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2021-11-24 17:23:17 +00:00
(* Type des opérateurs binaires *)
type binary =
| Add
| Substract
| Or
| Multiply
| Divide
| And
| Equal
| Different
| Lesser
| LesserEqual
| Greater
| GreaterEqual
(*Type des opérateurs unaires *)
type unary =
| Negate
(*Type pour la construction de l'arbre abstrait (Abstract Syntaxic Tree) *)
type ast =
| FunctionNode of string * ast
| CallNode of ast * ast
| IfthenelseNode of ast * ast * ast
| LetNode of string * ast * ast
| LetrecNode of string * ast * ast
| AccessNode of string
| IntegerNode of int
| BinaryNode of binary * ast * ast
| UnaryNode of unary * ast
| TrueNode
| FalseNode
(* string_of_binary : binary -> string *)
(* Convertit un opérateur binaire en une chaine de caractères en vue de son affichage *)
let string_of_binary op = match op with
| Equal -> " = "
| Different -> " != "
| Lesser -> " < "
| Greater -> " > "
| LesserEqual -> " <= "
| GreaterEqual -> " => "
| Add -> " + "
| Substract -> " - "
| Or -> " || "
| Multiply -> " * "
| Divide -> " / "
| And -> " && "
(* string_of_unary : unary -> string *)
(* Convertit un opérateur unaire en une chaine de caractères en vue de son affichage *)
let string_of_unary op = match op with
| Negate -> "- "
(* paren : string -> string *)
(* Met une chaîne de charactères entre parenthèses *)
let paren s = "(" ^ s ^ ")"
(* string_of_ast : ast -> string *)
(* Convertit un ast en une chaine de caractères en vue de son affichage *)
let rec string_of_ast tree =
match tree with
| FunctionNode (par, body) ->
paren ("fun " ^ par ^ " -> " ^ string_of_ast body)
| CallNode (func, par) ->
paren (string_of_ast func ^ " " ^ string_of_ast par)
| IfthenelseNode (cond, bthen, belse) ->
paren ("if " ^ string_of_ast cond
^ " then " ^ string_of_ast bthen
^ " else " ^ string_of_ast belse)
| LetNode (id, blet, bin) ->
paren ("let " ^ id ^ " = " ^ string_of_ast blet ^ " in " ^ string_of_ast bin)
| LetrecNode (id, blet, bin) ->
paren ("let rec " ^ id ^ " = " ^ string_of_ast blet ^ " in " ^ string_of_ast bin)
| AccessNode name -> name
| IntegerNode value -> string_of_int value
| BinaryNode (op, left, right) ->
paren (string_of_ast left ^ string_of_binary op ^ string_of_ast right)
| UnaryNode (op, expr) ->
paren (string_of_unary op ^ string_of_ast expr)
| TrueNode -> "true"
| FalseNode -> "false"