2023-06-22 20:30:57 +02:00

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Executable file

* @file ObjModel.hpp
* @author Simone Gasparini <>
* @version 1.0
* @section LICENSE
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* @section DESCRIPTION
* Simple Class to load and draw 3D objects from OBJ files
* Using triangles and normals as static object. No texture mapping.
* OBJ files must be triangulated!!!
#pragma once
#include "core.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
#include <cmath>
* A structure that model the bounding box
typedef struct BoundingBox
point3d pmax; //!<the maximum point of the bounding box
point3d pmin; //!<the minimum point of the bounding box
BoundingBox() :
pmin(point3d()) { }
BoundingBox(const point3d &p) :
pmin(p) { }
* Add a point to the bounding box. Its coordinates are taken into account
* and the limits of the bounding box updated accordingly
* @param p the point to add
void add(const point3d &p)
* Set the bounding box to the given point
* @param p the point
void set(const point3d &p)
pmax = p;
pmin = p;
} BoundingBox;
struct RenderingParameters
bool wireframe{true}; //!< wireframe on/off
bool solid{true}; //!< draw the mesh on/off
bool useIndexRendering{false}; //!< use opengl drawElements on/off
bool subdivision{false}; //!< subdivision on/off
bool smooth{false}; //!< GL_SMOOTH on/off
bool normals{false}; //!< show normals on/off
unsigned short subdivLevel{1}; //!< number of subdivision level
RenderingParameters() = default;
* The class containing and managing the 3D model
class ObjModel
std::vector<face> _mesh; //!< Stores the vertex indices for the triangles
std::vector<point3d> _vertices; //!< Stores the vertices
std::vector<vec3d> _normals; //!< Stores the normals for the triangles
// Subdivision
std::vector<face> _subMesh; //!< Stores the vertex indices for the triangles
std::vector<point3d> _subVert; //!< Stores the vertices
std::vector<vec3d> _subNorm; //!< Stores the normals for the triangles
BoundingBox _bb; //!< the current bounding box of the model
unsigned short _currentSubdivLevel{}; //!< the current subdivision level
ObjModel() = default;
* Calculate the normal of a triangular face defined by three points
* @param[in] v1 the first vertex
* @param[in] v2 the second vertex
* @param[in] cv3 the third vertex
* @param[out] norm the normal
void computeNormal(const point3d& v1, const point3d& v2, const point3d& v3, vec3d &norm) const;
* Computes the angle at vertex baseV formed by the edges connecting it with the
* vertices v1 and v2 respectively, ie the baseV-v1 and baseV-v2 edges
* @brief Computes the angle at vertex
* @param[in] baseV the vertex at which to compute the angle
* @param[in] v1 the other vertex of the first edge baseV-v1
* @param[in] v2 the other vertex of the second edge baseV-v2
* @return the angle in radiants
float angleAtVertex(const point3d& v1, const point3d& v2, const point3d& v3) const;
* Load the OBJ data from file
* @param[in] filename The name of the OBJ file
* @return 0 if everything went well
int load(char *filename);
* Render the model according to the provided parameters
* @param params The rendering parameters
void render(const RenderingParameters &params = RenderingParameters());
* Release the model
void release();
* It scales the model to unitary size by translating it to the origin and
* scaling it to fit in a unit cube around the origin.
* @return the scale factor used to transform the model
float unitizeModel();
* Draw the model
* @param[in] vertices list of vertices
* @param[in] indices list of faces
* @param[in] vertexNormals list of normals
* @param[in] params Rendering parameters
void draw(const std::vector<point3d> &vertices, const std::vector<face> &indices, std::vector<vec3d> &vertexNormals, const RenderingParameters &params) const;
void drawSolid(const std::vector<point3d> &vertices, const std::vector<face> &indices, std::vector<vec3d> &vertexNormals, const RenderingParameters &params) const;
* Draw the wireframe of the model
* @param vertices The list of vertices
* @param mesh The mesh as a list of faces, each face is a tripleIndex of vertex indices
* @param params The rendering parameters
void drawWireframe(const std::vector<point3d> &vertices, const std::vector<face> &indices, const RenderingParameters &params) const;
* Draw the model using the vertex indices and using a single normal for each vertex
* @param vertices The vertices
* @param indices The list of the faces, each face containing the 3 indices of the vertices
* @param vertexNormals The list of normals associated to each vertex
* @param params The rendering parameters
void drawSmoothFaces(const std::vector<point3d> &vertices, const std::vector<face> &indices, std::vector<vec3d> &vertexNormals, const RenderingParameters &params) const;
* Draw the faces using the computed normal of each face
* @param vertices The list of vertices
* @param mesh The list of face, each face containing the indices of the vertices
* @param params The rendering parameters
void drawFlatFaces(const std::vector<point3d> &vertices, const std::vector<face> &indices, const RenderingParameters &params) const;
* Draw the normals at each vertex
* @param vertices The list of vertices
* @param vertexNormals The list of associated normals
void drawNormals(const std::vector<point3d> &vertices, std::vector<vec3d> &vertexNormals) const;
DEPRECATED(void drawSubdivision());
DEPRECATED(void indexDraw() const);
DEPRECATED(void flatDraw() const);
DEPRECATED(void drawWireframe() const);
* Compute the subdivision of the input mesh by applying one step of the Loop algorithm
* @param[in] origVert The list of the input vertices
* @param[in] origMesh The input mesh (the vertex indices for each face/triangle)
* @param[out] destVert The list of the new vertices for the subdivided mesh
* @param[out] destMesh The new subdivided mesh (the vertex indices for each face/triangle)
* @param[out] destNorm The new list of normals for each new vertex of the subdivided mesh
void loopSubdivision(const std::vector<point3d> &origVert, const std::vector<face> &origMesh, std::vector<point3d> &destVert, std::vector<face> &destMesh, std::vector<vec3d> &destNorm) const;
* For a given edge it returns the index of the new vertex created on its middle point. If such vertex already exists it just returns the
* its index; if it does not exist it creates it in vertList along it's normal and return the index
* @brief ObjModel::getNewVertex
* @param e the edge
* @param currFace the current triangle containing the edge e
* @param vertList the list of vertices
* @param indices the list of triangles
* @param normList the list of normals associated to the vertices
* @param newVertList The list of the new vertices added so far
* @return the index of the new vertex
* @see EdgeList
idxtype getNewVertex(const edge &e, std::vector<point3d> &vertList, const std::vector<face> &mesh, EdgeList &newVertList) const;
* It parses a line of the OBJ file containing a face and it return the result.
* NB: it only recover the indices, it discard normal and texture indices
* @param toParse the string to parse in the OBJ format for a face (f v/vt/vn v/vt/vn v/vt/vn) and its variants
* @param out the 3 indices for the face
* @return true if the parse was successful
bool parseFaceString(const std::string &toParse, face &out) const;
DEPRECATED(void applyLoop(const face &t, const std::vector<point3d> &orig, std::vector<size_t> &valence, std::vector<point3d> &dest) const);