768 lines
51 KiB
768 lines
51 KiB
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# TP 2-3 : Branch-and-bound applied to a knapsack problem"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Initialisation (à faire une seule fois)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 48,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"\u001b[32m\u001b[1m Resolving\u001b[22m\u001b[39m package versions...\n",
"\u001b[32m\u001b[1m No Changes\u001b[22m\u001b[39m to `~/.julia/environments/v1.6/Project.toml`\n",
"\u001b[32m\u001b[1m No Changes\u001b[22m\u001b[39m to `~/.julia/environments/v1.6/Manifest.toml`\n",
"\u001b[32m\u001b[1m Resolving\u001b[22m\u001b[39m package versions...\n",
"\u001b[32m\u001b[1m No Changes\u001b[22m\u001b[39m to `~/.julia/environments/v1.6/Project.toml`\n",
"\u001b[32m\u001b[1m No Changes\u001b[22m\u001b[39m to `~/.julia/environments/v1.6/Manifest.toml`\n"
"source": [
"import Pkg; \n",
"Pkg.add(\"GraphRecipes\"); Pkg.add(\"Plots\"); \n",
"using GraphRecipes, Plots #only used to visualize the search tree at the end of the branch-and-bound"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Récupération des données"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 49,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"readKnaptxtInstance (generic function with 1 method)"
"execution_count": 49,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"function readKnaptxtInstance(filename)\n",
" price=[]\n",
" weight=[]\n",
" KnapCap=[]\n",
" open(filename) do f\n",
" for i in 1:3\n",
" tok = split(readline(f))\n",
" if (tok[1] == \"ListPrices=\")\n",
" for i in 2:(length(tok)-1)\n",
" push!(price,parse(Int64, tok[i]))\n",
" end\n",
" elseif(tok[1] == \"ListWeights=\")\n",
" for i in 2:(length(tok)-1)\n",
" push!(weight,parse(Int64, tok[i]))\n",
" end\n",
" elseif(tok[1] == \"Capacity=\")\n",
" push!(KnapCap, parse(Int64, tok[2]))\n",
" else\n",
" println(\"Unknown read :\", tok)\n",
" end \n",
" end\n",
" end\n",
" capacity=KnapCap[1]\n",
" return price, weight, capacity\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Procédure d'application des tests de sondabilités TA, TO et TR pour le cas de la relaxation linéaire"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 50,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"TestsSondabilite_relaxlin (generic function with 1 method)"
"execution_count": 50,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"function TestsSondabilite_relaxlin(model2, x, varsbin, BestProfit, Bestsol)\n",
" TA, TO, TR = false, false, false\n",
" if (termination_status(model2) == MOI.INFEASIBLE)#Test de faisabilite\n",
" TA=true\n",
" println(\"TA\")\n",
" elseif (objective_value(model2) <= BestProfit) #Test d'optimalite\n",
" TO=true\n",
" println(\"TO\")\n",
" elseif ( prod(abs.([round.(v, digits=0) for v in value.(varsbin)]-value.(varsbin)) .<= fill(10^-5, size(varsbin))) \n",
" ) #Test de resolution\n",
" TR=true\n",
" println(\"TR\")\n",
" #if (value(benef) >= BestProfit)\n",
" if (objective_value(model2) >= BestProfit)\n",
" Bestsol = value.(x)\n",
" #BestProfit=value(benef)\n",
" BestProfit=objective_value(model2)\n",
" end\n",
" else\n",
" println(\"non sondable\")\n",
" end\n",
" TA, TO, TR, Bestsol, BestProfit\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Procédure de séparation et stratégie d'exploration permettant de se placer au prochain noeud à traiter"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 51,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"ExplorerAutreNoeud_relaxlin (generic function with 1 method)"
"execution_count": 51,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"function SeparerNoeud_relaxlin(varsshouldbebinary, listvars, listvals)\n",
" # le noeud est non-sondable. Appliquer le critère de séparation pour le séparer en sous-noeuds \n",
" # et choisir un noeud-fils le plus à gauche \n",
" \n",
" #find a fractionnal variable\n",
" i, var = 1, 0\n",
" while ((i <= length(varsshouldbebinary)) && (var==0))\n",
" #if (varsshouldbebinary[i] ∉ listvars)\n",
" if (abs(round(value(varsshouldbebinary[i]), digits=0) - value(varsshouldbebinary[i]) ) >= 10^-5)\n",
" var=varsshouldbebinary[i]\n",
" end\n",
" i+=1\n",
" end\n",
" \n",
" #=\n",
" #find most fractionnal variable ?\n",
" i, var, maxfrac = -1, 0, 0.0\n",
" for i in 1:length(varsshouldbebinary)\n",
" if (abs(round(value(varsshouldbebinary[i]), digits=0) - value(varsshouldbebinary[i]) ) >= maxfrac) \n",
" #if a variable is more fractinonal\n",
" var=varsshouldbebinary[i]\n",
" maxfrac=abs(round(value(varsshouldbebinary[i]), digits=0) - value(varsshouldbebinary[i]) )\n",
" #println(i, \" \", var, \" \", maxfrac)\n",
" end\n",
" end\n",
" =#\n",
" \n",
" set_lower_bound(var,1.0)\n",
" set_upper_bound(var,1.0)\n",
" push!(listvars,var) #stocker l'identite de la variable choisie pour la séparation\n",
" push!(listvals,1.0) #stocker la branche choisie, identifiee par la valeur de la variable choisie\n",
" listvars, listvals\n",
"function ExplorerAutreNoeud_relaxlin(listvars, listvals, listnodes)\n",
" #this node is sondable, go back to parent node then right child if possible\n",
" \n",
" stop=false\n",
" #check if we are not at the root node\n",
" if (length(listvars)>= 1)\n",
" #go back to parent node\n",
" var=pop!(listvars)\n",
" theval=pop!(listvals)\n",
" tmp=pop!(listnodes)\n",
" set_lower_bound(var,0.0)\n",
" set_upper_bound(var,1.0)\n",
" #go to right child if possible, otherwise go back to parent\n",
" while ( (theval==0.0) && (length(listvars)>= 1))\n",
" var=pop!(listvars)\n",
" theval=pop!(listvals)\n",
" tmp=pop!(listnodes)\n",
" set_lower_bound(var,0.0) \n",
" set_upper_bound(var,1.0)\n",
" end\n",
" if theval==1.0\n",
" set_lower_bound(var,0.0)\n",
" set_upper_bound(var,0.0)\n",
" push!(listvars,var)\n",
" push!(listvals,0.0)\n",
" else\n",
" println(\"\\nFINISHED\")\n",
" stop=true\n",
" end\n",
" else\n",
" #the root node was sondable\n",
" println(\"\\nFINISHED\")\n",
" stop=true\n",
" end\n",
" listvars, listvals, listnodes, stop \n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Création de la relaxation linéaire (= modèle associé au noeud 0): <span style=\"color:red\"> SECTION A SUPPRIMER !!!! </span>\n",
"<span style=\"color:red\"> Cette section est à commenter/supprimer et remplacer par vos propres calculs de bornes supérieures et autres, par exemple basées sur les bornes 1 et 2 vues en cours, ou d'autres calculs de bornes de votre choix/conception validés au préalable par votre encadrant/e de TP </span>"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 52,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"\u001b[32m\u001b[1m Resolving\u001b[22m\u001b[39m package versions...\n",
"\u001b[32m\u001b[1m No Changes\u001b[22m\u001b[39m to `~/.julia/environments/v1.6/Project.toml`\n",
"\u001b[32m\u001b[1m No Changes\u001b[22m\u001b[39m to `~/.julia/environments/v1.6/Manifest.toml`\n"
"source": [
"using JuMP, Clp"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 53,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"CreationModeleLP (generic function with 1 method)"
"execution_count": 53,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"function CreationModeleLP(price, weight, capacity)\n",
"# ROOT NODE\n",
" \n",
" model2 = Model(Clp.Optimizer) # set optimizer\n",
" set_optimizer_attribute(model2, \"LogLevel\", 0) #don't display anything during solve\n",
" set_optimizer_attribute(model2, \"Algorithm\", 4) #LP solver chosen is simplex\n",
" # define x variables as CONTINUOUS (recall that it is not possible to define binary variables in Clp)\n",
" @variable(model2, 0 <= x[i in 1:4] <= 1)\n",
" varsshouldbebinary=[x[1] x[2] x[3] x[4]]\n",
" # define objective function\n",
" @objective(model2, Max, sum(price[i]*x[i] for i in 1:4))\n",
" # define the capacity constraint \n",
" @constraint(model2, sum(weight[i]*x[i] for i in 1:4) <= capacity)\n",
" println(model2)\n",
" return model2, x, varsshouldbebinary\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Boucle principale : résoudre la relaxation linéaire, appliquer les tests de sondabilité, identifier le prochain noeud, répéter."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 54,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"SolveKnapInstance (generic function with 1 method)"
"execution_count": 54,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"function SolveKnapInstance(filename)\n",
" if (split(filename,\"/\")[end] != \"test.opb\")\n",
" println(\"This version of the code works only for the test instance !!!!\")\n",
" else\n",
" price, weight, capacity = readKnaptxtInstance(filename)\n",
" model2, x, varsshouldbebinary = CreationModeleLP(price, weight, capacity)\n",
" \n",
" #create the structure to memorize the search tree for visualization at the end\n",
" trParentnodes=Int64[] #will store orig node of arc in search tree\n",
" trChildnodes=Int64[] #will store destination node of arc in search tree\n",
" trNamenodes=[] #will store names of nodes in search tree\n",
" \n",
" #intermediate structure to navigate in the search tree\n",
" listvars=[]\n",
" listvals=[]\n",
" listnodes=[]\n",
" BestProfit=-1\n",
" Bestsol=[]\n",
" current_node_number=0\n",
" stop = false\n",
" while (!stop)\n",
" println(\"\\nNode number \", current_node_number, \": \\n-----\\n\", model2)\n",
" #Update the search tree\n",
" push!(trNamenodes,current_node_number+1) \n",
" if (length(trNamenodes)>=2)\n",
" push!(trParentnodes,listnodes[end]+1) # +1 because the 1st node is \"node 0\"\n",
" push!(trChildnodes, current_node_number+1) # +1 because the 1st node is \"node 0\"\n",
" end\n",
" push!(listnodes, current_node_number)\n",
" print(\"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... \")\n",
" status = optimize!(model2)\n",
" println(\"... end\")\n",
" print(\"\\nSolution relax lin\"); \n",
" if (termination_status(model2) == MOI.INFEASIBLE)#(has_values(model2))\n",
" print(\" : NOT AVAILABLE (probably infeasible or ressources limit reached)\")\n",
" else\n",
" [print(\"\\t\", name(v),\"=\",value(v)) for v in all_variables(model2)] \n",
" end\n",
" println(\" \"); println(\"\\nPrevious Solution memorized \", Bestsol, \" with bestprofit \", BestProfit, \"\\n\")\n",
" TA, TO, TR, Bestsol, BestProfit = TestsSondabilite_relaxlin(model2, x, varsshouldbebinary, BestProfit, Bestsol)\n",
" is_node_sondable = TA || TO || TR\n",
" if (!is_node_sondable)\n",
" listvars, listvals = SeparerNoeud_relaxlin(varsshouldbebinary, listvars, listvals)\n",
" else\n",
" listvars, listvals, listnodes, stop = ExplorerAutreNoeud_relaxlin(listvars, listvals, listnodes)\n",
" end\n",
" current_node_number = current_node_number + 1\n",
" end\n",
" println(\"\\n******\\n\\nOptimal value = \", BestProfit, \"\\n\\nOptimal x=\", Bestsol)\n",
" return BestProfit, Bestsol, trParentnodes, trChildnodes, trNamenodes\n",
" end\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Affichage du résultat final"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 55,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Node number 0: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin\tx[1]=0.857142857142857\tx[2]=1.0\tx[3]=0.0\tx[4]=0.0 \n",
"Previous Solution memorized Any[] with bestprofit -1\n",
"non sondable\n",
"Node number 1: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin\tx[1]=1.0\tx[2]=0.7500000000000001\tx[3]=0.0\tx[4]=0.0 \n",
"Previous Solution memorized Any[] with bestprofit -1\n",
"non sondable\n",
"Node number 2: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin : NOT AVAILABLE (probably infeasible or ressources limit reached) \n",
"Previous Solution memorized Any[] with bestprofit -1\n",
"Node number 3: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin\tx[1]=1.0\tx[2]=0.0\tx[3]=0.0\tx[4]=0.6 \n",
"Previous Solution memorized Any[] with bestprofit -1\n",
"non sondable\n",
"Node number 4: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin : NOT AVAILABLE (probably infeasible or ressources limit reached) \n",
"Previous Solution memorized Any[] with bestprofit -1\n",
"Node number 5: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 0.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin\tx[1]=1.0\tx[2]=0.0\tx[3]=1.0\tx[4]=0.0 \n",
"Previous Solution memorized Any[] with bestprofit -1\n",
"Node number 6: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin\tx[1]=0.0\tx[2]=1.0\tx[3]=0.3333333333333332\tx[4]=1.0 \n",
"Previous Solution memorized [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] with bestprofit 54.0\n",
"non sondable\n",
"Node number 7: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin\tx[1]=0.0\tx[2]=1.0\tx[3]=1.0\tx[4]=0.6000000000000001 \n",
"Previous Solution memorized [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] with bestprofit 54.0\n",
"non sondable\n",
"Node number 8: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin\tx[1]=0.0\tx[2]=0.5\tx[3]=1.0\tx[4]=1.0 \n",
"Previous Solution memorized [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] with bestprofit 54.0\n",
"non sondable\n",
"Node number 9: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin : NOT AVAILABLE (probably infeasible or ressources limit reached) \n",
"Previous Solution memorized [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] with bestprofit 54.0\n",
"Node number 10: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin\tx[1]=0.0\tx[2]=0.0\tx[3]=1.0\tx[4]=1.0 \n",
"Previous Solution memorized [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] with bestprofit 54.0\n",
"Node number 11: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 0.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin\tx[1]=0.0\tx[2]=1.0\tx[3]=1.0\tx[4]=0.0 \n",
"Previous Solution memorized [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] with bestprofit 54.0\n",
"Node number 12: \n",
"Max 42 x[1] + 40 x[2] + 12 x[3] + 25 x[4]\n",
"Subject to\n",
" 7 x[1] + 4 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 5 x[4] ≤ 10.0\n",
" x[1] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[3] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[4] ≥ 0.0\n",
" x[1] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[2] ≤ 1.0\n",
" x[3] ≤ 0.0\n",
" x[4] ≤ 1.0\n",
"Solve model2 to compute the bounds of the current node: start ... ... end\n",
"Solution relax lin\tx[1]=0.0\tx[2]=1.0\tx[3]=0.0\tx[4]=1.0 \n",
"Previous Solution memorized [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] with bestprofit 54.0\n",
"Optimal value = 65.0\n",
"Optimal x=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]\n",
"Optimal value = 65.0\n",
"Optimal x=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]\n"
"data": {
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442.663 980.809 444.02 L980.809 439.888 Q983.28 438.896 985.427 438.389 Q987.574 437.883 989.356 437.883 Q994.055 437.883 996.851 440.232 Q999.646 442.582 999.646 446.511 Q999.646 448.375 998.937 450.056 Q998.248 451.717 996.405 453.985 Q995.899 454.573 993.184 457.388 Q990.47 460.183 985.528 465.226 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1021.34 800.877 Q1024.28 801.505 1025.92 803.49 Q1027.58 805.475 1027.58 808.392 Q1027.58 812.868 1024.5 815.319 Q1021.42 817.77 1015.75 817.77 Q1013.85 817.77 1011.82 817.385 Q1009.82 817.02 1007.67 816.271 L1007.67 812.321 Q1009.37 813.314 1011.4 813.82 Q1013.42 814.326 1015.63 814.326 Q1019.48 814.326 1021.48 812.807 Q1023.51 811.288 1023.51 808.392 Q1023.51 805.718 1021.63 804.219 Q1019.76 802.7 1016.42 802.7 L1012.9 802.7 L1012.9 799.338 L1016.58 799.338 Q1019.6 799.338 1021.2 798.143 Q1022.8 796.928 1022.8 794.659 Q1022.8 792.33 1021.14 791.094 Q1019.5 789.839 1016.42 789.839 Q1014.74 789.839 1012.81 790.203 Q1010.89 790.568 1008.58 791.337 L1008.58 787.692 Q1010.91 787.043 1012.94 786.719 Q1014.98 786.395 1016.78 786.395 Q1021.44 786.395 1024.16 788.522 Q1026.87 790.629 1026.87 794.234 Q1026.87 796.745 1025.43 798.487 Q1024 800.209 1021.34 800.877 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M823.178 743.631 L812.848 759.774 L823.178 759.774 L823.178 743.631 M822.105 740.066 L827.249 740.066 L827.249 759.774 L831.564 759.774 L831.564 763.177 L827.249 763.177 L827.249 770.306 L823.178 770.306 L823.178 763.177 L809.527 763.177 L809.527 759.227 L822.105 740.066 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M653.81 985.818 L669.872 985.818 L669.872 989.261 L657.557 989.261 L657.557 996.675 Q658.449 996.371 659.34 996.229 Q660.231 996.067 661.122 996.067 Q666.186 996.067 669.143 998.842 Q672.1 1001.62 672.1 1006.36 Q672.1 1011.24 669.062 1013.95 Q666.024 1016.65 660.494 1016.65 Q658.59 1016.65 656.605 1016.32 Q654.641 1016 652.534 1015.35 L652.534 1011.24 Q654.357 1012.23 656.302 1012.72 Q658.246 1013.2 660.413 1013.2 Q663.917 1013.2 665.963 1011.36 Q668.009 1009.52 668.009 1006.36 Q668.009 1003.2 665.963 1001.35 Q663.917 999.51 660.413 999.51 Q658.773 999.51 657.132 999.875 Q655.512 1000.24 653.81 1001.01 L653.81 985.818 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M805.578 999.302 Q802.823 999.302 801.203 1001.19 Q799.603 1003.07 799.603 1006.35 Q799.603 1009.61 801.203 1011.52 Q802.823 1013.4 805.578 1013.4 Q808.333 1013.4 809.933 1011.52 Q811.553 1009.61 811.553 1006.35 Q811.553 1003.07 809.933 1001.19 Q808.333 999.302 805.578 999.302 M813.7 986.481 L813.7 990.208 Q812.161 989.478 810.581 989.094 Q809.021 988.709 807.482 988.709 Q803.431 988.709 801.284 991.443 Q799.157 994.177 798.853 999.707 Q800.048 997.945 801.851 997.013 Q803.654 996.061 805.821 996.061 Q810.378 996.061 813.011 998.836 Q815.665 1001.59 815.665 1006.35 Q815.665 1011.01 812.91 1013.82 Q810.155 1016.64 805.578 1016.64 Q800.332 1016.64 797.557 1012.63 Q794.782 1008.6 794.782 1000.96 Q794.782 993.793 798.185 989.539 Q801.588 985.265 807.32 985.265 Q808.859 985.265 810.419 985.569 Q811.999 985.873 813.7 986.481 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1382.31 538.139 L1401.76 538.139 L1401.76 539.881 L1390.78 568.379 L1386.5 568.379 L1396.83 541.582 L1382.31 541.582 L1382.31 538.139 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1564.14 768.295 Q1561.22 768.295 1559.54 769.854 Q1557.88 771.414 1557.88 774.148 Q1557.88 776.883 1559.54 778.442 Q1561.22 780.002 1564.14 780.002 Q1567.06 780.002 1568.74 778.442 Q1570.42 776.862 1570.42 774.148 Q1570.42 771.414 1568.74 769.854 Q1567.08 768.295 1564.14 768.295 M1560.05 766.553 Q1557.41 765.905 1555.94 764.102 Q1554.48 762.299 1554.48 759.707 Q1554.48 756.081 1557.05 753.975 Q1559.64 751.868 1564.14 751.868 Q1568.66 751.868 1571.23 753.975 Q1573.8 756.081 1573.8 759.707 Q1573.8 762.299 1572.32 764.102 Q1570.86 765.905 1568.25 766.553 Q1571.21 767.242 1572.85 769.247 Q1574.51 771.252 1574.51 774.148 Q1574.51 778.544 1571.81 780.893 Q1569.14 783.243 1564.14 783.243 Q1559.14 783.243 1556.44 780.893 Q1553.77 778.544 1553.77 774.148 Q1553.77 771.252 1555.43 769.247 Q1557.09 767.242 1560.05 766.553 M1558.55 760.092 Q1558.55 762.441 1560.01 763.758 Q1561.49 765.074 1564.14 765.074 Q1566.77 765.074 1568.25 763.758 Q1569.75 762.441 1569.75 760.092 Q1569.75 757.742 1568.25 756.426 Q1566.77 755.109 1564.14 755.109 Q1561.49 755.109 1560.01 756.426 Q1558.55 757.742 1558.55 760.092 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1629.38 958.792 L1629.38 955.065 Q1630.92 955.794 1632.5 956.179 Q1634.08 956.564 1635.6 956.564 Q1639.65 956.564 1641.78 953.85 Q1643.93 951.115 1644.23 945.566 Q1643.06 947.308 1641.25 948.239 Q1639.45 949.171 1637.26 949.171 Q1632.73 949.171 1630.07 946.437 Q1627.44 943.682 1627.44 938.922 Q1627.44 934.264 1630.19 931.448 Q1632.95 928.633 1637.53 928.633 Q1642.77 928.633 1645.53 932.664 Q1648.3 936.674 1648.3 944.33 Q1648.3 951.48 1644.9 955.754 Q1641.52 960.007 1635.78 960.007 Q1634.25 960.007 1632.67 959.703 Q1631.09 959.399 1629.38 958.792 M1637.53 945.971 Q1640.28 945.971 1641.88 944.087 Q1643.5 942.203 1643.5 938.922 Q1643.5 935.661 1641.88 933.778 Q1640.28 931.874 1637.53 931.874 Q1634.77 931.874 1633.15 933.778 Q1631.55 935.661 1631.55 938.922 Q1631.55 942.203 1633.15 944.087 Q1634.77 945.971 1637.53 945.971 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1715.53 1349.36 L1722.22 1349.36 L1722.22 1326.29 L1714.95 1327.75 L1714.95 1324.02 L1722.18 1322.56 L1726.27 1322.56 L1726.27 1349.36 L1732.95 1349.36 L1732.95 1352.8 L1715.53 1352.8 L1715.53 1349.36 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1749.97 1325.26 Q1746.81 1325.26 1745.21 1328.38 Q1743.63 1331.47 1743.63 1337.71 Q1743.63 1343.93 1745.21 1347.05 Q1746.81 1350.15 1749.97 1350.15 Q1753.15 1350.15 1754.73 1347.05 Q1756.33 1343.93 1756.33 1337.71 Q1756.33 1331.47 1754.73 1328.38 Q1753.15 1325.26 1749.97 1325.26 M1749.97 1322.02 Q1755.05 1322.02 1757.72 1326.05 Q1760.42 1330.06 1760.42 1337.71 Q1760.42 1345.35 1757.72 1349.38 Q1755.05 1353.39 1749.97 1353.39 Q1744.88 1353.39 1742.19 1349.38 Q1739.52 1345.35 1739.52 1337.71 Q1739.52 1330.06 1742.19 1326.05 Q1744.88 1322.02 1749.97 1322.02 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1540.39 1338.29 L1547.08 1338.29 L1547.08 1315.22 L1539.81 1316.68 L1539.81 1312.96 L1547.04 1311.5 L1551.13 1311.5 L1551.13 1338.29 L1557.81 1338.29 L1557.81 1341.74 L1540.39 1341.74 L1540.39 1338.29 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1566.79 1338.29 L1573.47 1338.29 L1573.47 1315.22 L1566.2 1316.68 L1566.2 1312.96 L1573.43 1311.5 L1577.52 1311.5 L1577.52 1338.29 L1584.2 1338.29 L1584.2 1341.74 L1566.79 1341.74 L1566.79 1338.29 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1706.62 1026.59 L1713.31 1026.59 L1713.31 1003.52 L1706.04 1004.98 L1706.04 1001.25 L1713.27 999.793 L1717.36 999.793 L1717.36 1026.59 L1724.04 1026.59 L1724.04 1030.03 L1706.62 1030.03 L1706.62 1026.59 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1735.83 1026.59 L1750.11 1026.59 L1750.11 1030.03 L1730.91 1030.03 L1730.91 1026.59 Q1733.24 1024.18 1737.25 1020.13 Q1741.28 1016.06 1742.31 1014.88 Q1744.28 1012.67 1745.05 1011.16 Q1745.84 1009.62 1745.84 1008.14 Q1745.84 1005.73 1744.14 1004.21 Q1742.45 1002.69 1739.74 1002.69 Q1737.82 1002.69 1735.67 1003.36 Q1733.54 1004.03 1731.11 1005.38 L1731.11 1001.25 Q1733.58 1000.26 1735.73 999.752 Q1737.88 999.246 1739.66 999.246 Q1744.36 999.246 1747.15 1001.6 Q1749.95 1003.95 1749.95 1007.87 Q1749.95 1009.74 1749.24 1011.42 Q1748.55 1013.08 1746.71 1015.35 Q1746.2 1015.94 1743.49 1018.75 Q1740.77 1021.55 1735.83 1026.59 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1294.24 772.962 L1300.92 772.962 L1300.92 749.892 L1293.65 751.351 L1293.65 747.624 L1300.88 746.166 L1304.97 746.166 L1304.97 772.962 L1311.65 772.962 L1311.65 776.406 L1294.24 776.406 L1294.24 772.962 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip990)\" d=\"M1332.31 760.101 Q1335.25 760.729 1336.89 762.713 Q1338.55 764.698 1338.55 767.615 Q1338.55 772.091 1335.47 774.542 Q1332.4 776.993 1326.72 776.993 Q1324.82 776.993 1322.79 776.608 Q1320.79 776.244 1318.64 775.494 L1318.64 771.544 Q1320.34 772.537 1322.37 773.043 Q1324.39 773.55 1326.6 773.55 Q1330.45 773.55 1332.46 772.031 Q1334.48 770.511 1334.48 767.615 Q1334.48 764.941 1332.6 763.443 Q1330.73 761.924 1327.39 761.924 L1323.87 761.924 L1323.87 758.561 L1327.55 758.561 Q1330.57 758.561 1332.17 757.366 Q1333.77 756.151 1333.77 753.883 Q1333.77 751.553 1332.11 750.318 Q1330.47 749.062 1327.39 749.062 Q1325.71 749.062 1323.79 749.427 Q1321.86 749.791 1319.55 750.561 L1319.55 746.915 Q1321.88 746.267 1323.91 745.943 Q1325.95 745.619 1327.76 745.619 Q1332.42 745.619 1335.13 747.745 Q1337.84 749.852 1337.84 753.457 Q1337.84 755.969 1336.41 757.711 Q1334.97 759.432 1332.31 760.101 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /></svg>\n"
"execution_count": 55,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"BestProfit, Bestsol, trParentnodes, trChildnodes, trNamenodes = SolveKnapInstance(\"data/test.opb\")\n",
"println(\"\\n******\\n\\nOptimal value = \", BestProfit, \"\\n\\nOptimal x=\", Bestsol)\n",
"graphplot(trParentnodes, trChildnodes, names=trNamenodes, method=:tree)"
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