import io from requests import delete from rich.progress import Progress import obja.obja as obja from object import Edge, Face, Vertex from utils import * class FixModel(Exception): pass class MAPS(obja.Model): """MAPS compression model""" def __init__(self): """MAPS constructor""" super().__init__() def parse_file(self, path: str) -> None: """Parse a file Args: path (str): path to the file """ super().parse_file(path) for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices): self.vertices[i] = Vertex(vertex) for i, face in enumerate(self.faces): self.faces[i] = Face(face.a, face.b, face.c) def update(self) -> None: """Precompute things""" # Reset progress bars self.progress.reset(self.select_task, total=len(self.vertices)) self.progress.reset(self.compress_task) # Compute usefull things self.update_rings() self.update_edges() self.update_normals() self.update_area_curvature() def fix(self) -> None: """Fix the model""" # Find a vertex with less than 3 faces for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices): if vertex is None: continue # Remove lonely vertices if len(vertex.face_ring) == 0: self.delete_vertex(i) raise FixModel # Pass if vertex has only 2 same faces if len(vertex.face_ring) != 2: continue if self.faces[vertex.face_ring[0]] != self.faces[vertex.face_ring[1]]: continue # Remove the vertex and its faces self.delete_vertex(i) # Indicate that the model has to be fixed again raise FixModel def update_edges(self) -> None: """Update edges""" self.edges: dict[str, Edge] = {} for face in self.faces: if face is None: continue # Create all edges for the face for a, b in sliding_window([face.a, face.b, face.c], n=2): new_edge = Edge(a, b) # Check if the edge already exists if f"{new_edge.a}:{new_edge.b}" in self.edges.keys(): continue new_edge.face1 = face # Find the opoosite face for face2_i in self.vertices[new_edge.a].face_ring: face2 = self.faces[face2_i] if face2 == face: continue face2_vertices = (face2.a, face2.b, face2.c) if not (a in face2_vertices and b in face2_vertices): continue new_edge.face2 = face2 break # Add the new edge to the list self.edges[f"{new_edge.a}:{new_edge.b}"] = new_edge def delete_vertex(self, index: int) -> None: """Delete a vertex and its faces Args: index (int): index of the vertex to delete """ vertex = self.vertices[index] for face in vertex.face_ring: if not self.final_only: self.operations.append( ('af', face, self.faces[face].to_obja())) self.faces[face] = None if not self.final_only: self.operations.append( ('av', index, vertex.to_obja())) self.vertices[index] = None def update_rings(self) -> None: """Update vertex and face rings""" try: for vertex in self.vertices: # Reset vertex ring if vertex is None: continue vertex.face_ring = [] # Add faces to vertex ring for i, face in enumerate(self.faces): if face is None: continue for vertex_i in (face.a, face.b, face.c): self.vertices[vertex_i].face_ring.append(i) # Fix the model self.fix() for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices): vertex = self.vertices[i] if vertex is None: continue # Compute rings ring = self.one_ring(i) vertex.vertex_ring = ring except FixModel: self.update_rings() def update_area_curvature(self) -> None: """Update area and curvature""" # Get the area and curvature of each vertex for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices): if vertex is None: continue area, curvature = self.compute_area_curvature(i) vertex.area = area vertex.curvature = curvature # Find feature edges self.feature_edges = [] for edge in self.edges.values(): if edge.face2 is None: continue edge.fold =, edge.face2.normal) if edge.fold < 0.5: self.feature_edges.append(edge) def update_normals(self) -> None: """Update normals""" for face in self.faces: if face is None: continue # Compute face normal p1 = self.vertices[face.a].pos p2 = self.vertices[face.b].pos p3 = self.vertices[face.c].pos u = p2 - p1 v = p3 - p1 n = np.cross(u, v) norm = np.linalg.norm(n) if norm != 0: n /= np.linalg.norm(n) face.normal = n # Sum vertex normal self.vertices[face.a].normal += n self.vertices[face.b].normal += n self.vertices[face.c].normal += n # Normalize vertex normals for vertex in self.vertices: if vertex is None: continue norm = np.linalg.norm(vertex.normal) if norm != 0: vertex.normal /= norm def one_ring(self, index: int) -> list[int]: """Return the corresponding 1-ring Args: index (int): index of the 1-ring's main vertex Returns: list[int]: ordered list of the 1-ring vertices """ ring_faces = [self.faces[i] for i in self.vertices[index].face_ring] # Initialize the ring start_index, revert_index = ( (ring_faces[0].c, ring_faces[0].b) if ring_faces[0].a == index else (ring_faces[0].a, ring_faces[0].c) if ring_faces[0].b == index else (ring_faces[0].b, ring_faces[0].a) ) ring = [start_index] ring_faces.pop(0) revert_looking = False # Select the indexes of the ring in the right order while len(ring_faces) > 0: broke = False prev_index = ring[-1] if not revert_looking else ring[0] for i, face in enumerate(ring_faces): if prev_index in (face.a, face.b, face.c): # Found the face that correspond to the next vertex current_index = ( # select the next vertex from the face face.a if face.a != index and face.a != prev_index else face.b if face.b != index and face.b != prev_index else face.c ) if not revert_looking: ring.append(current_index) else: ring.insert(0, current_index) ring_faces.pop(i) broke = True break if not broke: if revert_looking: self.delete_vertex(index) raise FixModel revert_looking = True ring.insert(0, revert_index) self.vertices[index].border = True return ring def compute_area_curvature(self, index: int) -> tuple[float, float]: """Compute area and curvature the corresponding 1-ring Args: index (int): index of the 1-ring's main vertex Returns: tuple[float, float]: area and curvature """ ring = self.vertices[index].vertex_ring p1 = self.vertices[index].pos n1 = self.vertices[index].normal area_sum = 0 curvature = 0 for index1, index2 in sliding_window(ring, n=2): # the second vertice of the triangle p2 = self.vertices[index1].pos p3 = self.vertices[index2].pos # the third vertice of the triangle n2 = self.vertices[index1].normal M = np.array([ # build the matrix, used to compute the area [p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]], [p1[1], p2[1], p3[1]], [p1[2], p2[2], p3[2]], ]) area = abs(np.linalg.det(M) / 2) # compute the area area_sum += area edge_curvature = - n1, p2 - p1) / \ np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1)**2 edge_curvature = abs(edge_curvature) edge_key = f"{min(index, index1)}:{max(index, index1)}" self.edges[edge_key].curvature = edge_curvature curvature += edge_curvature curvature /= len(ring) return area_sum, curvature def compute_priority(self, lamb: float = 0.5, max_length: int = 12) -> list[float]: """ Compute selection priority of vertices (0.0 -> hight priority ; 1.0 -> low priority) Args: lamb (float, optional): convex combination factor. Defaults to 0.5. max_length (int, optional): 1-ring maximum length to be prioritary. Defaults to 12. Returns: list[float]: priority values """ max_area = max( [vertex.area for vertex in self.vertices if vertex is not None]) max_curvature = max( [vertex.curvature for vertex in self.vertices if vertex is not None]) # Compute priorities priorities = [] for vertex in self.vertices: if vertex is not None and 1 < len(vertex.vertex_ring) < max_length: # Compute priority priority = ( lamb * vertex.area / max_area + (1.0 - lamb) * vertex.curvature / max_curvature ) else: # Vertex with low priority priority = 2.0 priorities.append(priority) return priorities def select_vertices(self) -> list[int]: """ Select vertices for the current level reduction Returns: list[int]: selected vertices """ # Order vertices by priority priorities = self.compute_priority() vertices = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(priorities), key=lambda p: p[1])] selected_vertices = [] while len(vertices) > 0: # Select prefered vertex vertex = vertices.pop(0) # remove it from remaining vertices self.progress.advance(self.select_task) if priorities[vertex] == 2.0: continue incident_count = 0 for feature_edge in self.feature_edges: if vertex in (feature_edge.a, feature_edge.b): incident_count += 1 if incident_count > 2: continue selected_vertices.append(vertex) # Remove neighbors # for face in remaining_faces: for face in self.faces: if face is None: continue face_vertices = (face.a, face.b, face.c) if vertex in face_vertices: # Remove face and face's vertices form remainings # remaining_faces.remove(face) for face_vertex in face_vertices: if face_vertex in vertices: vertices.remove(face_vertex) self.progress.advance(self.select_task) return selected_vertices def project_polar(self, index: int) -> tuple[list[np.ndarray], list[int]]: """Flatten the 1-ring to retriangulate Args: index (int): main vertex of the 1-ring Returns: list[np.ndarray]: list the cartesian coordinates of the flattened 1-ring projected in the plane """ ring = self.vertices[index].vertex_ring radius, angles = [], [] teta = 0.0 # cumulated angles for index1, index2 in sliding_window(ring): r = np.linalg.norm( self.vertices[index].pos - self.vertices[index1].pos) teta += self.compute_angle(index1, index, index2) # add new angle radius.append(r) angles.append(teta) full_rotate = 2 * np.pi if not self.vertices[index].border else np.pi angles = [full_rotate * a / teta for a in angles] # normalize angles coordinates = [np.array([r * np.cos(a), r * np.sin(a)]) for r, a in zip(radius, angles)] # parse polar to cartesian return coordinates, ring def compute_angle(self, i: int, j: int, k: int) -> float: """Calculate the angle defined by three points Args: i (int): previous index j (int): central index k (int): next index Returns: float: angle defined by the three points """ a = self.vertices[i].pos b = self.vertices[j].pos c = self.vertices[k].pos u = a - b v = c - b u /= np.linalg.norm(u) v /= np.linalg.norm(v) res =, v) return np.arccos(np.clip(res, -1, 1)) def clip_ear(self, index: int) -> list[obja.Face]: """Retriangulate a polygon using the ear clipping algorithm Args: index (int): index of 1-ring Returns: tuple[list[obja.Face], int]: list the triangles """ polygon_, ring_ = self.project_polar(index) main_v = [] for i, r in enumerate(ring_): for feature_edge in self.feature_edges: feat_edge_vertices = (feature_edge.a, feature_edge.b) if r in feat_edge_vertices and index in feat_edge_vertices: main_v.append(i) if len(main_v) < 2: polygons_rings = [(polygon_, ring_)] else: v1 = ring_[main_v[0]] v2 = ring_[main_v[1]] ring1, ring2 = [], [] polygon1, polygon2, = [], [] start = ring_.index(v1) while ring_[start] != v2: ring1.append(ring_[start]) polygon1.append(polygon_[start]) start += 1 start %= len(ring_) ring1.append(ring_[start]) polygon1.append(polygon_[start]) start = ring_.index(v2) while ring_[start] != v1: ring2.append(ring_[start]) polygon2.append(polygon_[start]) start += 1 start %= len(ring_) ring2.append(ring_[start]) polygon2.append(polygon_[start]) polygons_rings = [(polygon1, ring1), (polygon2, ring2)] faces = [] # the final list of faces for polygon, ring in polygons_rings: indices = [(local_i, global_i) for local_i, global_i in enumerate(ring)] # remainging vertices node_index = 0 cycle_counter = 0 while len(indices) > 2: # Extract indices local_i, global_i = indices[node_index - 1] local_j, global_j = indices[node_index] local_k, global_k = indices[node_index + 1] # Extract verticies prev_vert = polygon[local_i] curr_vert = polygon[local_j] next_vert = polygon[local_k] is_convex = self.is_convex(prev_vert, curr_vert, next_vert) is_ear = True # the triangle needs to be convext to be an ear if is_convex or cycle_counter > len(indices): # Begin with the point next to the triangle test_node_index = (node_index + 2) % len(indices) while indices[test_node_index][0] != local_i and is_ear: test_vert = polygon[indices[test_node_index][0]] is_ear = not self.is_inside(prev_vert, curr_vert, next_vert, test_vert) test_node_index = (test_node_index + 1) % len(indices) else: is_ear = False cycle_counter += 1 if is_ear: faces.append(Face(global_i, global_j, global_k)) indices.pop(node_index) # remove the point from the ring cycle_counter = 0 node_index = (node_index + 2) % len(indices) - 1 return faces def is_convex(self, prev_vert: np.ndarray[int, float], curr_vert: np.ndarray[int, float], next_vert: np.ndarray[int, float], ) -> bool: """Check if the angle less than pi Args: prev_vert (np.ndarray): first point curr_vert (np.ndarray): middle point next_vert (np.ndarray): last point Returns: bool: angle smaller than pi """ a = prev_vert - curr_vert b = next_vert - curr_vert dot = a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] det = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0] angle = np.arctan2(det, dot) if angle < 0.0: angle = 2.0 * np.pi + angle internal_angle = angle return internal_angle >= np.pi def is_inside(self, a: np.ndarray[int, float], b: np.ndarray[int, float], c: np.ndarray[int, float], p: np.ndarray[int, float], ) -> bool: """Check if p is in the triangle a b c Args: a (np.ndarray): point one b (np.ndarray): point two c (np.ndarray): point three p (np.ndarray): point to check Returns: bool: if the point to check is in a b c """ # Compute vectors v0 = c - a v1 = b - a v2 = p - a # Compute dot products dot00 =, v0) dot01 =, v1) dot02 =, v2) dot11 =, v1) dot12 =, v2) # Compute barycentric coordinates denom = dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01 if abs(denom) < 1e-20: return True invDenom = 1.0 / denom u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom # Check if point is in triangle return (u >= 0) and (v >= 0) and (u + v < 1) def debug(self, output: io.TextIOWrapper) -> None: """Debug function to plot colors Args: output (io.TextIOWrapper): output file """ self.update() priorities = self.compute_priority() colors = [priorities[face.a] + priorities[face.b] + priorities[face.c] if face is not None else 0.0 for face in self.faces] min_c = min(colors) colors = [c - min_c for c in colors] max_c = max(colors) self.operations = [] for i, face in enumerate(self.faces): if face is None: continue r, g, b = colors[i] / max_c, 1.0, 1.0 for feature_edge in self.feature_edges: face_vertices = (face.a, face.b, face.c) if feature_edge.a in face_vertices and feature_edge.b in face_vertices: r, g, b = 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 break self.operations.append(('fc', i, (r, g, b))) self.operations.append(('af', i, face.to_obja())) for i, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices): if vertex is None: continue self.operations.append(('av', i, vertex.to_obja())) self.operations.reverse() # Write the result in output file output_model = obja.Output(output) for (op, index, value) in self.operations: if op == 'av': output_model.add_vertex(index, value) elif op == 'af': output_model.add_face(index, value) elif op == 'ev': output_model.edit_vertex(index, value) elif op == 'ef': output_model.edit_face(index, value) elif op == 'fc': print('fc {} {} {} {}'.format( len(output_model.face_mapping), value[0], value[1], value[2]), file=output ) def compress(self, output: io.TextIOWrapper, level: int, final_only: bool, debug: bool) -> None: """Compress the 3d model Args: output (io.TextIOWrapper): Output file descriptor """ with Progress() as progress: self.global_task = progress.add_task('╓ Global compression') self.select_task = progress.add_task('╟── Vertex selection') self.compress_task = progress.add_task('╙── Compression') self.progress = progress self.operations = [] self.final_only = final_only # while len(self.vertices) > 64: for _ in progress.track(range(level), task_id=self.global_task): self.update() selected_vertices = self.select_vertices() # find the set of vertices to remove for v_index in self.progress.track(selected_vertices, task_id=self.compress_task): # Extract ring faces ring_faces = self.vertices[v_index].face_ring # Apply retriangulation algorithm faces = self.clip_ear(v_index) # Edit the first faces for i in range(len(faces)): if not self.final_only: self.operations.append( ('ef', ring_faces[i], self.faces[ring_faces[i]].to_obja())) self.faces[ring_faces[i]] = faces[i] # Remove the last faces for i in range(len(faces), len(ring_faces)): if not self.final_only: self.operations.append( ('af', ring_faces[i], self.faces[ring_faces[i]].to_obja())) self.faces[ring_faces[i]] = None # Remove the vertex if not self.final_only: self.operations.append( ('av', v_index, self.vertices[v_index].to_obja())) self.vertices[v_index] = None if debug: self.debug(output) return # Register remaining vertices and faces for i, face in enumerate(self.faces): if face is not None: self.operations.append(('af', i, face.to_obja())) for i, v_index in enumerate(self.vertices): if v_index is not None: self.operations.append(('av', i, v_index.to_obja())) # To rebuild the model, run operations in reverse order self.operations.reverse() # Write the result in output file output_model = obja.Output(output) for (op, index, value) in self.operations: if op == 'av': output_model.add_vertex(index, value) elif op == 'af': try: output_model.add_face(index, value) except: print(self.vertices[value.b]) elif op == 'ev': output_model.edit_vertex(index, value) elif op == 'ef': output_model.edit_face(index, value) elif op == 'fc': print('fc {} {} {} {}'.format( index, value[0], value[1], value[2]), file=output ) if __name__ == '__main__': pass