feat: compress marche

This commit is contained in:
gdamms 2022-10-03 13:31:38 +02:00
parent 29fd8e4549
commit d1ccfc40be
2 changed files with 429 additions and 265 deletions

main.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
import io
from types import NoneType
import obja.obja as obja
import numpy as np
import argparse
def sliding_window(l: list):
head = l[:-1]
tail = l[1:]
return zip(head, tail)
class MAPS(obja.Model):
obja (_type_): _description_
def __init__(self):
self.deleted_faces = set()
def one_ring(self, index: int) -> tuple[list[int], list[int]]:
""" Return the corresponding 1-ring
index (int): index of the 1-ring's main vertex
list[int]: ordered list of the 1-ring vertices
# Find the 1-ring faces
ring_faces, ring_face_indices = [], []
for face_index, face in enumerate(self.faces):
if face == None:
if index in (face.a, face.b, face.c):
# Initialize the ring
start_index = ring_faces[0].a if ring_faces[0].a != index else ring_faces[0].b
ring = [start_index]
# Select the indexes of the ring in the right order
while len(ring_faces) > 0:
broke = False
prev_index = ring[-1]
for i, face in enumerate(ring_faces):
if prev_index in (face.a, face.b, face.c):
# Found the face that correspond to the next vertex
current_index = ( # select the next vertex from the face
face.a if face.a != index and face.a != prev_index else
face.b if face.b != index and face.b != prev_index else
broke = True
if not broke:
raise ValueError(
f"Vertex {prev_index} is not in the remaining faces {ring_faces}. Origin {ring} on {index}")
return ring, ring_face_indices
def compute_area_curvature(self, index: int) -> tuple[float, float, int]:
""" Compute area and curvature the corresponding 1-ring
index (int): index of the 1-ring's main vertex
tuple[float, float]: area and curvature
area_sum = 0
curvature_sum = 0
one_ring_vertices, _ = self.one_ring(index)
p1 = self.vertices[index] # the center of the one-ring
for index2, index3 in sliding_window(one_ring_vertices):
p2 = self.vertices[index2] # the second vertice of the triangle
p3 = self.vertices[index3] # the third vertice of the triangle
M = np.array([ # build the matrix, used to compute the area
[p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]],
[p1[1], p2[1], p3[1]],
[p1[2], p2[2], p3[2]],
area = abs(np.linalg.det(M) / 2) # compute the area
area_sum += area
curvature = 4 * area / ( # compute the curvature
np.linalg.norm(p1-p2) *
np.linalg.norm(p2-p3) *
curvature_sum += curvature
return area_sum, curvature_sum, len(one_ring_vertices)
def compute_priority(self, lamb: float = 0.5, max_length: int = 12) -> list[float]:
""" Compute selection priority of vertices (0 -> hight priority ; 1 -> low priority)
lamb (float, optional): convex combination factor. Defaults to 0.5.
max_length (int, optional): 1-ring maximum length to be prioritary. Defaults to 12.
list[float]: priority values
# Compute area and curvature for each vertex
areas, curvatures, ring_lengths = [], [], []
for i in range(len(self.vertices)):
if type(self.vertices[i]) != NoneType:
area, curvature, ring_length = self.compute_area_curvature(i)
area, curvature, ring_length = -1.0, -1.0, None
# Get maxes to normalize
max_area = max(areas)
max_curvature = max(curvatures)
# Compute priorities
priorities = []
for a, k, l in zip(areas, curvatures, ring_lengths):
if l != None and l <= max_length:
# Compute priority
priority = lamb * a / max_area + \
(1.0 - lamb) * k / max_curvature
# Vertex with low priority
priority = 2.0
return priorities
def select_vertices(self) -> list[int]:
""" Select vertices for the current level reduction
list[int]: selected vertices
print("Selecting vertices...")
# Order vertices by priority
priorities = self.compute_priority()
vertices = [i[0]
for i in sorted(enumerate(priorities), key=lambda p: p[1])]
selected_vertices = []
while len(vertices) > 0:
# Select prefered vertex
vertex = vertices.pop(0) # remove it from remaining vertices
if priorities[vertex] == 2.0:
# Remove neighbors
# for face in remaining_faces:
for face in self.faces:
if face == None:
face_vertices = (face.a, face.b, face.c)
if vertex in face_vertices:
# Remove face and face's vertices form remainings
# remaining_faces.remove(face)
for face_vertex in face_vertices:
if face_vertex in vertices:
for ver in selected_vertices:
ring, _ = self.one_ring(ver)
for v in selected_vertices:
for r in ring:
if r == v:
print("Vertices selected.")
return selected_vertices
def project_polar(self, index: int) -> list[np.ndarray]:
""" Flatten the 1-ring to retriangulate
index (int): main vertex of the 1-ring
list[np.ndarray]: list the cartesian coordinates of the flattened 1-ring projected in the plane
ring, _ = self.one_ring(index)
radius, angles = [], []
teta = 0.0 # cumulated angles
for index1, index2 in sliding_window(ring + [ring[0]]):
r = np.linalg.norm(self.vertices[index] - self.vertices[index1])
teta += self.compute_angle(index1, index, index2) # add new angle
angles = [2 * np.pi * a / teta for a in angles] # normalize angles
coordinates = [np.array([r * np.cos(a), r * np.sin(a)])
for r, a in zip(radius, angles)] # parse polar to cartesian
return coordinates, ring
def compute_angle(self, i: int, j: int, k: int) -> float:
""" Calculate the angle defined by three points
i (int): previous index
j (int): central index
k (int): next index
float: angle defined by the three points
a = self.vertices[i]
b = self.vertices[j]
c = self.vertices[k]
u = a - b
v = c - b
u /= np.linalg.norm(u)
v /= np.linalg.norm(v)
res = np.dot(u, v)
return np.arccos(np.clip(res, -1, 1))
def clip_ear(self, index: int) -> tuple[list[obja.Face], int]:
""" Retriangulate a polygon using the ear clipping algorithm
index (int): index of 1-ring
tuple[list[obja.Face], int]: list the triangles
polygon, ring = self.project_polar(index)
faces = [] # the final list of faces
indices = [(local_i, global_i)
for local_i, global_i in enumerate(ring)] # remainging vertices
node_index = 0
while len(indices) > 2:
# Extract indices
local_i, global_i = indices[node_index - 1]
local_j, global_j = indices[node_index]
local_k, global_k = indices[node_index + 1]
# Extract verticies
prev_vert = polygon[local_i]
curr_vert = polygon[local_j]
next_vert = polygon[local_k]
is_convex = MAPS.is_convex(prev_vert, curr_vert, next_vert)
is_ear = True
if is_convex: # the triangle needs to be convext to be an ear
# Begin with the point next to the triangle
test_node_index = (node_index + 2) % len(indices)
while indices[test_node_index][0] != local_i and is_ear:
test_vert = polygon[indices[test_node_index][0]]
is_ear = not MAPS.is_inside(prev_vert,
test_node_index = (test_node_index + 1) % len(indices)
is_ear = False
if is_ear:
faces.append(obja.Face(global_i, global_j, global_k))
indices.pop(node_index) # remove the point from the ring
node_index = (node_index + 2) % len(indices) - 1
return faces
def is_convex(prev_vert: np.ndarray, curr_vert: np.ndarray, next_vert: np.ndarray) -> bool:
""" Check if the angle less than pi
prev_vert (np.ndarray): first point
curr_vert (np.ndarray): middle point
next_vert (np.ndarray): last point
bool: angle smaller than pi
a = prev_vert - curr_vert
b = next_vert - curr_vert
dot = a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1]
det = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0]
angle = np.arctan2(det, dot)
if angle < 0.0:
angle = 2.0 * np.pi + angle
internal_angle = angle
return internal_angle >= np.pi
def is_inside(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, c: np.ndarray, p: np.ndarray) -> bool:
""" Check if p is in the triangle a b c
a (np.ndarray): point one
b (np.ndarray): point two
c (np.ndarray): point three
p (np.ndarray): point to check
bool: if the point to check is in a b c
# Compute vectors
v0 = c - a
v1 = b - a
v2 = p - a
# Compute dot products
dot00 = np.dot(v0, v0)
dot01 = np.dot(v0, v1)
dot02 = np.dot(v0, v2)
dot11 = np.dot(v1, v1)
dot12 = np.dot(v1, v2)
# Compute barycentric coordinates
denom = dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01
if abs(denom) < 1e-20:
return True
invDenom = 1.0 / denom
u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom
v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom
# Check if point is in triangle
return (u >= 0) and (v >= 0) and (u + v < 1)
def contract(self, output: io.TextIOWrapper) -> None:
""" Compress the 3d model
output (io.TextIOWrapper): Output file descriptor
operations = []
# while len(self.vertices) > 64:
for i in range(16):
selected_vertices = self.select_vertices() # find the set of vertices to remove
faces_to_add, faces_to_remove = [], []
while len(selected_vertices) > 0:
vertex = selected_vertices.pop(0) # get next vertex
print(f" {len(selected_vertices)} ", end='\r')
# Extract ring faces
_, ring_faces = self.one_ring(vertex)
faces_to_remove += ring_faces
# Apply retriangulation algorithm
faces = self.clip_ear(vertex)
faces_to_add += faces
# Edit the first faces
for i in range(len(faces)):
('ef', ring_faces[i], self.faces[ring_faces[i]]))
self.faces[ring_faces[i]] = faces[i]
# Remove the last faces
for i in range(len(faces), len(ring_faces)):
('af', ring_faces[i], self.faces[ring_faces[i]]))
self.faces[ring_faces[i]] = None
# Remove the vertex
operations.append(('av', vertex, self.vertices[vertex]))
self.vertices[vertex] = None
# REgister remaining vertices and faces
for i, face in enumerate(self.faces):
if face != None:
operations.append(('af', i, face))
for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices):
if type(vertex) != NoneType:
operations.append(('av', i, vertex))
# To rebuild the model, run operations in reverse order
# Write the result in output file
output_model = obja.Output(output)
for (op, index, value) in operations:
if op == 'av':
output_model.add_vertex(index, value)
elif op == 'af':
output_model.add_face(index, value)
elif op == 'ev':
output_model.edit_vertex(index, value)
elif op == 'ef':
output_model.edit_face(index, value)
def main(args):
""" Run MAPS model compression
args (Namespace): arguments (input and output path)
model = MAPS()
with open(args.output, 'w') as output:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()

View file

@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
from sympy import RisingFactorial
from obja import obja
import numpy as np
import itertools
def sliding_window(iterable, n=2):
iterables = itertools.tee(iterable, n)
for iterable, num_skipped in zip(iterables, itertools.count()):
for _ in range(num_skipped):
next(iterable, None)
return zip(*iterables)
class MAPS(obja.Model):
obja (_type_): _description_
def __init__(self):
self.deleted_faces = set()
def one_ring(self, index: int) -> list[int]:
""" Return the corresponding 1-ring
index (int): index of the 1-ring's main vertex
list[int]: ordered list of the 1-ring vertices
# Find the 1-ring faces
ring_faces = []
for face in enumerate(self.faces):
if index in (face.a, face.b, face.c):
# Initialize the ring
start_index = ring_faces[0][0] if ring_faces[0][0] != index else ring_faces[0][1]
ring = [start_index]
# Select the indexes of the ring in the right order
while len(ring_faces) > 0:
prev_index = ring[-1]
for i, face in enumerate(ring_faces):
if prev_index in (face.a, face.b, face.c):
# Found the face that correspond to the next vertex
current_index = ( # select the next vertex from the face
face.a if face.a != index and face.a != prev_index else
face.b if face.b != index and face.b != prev_index else
return ring
def compute_area_curvature(self, index: int) -> tuple[float, float]:
""" Compute area and curvature the corresponding 1-ring
index (int): index of the 1-ring's main vertex
tuple[float, float]: area and curvature
area_sum = 0
curvature_sum = 0
one_ring_vertices = self.one_ring(index)
p1 = self.vertices[index] # the center of the one-ring
for index2, index3 in sliding_window(one_ring_vertices, 2):
p2 = self.vertices[index2] # the second vertice of the triangle
p3 = self.vertices[index3] # the third vertice of the triangle
M = np.array([ # build the matrix, used to compute the area
[p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]],
[p1[1], p2[1], p3[1]],
[p1[2], p2[2], p3[2]],
area = np.linalg.det(M) / 2 # compute the area
area_sum += area
curvature = 4 * area / ( # compute the curvature
np.linalg.norm(p1-p2) *
np.linalg.norm(p2-p3) *
curvature_sum += curvature
return area_sum, curvature_sum, len(one_ring_vertices)
def compute_priority(self, lamb: float = 0.5, max_length: int = 12) -> list[float]:
""" Compute selection priority of vertices (0 -> hight priority ; 1 -> low priority)
lamb (float, optional): convex combination factor. Defaults to 0.5.
max_length (int, optional): 1-ring maximum length to be prioritary. Defaults to 12.
list[float]: priority values
# Compute area and curvature for each vertex
areas, curvatures, ring_lengths = [], [], []
for i in range(len(self.vertices)):
area, curvature, ring_length = self.compute_area_curvature(i)
# Get maxes to normalize
max_area = max(areas)
max_curvature = max(curvatures)
# Compute priorities
priorities = []
for a, k, l in zip(areas, curvatures, ring_lengths):
if l <= max_length:
# Compute priority
priority = lamb * a / max_area + (1 - lamb) * k / max_curvature
# Vertex with low priority
priority = 1.0
return priorities
def select_vertices(self) -> list[int]:
""" Select vertices for the current level reduction
list[int]: selected vertices
remaining_faces = self.faces.copy()
# Order vertices by priority
priorities = self.compute_priority()
vertices = [i[0]
for i in sorted(enumerate(priorities), key=lambda p: p[1])]
selected_vertices = []
while len(vertices) > 0:
# Select prefered vertex
vertex = vertices.pop(0) # remove it from remaining vertices
# Remove neighbors
for face in remaining_faces:
face_vertices = (face.a, face.b, face.c)
if vertex in face_vertices:
# Remove face and face's vertices form remainings
for face_vertex in face_vertices:
if face_vertex in vertices:
return selected_vertices
def project_polar(self, index: int) -> list[np.ndarray]:
""" Flatten the 1-ring to retriangulate
index (int): main vertex of the 1-ring
list[np.ndarray]: list the cartesian coordinates of the flattened 1-ring projected in the plane
ring = self.one_ring(index)
radius, angles = [], []
teta = 0.0 # cumulated angles
for index1, index2 in sliding_window(ring, 2):
r = np.linalg.norm(self.vertices[index], self.vertices[index1])
teta += self.compute_angle(index1, index, index2) # add new angle
angles = [2 * np.pi * a / teta for a in angles] # normalize angles
coordinates = [np.array([r * np.cos(a), r * np.sin(a)])
for r, a in zip(radius, angles)] # parse polar to cartesian
return coordinates
def compute_angle(self, i: int, j: int, k: int) -> float:
""" Calculate the angle defined by three points
i (int): previous index
j (int): central index
k (int): next index
float: angle defined by the three points
a = self.vertices[i]
b = self.vertices[j]
c = self.vertices[k]
u = a - b
v = c - b
u /= np.linalg.norm(u)
v /= np.linalg.norm(v)
res = np.dot(u, v)
return np.arccos(res)
# def contract(self, output):
# """
# Decimates the model stupidly, and write the resulting obja in output.
# """
# operations = []
# for (vertex_index, vertex) in enumerate(self.vertices):
# operations.append(('ev', vertex_index, vertex + 0.25))
# # Iterate through the vertex
# for (vertex_index, vertex) in enumerate(self.vertices):
# # Iterate through the faces
# for (face_index, face) in enumerate(self.faces):
# # Delete any face related to this vertex
# if face_index not in self.deleted_faces:
# if vertex_index in [face.a,face.b,face.c]:
# self.deleted_faces.add(face_index)
# # Add the instruction to operations stack
# operations.append(('face', face_index, face))
# # Delete the vertex
# operations.append(('vertex', vertex_index, vertex))
# # To rebuild the model, run operations in reverse order
# operations.reverse()
# # Write the result in output file
# output_model = obja.Output(output, random_color=True)
# for (ty, index, value) in operations:
# if ty == "vertex":
# output_model.add_vertex(index, value)
# elif ty == "face":
# output_model.add_face(index, value)
# else:
# output_model.edit_vertex(index, value)
def main():
Runs the program on the model given as parameter.
model = MAPS()
# with open("example/suzanne.obja", "w") as output:
# model.contract(output)
if __name__ == '__main__':