# OpenGL OBJ Visualizer ## Introduction The fifth TP is about creating a visualizer for models loaded from [Wavefront OBJ format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavefront_.obj_file) files. It also lets you implement a simple subdivision model of the mesh using Loop's algorithm. ![alt text](data/img/screeshot.png "Application visualizer") The application lets you navigate the scene and change the different rendering algorithms. The keys are: * `s` - use index rendering * `w` - draw wireframe * `s` - enable/disable subdivision * `1`-`4` - with subdivision enabled, level of subdivision * `d` - enable/disable solid rendering * `a` - enable/disable smooth rendering * `arrow keys` - rotate around the object * `pg down/up` - zoom out/in The folder [data/models](data/models) contains some 3D models to play with. ## Building See [BUILD](BUILD.md) text file ## License See [LICENSE](LICENSE) text file ## Authors Simone Gasparini ## Contact Simone Gasparini simone.gasparini@irit.fr