2023-06-22 20:30:57 +02:00

564 lines
22 KiB

* @file ObjModel.cpp
* @author Simone Gasparini <>
* @version 1.0
* @section LICENSE
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* @section DESCRIPTION
* Simple Class to load and draw 3D objects from OBJ files
* Using triangles and normals as static object. No texture mapping.
* OBJ files must be triangulated!!!
#include "ObjModel.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
//#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
* Load the OBJ data from file
* @param filename The name of the OBJ file
* @return 0 if everything went well
int ObjModel::load(char *filename)
string line;
ifstream objFile(filename);
// If obj file is open, continue
if (objFile.is_open())
// Start reading file data
while (!objFile.eof())
// Get a line from file
getline(objFile, line);
// If the first character is a simple 'v'...
// PRINTVAR( line );
if ((line.c_str()[0] == 'v') && (line.c_str()[1] == ' ')) // to drop all the vn and vn lines
// PRINTVAR( line );
// Read 3 floats from the line: X Y Z and store them in the corresponding place in _vertices
point3d p;
sscanf(line.c_str(), "v %f %f %f ", &p.x, &p.y, &p.z);
// add the new point to the list of the vertices
// and its normal to the list of normals: for the time
// being it is a [0, 0 ,0] normal.
_normals.push_back((vec3d){0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f});
// update the bounding box, if it is the first vertex simply
// set the bb to it
if (_vertices.size() == 1)
// otherwise add the point
// If the first character is a 'f'...
if (line.c_str()[0] == 'f')
face t;
const auto ok = parseFaceString(line, t);
if (!ok)
throw std::runtime_error("Error while reading line: " + line);
// correct the indices: OBJ starts counting from 1, in C the arrays starts at 0...
sscanf(line.c_str(), "v %d %d %d", &t.v1, &t.v2, &t.v3);
// add it to the mesh
// Compute the normal of the face
vec3d n;
computeNormal(_vertices[t.v1], _vertices[t.v2], _vertices[t.v3], n);
// Sum the normal of the face to each vertex normal
_normals[t.v1] += n * angleAtVertex(_vertices[t.v1], _vertices[t.v2], _vertices[t.v3]);
_normals[t.v2] += n * angleAtVertex(_vertices[t.v2], _vertices[t.v1], _vertices[t.v3]);
_normals[t.v3] += n * angleAtVertex(_vertices[t.v3], _vertices[t.v2], _vertices[t.v1]);
cerr << "Found :\n\tNumber of triangles (_indices) " << _mesh.size() << "\n\tNumber of Vertices: " << _vertices.size() << "\n\tNumber of Normals: " << _normals.size() << endl;
// PRINTVAR( _mesh );
// PRINTVAR( _vertices );
// PRINTVAR( _normals );
// normalize the normals of each vertex
for (vec3d n : _normals)
// PRINTVAR( _normals );
// Close OBJ file
cout << "Unable to open file";
cout << "Object loaded with " << _vertices.size() << " vertices and " << _mesh.size() << " faces" << endl;
cout << "Bounding box : pmax=" << _bb.pmax << " pmin=" << _bb.pmin << endl;
return 0;
* Draw the wireframe of the model
* @param vertices The list of vertices
* @param mesh The mesh as a list of faces, each face is a tripleIndex of vertex indices
* @param params The rendering parameters
void ObjModel::drawWireframe(const std::vector<point3d> &vertices, const std::vector<face> &mesh, const RenderingParameters &params) const
// we first need to disable the lighting in order to
// draw colored segments
// if we are displaying the object with colored faces
if (params.solid)
// use black ticker lines
glColor3f(0, 0, 0);
// otherwise use white thinner lines for wireframe only
glColor3f(.8, .8, .8);
// for each face of the mesh...
for (auto &f : mesh)
// draw the contour of the face as a GL_LINE_LOOP
glVertex3f(vertices[f.v1].x, vertices[f.v1].y, vertices[f.v1].z);
glVertex3f(vertices[f.v2].x, vertices[f.v2].y, vertices[f.v2].z);
glVertex3f(vertices[f.v3].x, vertices[f.v3].y, vertices[f.v3].z);
// re-enable the lighting
* Calculate the normal of a triangular face defined by three points
* @param[in] v1 the first vertex
* @param[in] v2 the second vertex
* @param[in] v3 the third vertex
* @param[out] norm the normal
void ObjModel::computeNormal(const point3d &v1, const point3d &v2, const point3d &v3, vec3d &norm) const
// compute the cross product between two edges of the triangular face
norm = (v2 - v1).cross(v3 - v1);
// remember to normalize the result
* Draw the faces using the computed normal of each face
* @param vertices The list of vertices
* @param mesh The list of face, each face containing the indices of the vertices
* @param params The rendering parameters
void ObjModel::drawFlatFaces(const std::vector<point3d> &vertices, const std::vector<face> &mesh, const RenderingParameters &params) const
// shading model to use
if (params.smooth)
// for each face
std::vector<face> subList(&mesh[params.slice], &mesh[params.slice + 1]);
for (auto &f : mesh)
// Compute the normal to the face and then draw the
// faces as GL_TRIANGLES assigning the proper normal
vec3d normal;
computeNormal(vertices[f.v1], vertices[f.v2], vertices[f.v3], normal);
glNormal3f(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
glVertex3f(vertices[f.v1].x, vertices[f.v1].y, vertices[f.v1].z);
glVertex3f(vertices[f.v2].x, vertices[f.v2].y, vertices[f.v2].z);
glVertex3f(vertices[f.v3].x, vertices[f.v3].y, vertices[f.v3].z);
* Draw the model using the vertex indices
* @param vertices The vertices
* @param indices The list of the faces, each face containing the 3 indices of the vertices
* @param vertexNormals The list of normals associated to each vertex
* @param params The rendering parameters
void ObjModel::drawSmoothFaces(const std::vector<point3d> &vertices,
const std::vector<face> &mesh,
std::vector<vec3d> &vertexNormals,
const RenderingParameters &params) const
if (params.smooth)
// Enable vertex arrays
// Enable normal arrays
// Normal pointer to normal array
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, &vertexNormals[0]);
// Vertex pointer to Vertex array
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &vertices[0]);
// Draw the faces
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 3 * mesh.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &mesh[0]);
// Disable vertex arrays
// Disable normal arrays
* Compute the subdivision of the input mesh by applying one step of the Loop algorithm
* @param[in] origVert The list of the input vertices
* @param[in] origMesh The input mesh (the vertex indices for each face/triangle)
* @param[out] destVert The list of the new vertices for the subdivided mesh
* @param[out] destMesh The new subdivided mesh (the vertex indices for each face/triangle)
* @param[out] destNorm The new list of normals for each new vertex of the subdivided mesh
void ObjModel::loopSubdivision(const std::vector<point3d> &origVert, //!< the original vertices
const std::vector<face> &origMesh, //!< the original mesh
std::vector<point3d> &destVert, //!< the new vertices
std::vector<face> &destMesh, //!< the new mesh
std::vector<vec3d> &destNorm) const //!< the new normals
// copy the original vertices in destVert
destVert = origVert;
// start fresh with the new mesh
// PRINTVAR(destVert);
// PRINTVAR(origVert);
// create a list of the new vertices creates with the reference to the edge
EdgeList newVertices;
// for each face
for (auto &f : origMesh)
// get the indices of the triangle vertices
int v1 = f.v1;
int v2 = f.v2;
int v3 = f.v3;
// for each edge get the index of the vertex of the midpoint using getNewVertex
const int a = getNewVertex(edge{v1, v2}, destVert, origMesh, newVertices);
const int b = getNewVertex(edge{v2, v3}, destVert, origMesh, newVertices);
const int c = getNewVertex(edge{v3, v1}, destVert, origMesh, newVertices);
// create the four new triangles
// v2
// /\
// / \
// / \
// a ---- b
// / \ /\
// / \ / \
// / \ / \
// v1 ---- c ---- v3
// the original triangle was v1-v2-v3, use the same clock-wise order for the other
// hence v1-a-c, a-b-c and so on
destMesh.push_back(face{v1, a, c});
destMesh.push_back(face{a, v2, b});
destMesh.push_back(face{c, b, v3});
destMesh.push_back(face{a, b, c});
// Update each "old" vertex using the Loop coefficients. A smart way to do
// so is to think in terms of faces than the single vertex: for each face
// we update each of the 3 vertices using the Loop formula wrt the other 2 and
// sum it to a temporary copy tmp of the vertices (which is initialized to
// [0 0 0] at the beginning). We also keep a record of the occurrence of each vertex.
// At then end, to get the final vertices we just need to divide each vertex
// in tmp by its occurrence
// A list containing the occurrence of each vertex
vector<size_t> occurrences(origVert.size(), 0);
// A list of the same size as origVert with all the elements initialized to [0 0 0]
vector<point3d> tmp(origVert.size());
// for each face
for (auto &f : origMesh)
// consider each of the 3 vertices:
// 1) increment its occurrence
// 2) apply Loop update with the other 2 vertices of the face
// how many times each vertex is summed in the general case...
// 1) increment occurrences
occurrences[f.v1] += 2;
occurrences[f.v2] += 2;
occurrences[f.v3] += 2;
// 2) apply Loop update
tmp[f.v1] += (destVert[f.v2] + destVert[f.v3]);
tmp[f.v2] += (destVert[f.v1] + destVert[f.v3]);
tmp[f.v3] += (destVert[f.v1] + destVert[f.v2]);
// To obtain the new vertices, divide each vertex by its occurrence value
for (int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++)
assert(occurrences[i] != 0);
destVert[i] = 5.0f / 8.0f * destVert[i] + 3.0f / 8.0f / occurrences[i] * tmp[i];
// PRINTVAR(destVert);
// redo the normals, reset and create a list of normals of the same size as
// the vertices, each normal set to [0 0 0]
destNorm = vector<vec3d>(destVert.size());
// Recompute the normals for each face
for (auto &f : destMesh)
// Calculate the normal of the triangles, it will be the same for each vertex
vec3d n;
computeNormal(destVert[f.v1], destVert[f.v2], destVert[f.v3], n);
// Sum the normal of the face to each vertex normal using the angleAtVertex as weight
destNorm[f.v1] += n * angleAtVertex(destVert[f.v1], destVert[f.v2], destVert[f.v3]);
destNorm[f.v2] += n * angleAtVertex(destVert[f.v2], destVert[f.v1], destVert[f.v3]);
destNorm[f.v3] += n * angleAtVertex(destVert[f.v3], destVert[f.v2], destVert[f.v1]);
// normalize the normals of each vertex
for (vec3d n : destNorm)
* For a given edge it returns the index of the new vertex created on its middle point.
* If such vertex already exists it just returns the its index; if it does not exist
* it creates it in vertList along it's normal and return the index
* @param[in] e the edge
* @param[in,out] vertList the list of vertices
* @param[in] mesh the list of triangles
* @param[in,out] newVertList The list of the new vertices added so far
* @return the index of the new vertex or the one that has been already created for that edge
* @see EdgeList
idxtype ObjModel::getNewVertex(const edge &e,
std::vector<point3d> &vertList,
const std::vector<face> &mesh,
EdgeList &newVertList) const
// PRINTVAR(newVertList);
// if the egde is NOT contained in the new vertex list (see EdgeList.contains() method)
if (!newVertList.contains(e))
// generate new index (vertex.size)
int newIndex = vertList.size();
// add the edge and index to the newVertList
newVertList.add(e, newIndex);
// generate new vertex
point3d nvert; //!< this will contain the new vertex
idxtype oppV1; //!< the index of the first "opposite" vertex
idxtype oppV2; //!< the index of the second "opposite" vertex (if it exists)
// check if it is a boundary edge, ie check if there is another triangle
// sharing this edge and if so get the index of its "opposite" vertex
if (!isBoundaryEdge(e, mesh, oppV1, oppV2))
// if it is not a boundary edge create the new vertex
// the new vertex is the linear combination of the two extrema of
// the edge V1 and V2 and the two opposite vertices oppV1 and oppV2
// Using the loop coefficient the new vertex is
// nvert = 3/8 (V1+V2) + 1/8(oppV1 + oppV2)
nvert = 3.0f / 8.0f * (vertList[e.first] + vertList[e.second]) + 1.0f / 8.0f * (vertList[oppV1] + vertList[oppV2]);
// otherwise it is a boundary edge then the vertex is the linear combination of the
// two extrema
nvert = 0.5f * vertList[e.first] + 0.5f * vertList[e.second];
// append the new vertex to the list of vertices
// return the index of the new vertex
return newIndex;
// else we don't need to do anything, just return the associated index of the
// already existing vertex
// get and return the index of the vertex
return newVertList.getIndex(e);
// this is just to avoid compilation errors at the beginning
// execution should normally never reach here
// the return instructions go inside each branch of the if - else above
std::cerr << "WARNING: the subdivision may not be implemented correctly" << std::endl;
return 0;
#include "ObjModel.cxx"