package linda; import java.rmi.Remote; import java.util.Collection; /** Public interface to a Linda implementation. * @author */ public interface Linda { /** Adds a tuple t to the tuplespace. */ public void write(Tuple t); /** Returns a tuple matching the template and removes it from the tuplespace. * Blocks if no corresponding tuple is found. */ public Tuple take(Tuple template); /** Returns a tuple matching the template and leaves it in the tuplespace. * Blocks if no corresponding tuple is found. */ public Tuple read(Tuple template); /** Returns a tuple matching the template and removes it from the tuplespace. * Returns null if none found. */ public Tuple tryTake(Tuple template); /** Returns a tuple matching the template and leaves it in the tuplespace. * Returns null if none found. */ public Tuple tryRead(Tuple template); /** Returns all the tuples matching the template and removes them from the tuplespace. * Returns an empty collection if none found (never blocks). * Note: there is no atomicity or consistency constraints between takeAll and other methods; * for instance two concurrent takeAll with similar templates may split the tuples between the two results. */ public Collection takeAll(Tuple template); /** Returns all the tuples matching the template and leaves them in the tuplespace. * Returns an empty collection if none found (never blocks). * Note: there is no atomicity or consistency constraints between readAll and other methods; * for instance (write([1]);write([2])) || readAll([?Integer]) may return only [2]. */ public Collection readAll(Tuple template); public enum eventMode { READ, TAKE }; public enum eventTiming { IMMEDIATE, FUTURE }; /** Registers a callback which will be called when a tuple matching the template appears. * If the mode is Take, the found tuple is removed from the tuplespace. * The callback is fired once. It may re-register itself if necessary. * If timing is immediate, the callback may immediately fire if a matching tuple is already present; if timing is future, current tuples are ignored. * Beware: a callback should never block as the calling context may be the one of the writer (see also {@link AsynchronousCallback} class). * Callbacks are not ordered: if more than one may be fired, the chosen one is arbitrary. * Beware of loop with a READ/IMMEDIATE re-registering callback ! * * @param mode read or take mode. * @param timing (potentially) immediate or only future firing. * @param template the filtering template. * @param callback the callback to call if a matching tuple appears. */ public void eventRegister(eventMode mode, eventTiming timing, Tuple template, Callback callback); /** To debug, prints any information it wants (e.g. the tuples in tuplespace or the registered callbacks), prefixed by prefix