2023-06-25 16:38:01 +02:00

71 lines
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function M1 = impose_integrabilite(M0,mask_integrability)
% B: |\Omega| x 3
% S: 3 x m
% I: |\Omega| x m
% mask_integrability: nrows x ncols
% Reference: Shape and albedo from multiple images using SVD and integrability - Yuille and Snow
B = transpose(M0);
Isize = size(mask_integrability);
Iinds = find(mask_integrability(:)>0); % Indices of non-masked pixels
B_ = B(Iinds,:);
% Compute dB/dx and dB/dy:
smooth_kernel = fspecial('gaussian',[25 25],2.5);
%~ smooth_kernel = fspecial('disk',3.0);
%~ smooth_kernel = 1;
for i = 1:3
B_smooth = imfilter(reshape(B(:,i).*mask_integrability(:),Isize),smooth_kernel,'same');
%~ B_smooth = reshape(B(:,i).*mask_integrability(:),Isize);
[dBidx dBidy] = gradient(B_smooth);
dBidy = -dBidy;
dB_dx(:,i) = dBidx(Iinds);
dB_dy(:,i) = dBidy(Iinds);
% Solve the following system of equations for x_ij and y_ij:
% sum_{j=2:3} sum_{i=1:j-1} ( a_ij*x_ij - b_ij*y_ij) = 0
% where,
% a_ij = e(i)*dedx(j)-e(j)*dedx(i)
% c_ij = P_3i*P_2j - P_2i*P_3j
% b_ij = e(i)*dedy(j)-e(j)*dedy(i)
% d_ij = P_3i*P_1j - P_1i*P_3j
a12 = B_(:,1).*dB_dx(:,2) - B_(:,2).*dB_dx(:,1);
a13 = B_(:,1).*dB_dx(:,3) - B_(:,3).*dB_dx(:,1);
a23 = B_(:,2).*dB_dx(:,3) - B_(:,3).*dB_dx(:,2);
b12 = B_(:,1).*dB_dy(:,2) - B_(:,2).*dB_dy(:,1);
b13 = B_(:,1).*dB_dy(:,3) - B_(:,3).*dB_dy(:,1);
b23 = B_(:,2).*dB_dy(:,3) - B_(:,3).*dB_dy(:,2);
% Solve the system A*x = 0:
% A = [a12 a13 a23 -b12 -b13 -b23]
% x = [c12 c13 c23 d12 d13 d23]
A = [a12 a13 a23 -b12 -b13 -b23 ];
[AU,AS,AV] = svd(A(:,1:6),0);
x = AV(:,size(AV,2));
% Construct the "co-factor matrix" (eqn 12) from the paper:
% A = [-c23 d23 ???;
% c13 -d13 ???;
% -c12 d12 ???];
mean_x = mean(abs(x(1:6)));
Ainv = [-x(3) x(6) 1.2*mean_x; ...
x(2) -x(5) 0.5*mean_x; ...
-x(1) x(4) -mean_x]';
% Invert Ainv to get A:
A = inv(Ainv);
% Compute the B and S matrices from P3 and Q3:
B = B*A;
if (mean(B(:,3)<0))
B = -B;
M1 = transpose(B);