2023-06-22 20:30:57 +02:00

414 lines
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Executable file

* @file ObjModel.cxx
* @author Simone Gasparini <>
* @version 1.0
* @section LICENSE
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* @section DESCRIPTION
* Simple Class to load and draw 3D objects from OBJ files
* Using triangles and normals as static object. No texture mapping.
* OBJ files must be triangulated!!!
#include <algorithm>
* Computes the angle at vertex baseV formed by the edges connecting it with the
* vertices v1 and v2 respectively, ie the baseV-v1 and baseV-v2 edges
* @brief Computes the angle at vertex
* @param baseV the vertex at which to compute the angle
* @param v1 the other vertex of the first edge baseV-v1
* @param v2 the other vertex of the second edge baseV-v2
* @return the angle in radiants
float ObjModel::angleAtVertex( const point3d& baseV, const point3d& v1, const point3d& v2 ) const
vec3d e1 = baseV - v1;
vec3d e2 = baseV - v2;
//safe acos...
if ( fabs( (e1).dot( e2 ) / (e1.norm( ) * e2.norm( )) ) >= 1.0f )
cerr << "warning: using safe acos" << endl;
return (acos( 1.0f ));
return ( acos( (e1).dot( e2 ) / (e1.norm( ) * e2.norm( )) ));
* Render the model according to the provided parameters
* @param params The rendering parameters
void ObjModel::render( const RenderingParameters &params )
// if we need to draw the original model
if ( !params.subdivision )
// draw it
draw( _vertices, _mesh, _normals, params );
// draw the normals
if ( params.normals )
drawNormals( _vertices, _normals );
// before drawing check the current level of subdivision and the required one
if ( ( _currentSubdivLevel == 0 ) || ( _currentSubdivLevel != params.subdivLevel ) )
// if they are different apply the missing steps: either restart from the beginning
// if the required level is less than the current one or apply the missing
// steps starting from the current one
vector<point3d> tmpVert; //!< a temporary list of vertices used in the iterations
vector<face> tmpMesh; //!< a temporary mesh used in the iterations
if(( _currentSubdivLevel == 0 ) || ( _currentSubdivLevel > params.subdivLevel ) )
// start from the beginning
_currentSubdivLevel = 0;
tmpVert = _vertices;
tmpMesh = _mesh;
// start from the current level
tmpVert = _subVert;
tmpMesh = _subMesh;
// apply the proper subdivision iterations
for( ; _currentSubdivLevel < params.subdivLevel; ++_currentSubdivLevel)
cerr << "[Loop subdivision] iteration " << _currentSubdivLevel << endl;
loopSubdivision( tmpVert, tmpMesh, _subVert, _subMesh, _subNorm );
// swap unless it's the last iteration
if( _currentSubdivLevel < ( params.subdivLevel - 1) )
tmpVert = _subVert;
tmpMesh = _subMesh;
draw( _subVert, _subMesh, _subNorm, params );
if ( params.normals )
drawNormals( _subVert, _subNorm );
* Draw the model
* @param vertices list of vertices
* @param indices list of faces
* @param vertexNormals list of normals
* @param params Rendering parameters
void ObjModel::draw( const std::vector<point3d> &vertices, const std::vector<face> &indices, std::vector<vec3d> &vertexNormals, const RenderingParameters &params ) const
if ( params.solid )
drawSolid( vertices, indices, vertexNormals, params );
if ( params.wireframe )
drawWireframe( vertices, indices, params );
void ObjModel::drawSolid( const vector<point3d> &vertices, const vector<face> &indices, vector<vec3d> &vertexNormals, const RenderingParameters &params ) const
if ( params.useIndexRendering )
drawSmoothFaces( vertices, indices, vertexNormals, params );
drawFlatFaces( vertices, indices, params );
* Draw the normals at each vertex
* @param vertices The list of vertices
* @param vertexNormals The list of associated normals
void ObjModel::drawNormals( const std::vector<point3d> &vertices, std::vector<vec3d> &vertexNormals ) const
glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
glColor3f( 0.8, 0, 0 );
glLineWidth( 2 );
for(const auto &v : vertices)
glBegin( GL_LINES );
vec3d newP = v + 0.1 * v;
glVertex3fv( (float*) &v );
glVertex3f( newP.x, newP.y, newP.z );
glEnd( );
glEnable( GL_LIGHTING );
* It scales the model to unitary size by translating it to the origin and
* scaling it to fit in a unit cube around the origin.
* @return the scale factor used to transform the model
float ObjModel::unitizeModel( )
if ( !_vertices.empty( ) && !_mesh.empty( ) )
// calculate model width, height, and
// depth using the bounding box
const float w = fabs( _bb.pmax.x - _bb.pmin.x );
const float h = fabs( _bb.pmax.y - _bb.pmin.y );
const float d = fabs( _bb.pmax.z - _bb.pmin.z );
cout << "size: w: " << w << " h " << h << " d " << d << endl;
// calculate center of the bounding box of the model
const point3d c = (_bb.pmax + _bb.pmin) * 0.5;
// calculate the unitizing scale factor as the
// maximum of the 3 dimensions
const float scale = 2.0 / std::max( std::max( w, h ), d );
cout << "scale: " << scale << " cx " << c.x << " cy " << c.y << " cz " << c.z << endl;
// translate each vertex wrt to the center and then apply the scaling to the coordinate
for(auto& v : _vertices)
// translate the vertex
v.translate( -c.x, -c.y, -c.z );
// apply the scaling
v.scale( scale );
// update the bounding box, ie translate and scale the 6 coordinates
_bb.pmax = (_bb.pmax - c) * scale;
_bb.pmin = (_bb.pmin - c) * scale;
cout << "New bounding box : pmax=" << _bb.pmax << " pmin=" << _bb.pmin << endl;
return scale;
return 0;
void ObjModel::release( ) { }
* It parses a line of the OBJ file containing a face and it return the result.
* NB: it only recover the indices, it discard normal and texture indices
* @param toParse the string to parse in the OBJ format for a face (f v/vt/vn v/vt/vn v/vt/vn) and its variants
* @param out the 3 indices for the face
* @return true if the parse was successful
bool ObjModel::parseFaceString( const string &toParse, face &out ) const
// PRINTVAR( toParse );
if ( toParse.c_str( )[0] == 'f' )
idxtype a;
// now check the different formats: %d, %d//%d, %d/%d, %d/%d/%d
if ( strstr( toParse.c_str( ), "//" ) )
// v//n
return ( sscanf( toParse.c_str( ), "f %u//%u %u//%u %u//%u", &(out.v1), &a, &(out.v2), &a, &(out.v3), &a ) == 6);
else if ( sscanf( toParse.c_str( ), "f %u/%u/%u", &a, &a, &a ) == 3 )
// v/t/n
return ( sscanf( toParse.c_str( ), "f %u/%u/%u %u/%u/%u %u/%u/%u", &(out.v1), &a, &a, &(out.v2), &a, &a, &(out.v3), &a, &a ) == 9);
else if ( sscanf( toParse.c_str( ), "f %u/%u", &a, &a ) == 2 )
// v/t .
return ( sscanf( toParse.c_str( ), "f %u/%u %u/%u %u/%u", &(out.v1), &a, &(out.v2), &a, &(out.v3), &a ) == 6);
// v
// sscanf( toParse.c_str( ), "f %u %u %u", &(out.v1), &(out.v2), &(out.v3) );
// PRINTVAR( out );
return ( sscanf( toParse.c_str( ), "f %u %u %u", &(out.v1), &(out.v2), &(out.v3) ) == 3);
return false;
// to be deprecated
void ObjModel::flatDraw( ) const
glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
// for each triangle draw the vertices and the normals
for(const auto &face : _mesh)
glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );
//compute the normal of the triangle
vec3d n;
computeNormal( _vertices[face.v1], _vertices[(int) face.v2], _vertices[(int) face.v3], n );
glNormal3fv( (float*) &n );
glVertex3fv( (float*) &_vertices[face.v1] );
glVertex3fv( (float*) &_vertices[face.v2] );
glVertex3fv( (float*) &_vertices[face.v3] );
glEnd( );
// to be deprecated
void ObjModel::drawWireframe( ) const
drawWireframe( _vertices, _mesh, RenderingParameters( ) );
// to be deprecated
void ObjModel::indexDraw( ) const
glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
// Enable vertex arrays
glEnableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
// Enable normal arrays
glEnableClientState( GL_NORMAL_ARRAY );
// Vertex Pointer to triangle array
glEnableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
// Normal pointer to normal array
glNormalPointer( GL_FLOAT, 0, (float*) &_normals[0] );
// Index pointer to normal array
glVertexPointer( COORD_PER_VERTEX, GL_FLOAT, 0, (float*) &_vertices[0] );
// Draw the triangles
glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, _mesh.size( ) * VERTICES_PER_TRIANGLE, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (idxtype*) & _mesh[0] );
// Disable vertex arrays
glDisableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY ); // disable vertex arrays
// Disable normal arrays
glDisableClientState( GL_NORMAL_ARRAY );
// to be deprecated
void ObjModel::drawSubdivision( )
if ( _subMesh.empty( ) || _subNorm.empty( ) || _subVert.empty( ) )
loopSubdivision( _vertices, _mesh, _subVert, _subMesh, _subNorm );
glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
glEnableClientState( GL_NORMAL_ARRAY );
glEnableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
glNormalPointer( GL_FLOAT, 0, (float*) &_subNorm[0] );
glVertexPointer( COORD_PER_VERTEX, GL_FLOAT, 0, (float*) &_subVert[0] );
glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, _subMesh.size( ) * VERTICES_PER_TRIANGLE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (idxtype*) & _subMesh[0] );
glDisableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY ); // disable vertex arrays
glDisableClientState( GL_NORMAL_ARRAY );
drawWireframe( _subVert, _subMesh, RenderingParameters( ) );
// to be removed
void ObjModel::applyLoop( const face &t, const std::vector<point3d> &origVert, std::vector<size_t> &valence, std::vector<point3d> &destVert ) const
// 5/8 V + 3/8 sum(V_i))
// in this case since we are summing each face the other vertices are counted
// twice, so we use 3/16 instead of 3/8
destVert[t.v1] += (0.625f * origVert[t.v1] + 0.1875f * origVert[t.v2] + 0.1875f * origVert[t.v3]);
// PRINTVAR(valence[t.v1]);
destVert[t.v2] += (0.625f * origVert[t.v2] + 0.1875f * origVert[t.v1] + 0.1875f * origVert[t.v3]);
destVert[t.v3] += (0.625f * origVert[t.v3] + 0.1875f * origVert[t.v2] + 0.1875f * origVert[t.v1]);