feat: ca marche 1 PE

This commit is contained in:
gdamms 2022-10-17 15:51:37 +02:00
parent 0329b83aa6
commit 0c79065d11

View file

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
import io
from types import NoneType
from math import floor
import obja.obja as obja
import numpy as np
import argparse
from time import time
from rich.progress import track, Progress
from rich.progress import track
def cot(x: float):
sin_x = np.sin(x)
@ -20,6 +22,55 @@ def sliding_window(l: list, n: int = 2):
return res
class Edge:
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = min(a, b)
self.b = max(a, b)
self.face1 = None
self.face2 = None
self.fold = 0.0
self.curvature = 0.0
def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool:
return self.a == __o.a and self.b == __o.b
class Face:
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
self.normal = np.zeros(3)
def to_obja(self):
return obja.Face(self.a, self.b, self.c)
def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool:
if __o is None:
return False
return self.a == __o.a and self.b == __o.b and self.c == __o.c
class Vertex:
def __init__(self, pos):
self.pos = pos
self.vertex_ring = []
self.face_ring = []
self.normal = np.zeros(3)
self.area = 0.0
self.curvature = 0.0
def to_obja(self):
return self.pos
class MAPS(obja.Model):
@ -29,7 +80,100 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
def __init__(self):
self.deleted_faces = set()
def parse_file(self, path):
for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices):
self.vertices[i] = Vertex(vertex)
for i, face in enumerate(self.faces):
self.faces[i] = Face(face.a, face.b, face.c)
def update(self):
def update_edges(self):
self.edges = {}
remaining_faces = self.faces.copy()
while None in remaining_faces:
for face in track(self.faces, description='Update edges'):
if face is None:
for a, b in sliding_window([face.a, face.b, face.c], n=2):
new_edge = Edge(a, b)
if self.edges.get(f"{new_edge.a}:{new_edge.b}") is None:
new_edge.face1 = face
if face in remaining_faces:
for face2 in remaining_faces:
face2_vertices = (face2.a, face2.b, face2.c)
if not (a in face2_vertices and b in face2_vertices):
new_edge.face2 = face2
if new_edge.face2 is None:
self.edges[f"{new_edge.a}:{new_edge.b}"] = new_edge
def update_rings(self):
for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices):
if vertex is None:
vertex_ring, face_ring = self.one_ring(i)
vertex.vertex_ring = vertex_ring
vertex.face_ring = face_ring
def update_area_curvature(self):
for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices):
if vertex is None:
area, curvature = self.compute_area_curvature(i)
vertex.area = area
vertex.curvature = curvature
self.feature_edges = []
for edge in self.edges.values():
edge.fold = np.dot(edge.face1.normal, edge.face2.normal)
if edge.fold < 0.5:
def update_normals(self):
for face in self.faces:
if face is None:
p1 = self.vertices[face.a].pos
p2 = self.vertices[face.b].pos
p3 = self.vertices[face.c].pos
u = p2 - p1
v = p3 - p1
n = np.cross(u, v)
n /= np.linalg.norm(n)
face.normal = n
self.vertices[face.a].normal += n
self.vertices[face.b].normal += n
self.vertices[face.c].normal += n
for vertex in self.vertices:
if vertex is None:
norm = np.linalg.norm(vertex.normal)
if norm != 0:
vertex.normal /= norm
def one_ring(self, index: int) -> tuple[list[int], list[int]]:
""" Return the corresponding 1-ring
@ -40,11 +184,13 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
list[int]: ordered list of the 1-ring vertices
if self.vertices[index] is None:
return None, None
# Find the 1-ring faces
ring_faces, ring_face_indices = [], []
for face_index, face in enumerate(self.faces):
if face == None:
if face is None:
if index in (face.a, face.b, face.c):
@ -52,7 +198,9 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
# Initialize the ring
start_index = ring_faces[0].a if ring_faces[0].a != index else ring_faces[0].b
start_index = (ring_faces[0].a if ring_faces[0].a != index and ring_faces[0].c != index else
ring_faces[0].b if ring_faces[0].a != index and ring_faces[0].b != index else
ring = [start_index]
@ -79,7 +227,7 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
return ring, ring_face_indices
def compute_area_curvature(self, index: int) -> tuple[float, float, int]:
def compute_area_curvature(self, index: int) -> tuple[float, float]:
""" Compute area and curvature the corresponding 1-ring
@ -88,15 +236,20 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
tuple[float, float]: area and curvature
area_sum = 0
laplace_sum = 0
one_ring_vertices, _ = self.one_ring(index)
if self.vertices[index] is None:
return None, None
teta = 0.0
p1 = self.vertices[index] # the center of the one-ring
for index1, index2, index3 in sliding_window(one_ring_vertices, n=3):
p2 = self.vertices[index1] # the second vertice of the triangle
p3 = self.vertices[index2] # the third vertice of the triangle
ring = self.vertices[index].vertex_ring
p1 = self.vertices[index].pos
n1 = self.vertices[index].normal
area_sum = 0
curvature = 0
for index1, index2 in sliding_window(ring, n=2):
# the second vertice of the triangle
p2 = self.vertices[index1].pos
p3 = self.vertices[index2].pos # the third vertice of the triangle
n2 = self.vertices[index1].normal
M = np.array([ # build the matrix, used to compute the area
[p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]],
[p1[1], p2[1], p3[1]],
@ -105,24 +258,17 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
area = abs(np.linalg.det(M) / 2) # compute the area
area_sum += area
teta += self.compute_angle(index1, index, index2)
edge_curvature = np.dot(n2 - n1, p2 - p1) / \
np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1)**2
edge_curvature = abs(edge_curvature)
edge_key = f"{min(index, index1)}:{max(index, index1)}"
self.edges[edge_key].curvature = edge_curvature
laplace = self.compute_laplace(index, index1, index2, index3)
laplace_sum += laplace
curvature += edge_curvature
K = (2 * np.pi - teta) / area * 3
H = np.linalg.norm(laplace_sum) / 4 / area * 3
curvature = abs(H - np.sqrt(H*H - K)) + abs(H + np.sqrt(H*H - K))
curvature = K
curvature /= len(ring)
return area_sum, curvature, len(one_ring_vertices)
def compute_laplace(self, i: int, j: int, a: int, b: int) -> np.ndarray:
alpha = self.compute_angle(i, a, j)
beta = self.compute_angle(i, b, j)
cot_sum = cot(alpha) + cot(beta)
vec = self.vertices[j] - self.vertices[i]
return cot_sum * vec
return area_sum, curvature
def compute_priority(self, lamb: float = 0.0, max_length: int = 12) -> list[float]:
""" Compute selection priority of vertices (0.0 -> hight priority ; 1.0 -> low priority)
@ -134,33 +280,25 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
list[float]: priority values
# Compute area and curvature for each vertex
areas, curvatures, ring_lengths = [], [], []
for i in range(len(self.vertices)):
if type(self.vertices[i]) != NoneType:
area, curvature, ring_length = self.compute_area_curvature(i)
area, curvature, ring_length = -1.0, -1.0, None
# Get maxes to normalize
max_area = max(areas)
max_curvature = max(curvatures)
max_area = max(
[vertex.area for vertex in self.vertices if vertex is not None])
max_curvature = max(
[vertex.curvature for vertex in self.vertices if vertex is not None])
# Compute priorities
priorities = []
for a, k, l in zip(areas, curvatures, ring_lengths):
if l != None and l <= max_length:
for vertex in self.vertices:
if vertex is not None and len(vertex.vertex_ring) < max_length:
# Compute priority
priority = lamb * a / max_area + \
(1.0 - lamb) * k / max_curvature
priority = (
lamb * vertex.area / max_area +
(1.0 - lamb) * vertex.curvature / max_curvature
# Vertex with low priority
priority = 2.0
# return np.random.rand(len(priorities))
return priorities
def select_vertices(self) -> list[int]:
@ -169,38 +307,50 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
list[int]: selected vertices
print("Selecting vertices...")
# Order vertices by priority
priorities = self.compute_priority()
vertices = [i[0]
for i in sorted(enumerate(priorities), key=lambda p: p[1])]
selected_vertices = []
while len(vertices) > 0:
# Select prefered vertex
vertex = vertices.pop(0) # remove it from remaining vertices
if priorities[vertex] == 2.0:
# Remove neighbors
# for face in remaining_faces:
for face in self.faces:
if face == None:
with Progress() as progress:
task = progress.add_task('Select vertices', total=len(vertices))
while not progress.finished:
# Select prefered vertex
vertex = vertices.pop(0) # remove it from remaining vertices
if priorities[vertex] == 2.0:
face_vertices = (face.a, face.b, face.c)
if vertex in face_vertices:
incident_count = 0
for feature_edge in self.feature_edges:
if vertex in (feature_edge.a, feature_edge.b):
incident_count += 1
# Remove face and face's vertices form remainings
# remaining_faces.remove(face)
for face_vertex in face_vertices:
if face_vertex in vertices:
if incident_count > 2:
print("Vertices selected.")
return selected_vertices
# Remove neighbors
# for face in remaining_faces:
for face in self.faces:
if face is None:
face_vertices = (face.a, face.b, face.c)
if vertex in face_vertices:
# Remove face and face's vertices form remainings
# remaining_faces.remove(face)
for face_vertex in face_vertices:
if face_vertex in vertices:
return selected_vertices[:floor(1.0 * len(selected_vertices))]
def project_polar(self, index: int) -> list[np.ndarray]:
""" Flatten the 1-ring to retriangulate
@ -211,11 +361,12 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
list[np.ndarray]: list the cartesian coordinates of the flattened 1-ring projected in the plane
ring, _ = self.one_ring(index)
ring = self.vertices[index].vertex_ring
radius, angles = [], []
teta = 0.0 # cumulated angles
for index1, index2 in sliding_window(ring):
r = np.linalg.norm(self.vertices[index] - self.vertices[index1])
r = np.linalg.norm(
self.vertices[index].pos - self.vertices[index1].pos)
teta += self.compute_angle(index1, index, index2) # add new angle
@ -236,9 +387,9 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
float: angle defined by the three points
a = self.vertices[i]
b = self.vertices[j]
c = self.vertices[k]
a = self.vertices[i].pos
b = self.vertices[j].pos
c = self.vertices[k].pos
u = a - b
v = c - b
u /= np.linalg.norm(u)
@ -256,45 +407,88 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
tuple[list[obja.Face], int]: list the triangles
polygon, ring = self.project_polar(index)
polygon_, ring_ = self.project_polar(index)
main_v = []
for i, r in enumerate(ring_):
for feature_edge in self.feature_edges:
feat_edge_vertices = (feature_edge.a, feature_edge.b)
if r in feat_edge_vertices and index in feat_edge_vertices:
if len(main_v) < 2:
polygons_rings = [(polygon_, ring_)]
v1 = ring_[main_v[0]]
v2 = ring_[main_v[1]]
ring1, ring2 = [], []
polygon1, polygon2, = [], []
start = ring_.index(v1)
while ring_[start] != v2:
start += 1
start %= len(ring_)
start = ring_.index(v2)
while ring_[start] != v1:
start += 1
start %= len(ring_)
polygons_rings = [(polygon1, ring1), (polygon2, ring2)]
faces = [] # the final list of faces
indices = [(local_i, global_i)
for local_i, global_i in enumerate(ring)] # remainging vertices
for polygon, ring in polygons_rings:
node_index = 0
while len(indices) > 2:
# Extract indices
local_i, global_i = indices[node_index - 1]
local_j, global_j = indices[node_index]
local_k, global_k = indices[node_index + 1]
indices = [(local_i, global_i)
for local_i, global_i in enumerate(ring)] # remainging vertices
# Extract verticies
prev_vert = polygon[local_i]
curr_vert = polygon[local_j]
next_vert = polygon[local_k]
node_index = 0
cycle_counter = 0
while len(indices) > 2:
# Extract indices
local_i, global_i = indices[node_index - 1]
local_j, global_j = indices[node_index]
local_k, global_k = indices[node_index + 1]
is_convex = MAPS.is_convex(prev_vert, curr_vert, next_vert)
is_ear = True
if is_convex: # the triangle needs to be convext to be an ear
# Begin with the point next to the triangle
test_node_index = (node_index + 2) % len(indices)
while indices[test_node_index][0] != local_i and is_ear:
test_vert = polygon[indices[test_node_index][0]]
is_ear = not MAPS.is_inside(prev_vert,
test_node_index = (test_node_index + 1) % len(indices)
is_ear = False
# Extract verticies
prev_vert = polygon[local_i]
curr_vert = polygon[local_j]
next_vert = polygon[local_k]
if is_ear:
faces.append(obja.Face(global_i, global_j, global_k))
indices.pop(node_index) # remove the point from the ring
is_convex = MAPS.is_convex(prev_vert, curr_vert, next_vert)
is_ear = True
if is_convex or cycle_counter > len(indices): # the triangle needs to be convext to be an ear
# Begin with the point next to the triangle
test_node_index = (node_index + 2) % len(indices)
while indices[test_node_index][0] != local_i and is_ear:
test_vert = polygon[indices[test_node_index][0]]
is_ear = not MAPS.is_inside(prev_vert,
test_node_index = (test_node_index + 1) % len(indices)
is_ear = False
cycle_counter += 1
node_index = (node_index + 2) % len(indices) - 1
if is_ear:
faces.append(Face(global_i, global_j, global_k))
indices.pop(node_index) # remove the point from the ring
cycle_counter = 0
node_index = (node_index + 2) % len(indices) - 1
return faces
@ -353,26 +547,36 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
# Check if point is in triangle
return (u >= 0) and (v >= 0) and (u + v < 1)
def truc(self, output):
priorities = self.compute_priority()
min_p = min(priorities)
priorities = [p - min_p for p in priorities]
max_p = max(priorities)
# colors = [priorities[face.a] + priorities[face.b] + priorities[face.c] for face in self.faces]
# min_c = min(colors)
# colors = [c - min_c for c in colors]
# max_c = max(colors)
# min_p = min(priorities)
# priorities = [p - min_p for p in priorities]
# max_p = max(priorities)
colors = [priorities[face.a] + priorities[face.b] +
priorities[face.c] if face is not None else 0.0 for face in self.faces]
min_c = min(colors)
colors = [c - min_c for c in colors]
max_c = max(colors)
operations = []
for i, face in enumerate(self.faces):
if face != None:
# r, g, b = colors[i] / max_c, 1.0, 1.0
# operations.append(('fc', i, (r, g, b)))
r, g, b = colors[i] / max_c, 1.0, 1.0
c = 0
for x in (face.a, face.b, face.c):
for feature_edge in self.feature_edges:
if x in feature_edge:
c += 1
if c > 1:
r, g, b = 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
operations.append(('fc', i, (r, g, b), 0, 0, 0))
operations.append(('af', i, face, 0, 0, 0))
for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices):
if type(vertex) != NoneType:
r, g, b = priorities[i] / max_p , 1.0, 1.0
operations.append(('av', i, vertex, r, g, b))
if vertex is None:
# r, g, b = priorities[i] / max_p , 1.0, 1.0
operations.append(('av', i, vertex, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
# Write the result in output file
@ -396,8 +600,7 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
def contract(self, output: io.TextIOWrapper) -> None:
def compress(self, output: io.TextIOWrapper, final_only: bool) -> None:
""" Compress the 3d model
@ -406,41 +609,45 @@ class MAPS(obja.Model):
operations = []
# while len(self.vertices) > 64:
for i in range(1):
for _ in range(2):
selected_vertices = self.select_vertices() # find the set of vertices to remove
for vertex in track(selected_vertices, description="compression"):
# print(f" {len(selected_vertices)} ", end='\r')
for v_index in track(selected_vertices, description="Compression"):
# Extract ring faces
_, ring_faces = self.one_ring(vertex)
ring_faces = self.vertices[v_index].face_ring
# Apply retriangulation algorithm
faces = self.clip_ear(vertex)
faces = self.clip_ear(v_index)
# Edit the first faces
for i in range(len(faces)):
# operations.append(
# ('ef', ring_faces[i], self.faces[ring_faces[i]]))
if not final_only:
('ef', ring_faces[i], self.faces[ring_faces[i]].to_obja()))
self.faces[ring_faces[i]] = faces[i]
# Remove the last faces
for i in range(len(faces), len(ring_faces)):
# operations.append(
# ('af', ring_faces[i], self.faces[ring_faces[i]]))
if not final_only:
('af', ring_faces[i], self.faces[ring_faces[i]].to_obja()))
self.faces[ring_faces[i]] = None
# Remove the vertex
# operations.append(('av', vertex, self.vertices[vertex]))
self.vertices[vertex] = None
if not final_only:
('av', v_index, self.vertices[v_index].to_obja()))
self.vertices[v_index] = None
# Register remaining vertices and faces
for i, face in enumerate(self.faces):
if face != None:
operations.append(('af', i, face))
for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices):
if type(vertex) != NoneType:
operations.append(('av', i, vertex))
if face is not None:
operations.append(('af', i, face.to_obja()))
for i, v_index in enumerate(self.vertices):
if v_index is not None:
operations.append(('av', i, v_index.to_obja()))
# To rebuild the model, run operations in reverse order
@ -477,7 +684,9 @@ def main(args):
with open(args.output, 'w') as output:
model.compress(output, args.final)
# with open(args.output, 'w') as output:
# model.truc(output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -485,6 +694,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('-f', '--final', type=bool, default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()