Require Import Extraction. (* Ouverture d’une section *) Section Induction. (* Déclaration d’un domaine pour les éléments des listes *) Variable A : Set. Inductive liste : Set := Nil : liste | Cons : A -> liste -> liste. (* Déclaration du nom de la fonction *) Variable append_spec : liste -> liste -> liste. (* Spécification du comportement pour Nil *) Axiom append_Nil : forall (l : liste), append_spec Nil l = l. (* Spécification du comportement pour Cons *) Axiom append_Cons : forall (t : A), forall (q l : liste), append_spec (Cons t q) l = Cons t (append_spec q l). Theorem append_Nil_right : forall (l : liste), (append_spec l Nil) = l. intros. induction l. (*cas de base*) apply append_Nil. (*cas general*) rewrite append_Cons. rewrite IHl. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem append_associative : forall (l1 l2 l3 : liste), (append_spec l1 (append_spec l2 l3)) = (append_spec (append_spec l1 l2) l3). intros. induction l1. (*cas de base*) rewrite append_Nil. rewrite append_Nil. reflexivity. (*cas general*) rewrite append_Cons. rewrite IHl1. rewrite append_Cons. rewrite append_Cons. reflexivity. Qed. (* Implantation de la fonction append *) Fixpoint append_impl (l1 l2 : liste) {struct l1} : liste := match l1 with Nil => l2 | (Cons t1 q1) => (Cons t1 (append_impl q1 l2)) end. Theorem append_correctness : forall (l1 l2 : liste), (append_spec l1 l2) = (append_impl l1 l2). intros. induction l1. (*cas de base*) rewrite append_Nil. simpl append_impl. reflexivity. (*cas general*) rewrite append_Cons. simpl append_impl. rewrite IHl1. reflexivity. Qed. (* Implantation de la fonction rev (reverse d'une liste) *) Fixpoint rev_impl (l : liste) : liste := match l with Nil => Nil | (Cons t1 q1) => (append_impl (rev_impl q1)( Cons t1 Nil)) end. Lemma rev_append : forall (l1 l2 : liste), (rev_impl (append_impl l1 l2)) = (append_impl (rev_impl l2) (rev_impl l1)). intros. induction l1. (*cas de base *) simpl append_impl. rewrite <- append_correctness. rewrite append_Nil_right. reflexivity. (*cas general*) simpl rev_impl. rewrite IHl1. rewrite <- append_correctness. rewrite <- append_correctness. rewrite <- append_correctness. rewrite <- append_correctness. rewrite append_associative. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem rev_rev : forall (l : liste), (rev_impl (rev_impl l)) = l. intros. induction l. (*Cas de base*) simpl rev_impl. reflexivity. (*cas general*) simpl rev_impl. rewrite rev_append. rewrite IHl. simpl rev_impl. rewrite <- append_correctness. rewrite append_Cons. rewrite append_Nil. reflexivity. Qed. End Induction. Extraction Language Ocaml. Extraction "/tmp/induction" append_impl rev_impl. Extraction Language Haskell. Extraction "/tmp/induction" append_impl rev_impl. Extraction Language Scheme. Extraction "/tmp/induction" append_impl rev_impl.