
$line =~ s/\bplatform_description\b/platform/g;
$line =~ s/\bname\b/id/g;
$line =~ s/\bcpu\b/host/g;
$line =~ s/\bnetwork_link\b/link/g;
$line =~ s/\broute_element\b/link:ctn/g;
if ($fromversion < 3) {
$line =~ s/\blink:ctn\b/link_ctn/g;
$line =~ s/\btrace:connect\b/trace_connect/g;
if($AS_opened && (($line=~ /<\/platform>/) || ($line=~ /<process/))) {
$output_string .= "</AS>\n";
$AS_opened = 0;
if( (!$AS_opened) && (
($line =~ /<host/) ||
($line =~ /<link/) ||
($line =~ /<cluster/) ||
($line =~ /<router/)
)) {
$output_string .= " <AS id=\"AS0\" routing=\"Full\">\n";
if($line=~/<route /){$line =~ s/\<route/\<route symmetrical=\"NO\"/g;}
if ($fromversion < 4) {
$line =~ s/\bpower\b/speed/g;
$line =~ s/\bkind="POWER"/kind="SPEED"/g;
if ($fromversion < 4.1) {
$line =~ s/\bAS\b/zone/g;
$line =~ s/\bASroute\b/zoneRoute/g;
$line =~ s/\bbypassAsRoute\b/bypassZoneRoute/g;
$line =~ s/\bprocess\b/actor/g;
$line =~ s/\bavailability_file\b/speed_file/g;
$output_string .= "$line\n";
close INPUT;
if ($fromversion == -1) {
die "Cannot retrieve the platform version of $filename\n";
open OUTPUT, "> $filename";
print OUTPUT $output_string;
close OUTPUT;