module Game2PetriNet; create OUT: petrinet from IN: game; helper context game!Explorateur def: getJeu() : game!Jeu = game!Jeu.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Objet def: getJeu() : game!Jeu = game!Jeu.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Connaissance def: getJeu() : game!Jeu = game!Jeu.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Action def: getJeu() : game!Jeu = game!Jeu.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Personne def: getJeu() : game!Jeu = game!Jeu.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Chemin def: getJeu() : game!Jeu = game!Jeu.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Lieu def: getJeu() : game!Jeu = game!Jeu.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Interaction def: getJeu() : game!Jeu = game!Jeu.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Lieu def : estDepart() : Integer = self.depart.condition ->select(ce | ce.conditionTest ->select(ct | ct.oclIsTypeOf(game!ConditionBoolean)) ->select(ct | ct.valeur = 'true') ->size() > 0) ->size(); -- Obtenir le network helper def: getNetwork() : petrinet!Network = petrinet!Network.allInstances() ->select(n | = 'jeu') ->asSequence()->first(); -- Obtenir la taille de l'explorateur helper context petrinet!Place def: getTailleExp() : Integer = game!Explorateur.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->first().tailleInventaire; -- Nombre d'objets initiaux de l'explo helper context game!Objet def : getNombreInit() : Integer = game!Explorateur.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->first().objets ->select(o | o.nom = self.nom.nom) ->size(); -- Nombre de connaissances initiaux de l'explo helper context game!Connaissance def : getNombreInit() : Integer = game!Explorateur.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->first().connaissances ->select(c | c.nom = self.nom.nom) ->size(); -- Nombre de place libre itiale de l'explo helper context game!Explorateur def : getNombreInit() : Integer = game!Objet.allInstances() ->asSequence() ->iterate(o; res : Integer = self.tailleInventaire | res - o.getNombreInit() * o.taille); -- Obtenir la place d'un chemin (in / out) helper context game!Chemin def: getPlaceOf(s : String): petrinet!Place = petrinet!Place.allInstances() ->select(p | = s) ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Lieu def: getPlace(): petrinet!Place = petrinet!Place.allInstances() ->select(p | = 'lieu_' + self.nom.nom) ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Personne def: getLieu(): game!Lieu = game!Lieu.allInstances() ->select(l | l.personnes ->select(p | p.nom = self.nom.nom) ->asSequence() ->size() > 0) ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Interaction def : getPersonne() : game!Personne = game!Personne.allInstances() ->select(p | p.interactions ->select(i | i.nom.nom = self.nom.nom) ->asSequence() ->size() > 0) ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context game!Action def : getInteraction() : game!Interaction = game!Interaction.allInstances() ->select(i | i.actions ->select(a | a.nom.nom = self.nom.nom) ->asSequence() ->size() > 0) ->asSequence() ->first(); helper context petrinet!Transition def : getPlace(s : String) : petrinet!Place = petrinet!Place.allInstances() ->select(p | = s) ->asSequence() ->first(); rule Game2PetriNet { from p: game!Jeu to pn: petrinet!Network (name <- 'jeu') } rule Explorateur2Petrinet { from e: game!Explorateur to p: petrinet!Place( name <- 'taille', tokens <- e.getNombreInit(), network <- e.getJeu()) } rule Objet2PetriNet { from o: game!Objet to p_obj: petrinet!Place( name <- 'objet_' + o.nom.nom, tokens <- o.getNombreInit(), network <- o.getJeu()), p_objneg: petrinet!Place( name <- 'objet_' + o.nom.nom + '_neg', tokens <- p_objneg.getTailleExp() div o.taille - o.getNombreInit(), network <- o.getJeu()) } rule Connaissance2PetriNet { from c: game!Connaissance to p_con: petrinet!Place( name <- 'connaissance_' + c.nom.nom, tokens <- c.getNombreInit(), network <- c.getJeu()), p_conneg: petrinet!Place( name <- 'connaissance_' + c.nom.nom + '_neg', tokens <- 1 - c.getNombreInit(), network <- c.getJeu()) } rule Personne2PetriNet { from p: game!Personne to pers: petrinet!Place( name <- 'personne_' + p.nom.nom, tokens <- 0, network <- p.getJeu()) } rule Lieu2PetriNet { from l: game!Lieu to p: petrinet!Place( name <- 'lieu_' + l.nom.nom, tokens <- l.estDepart(), network <- l.getJeu()) } rule Chemin2PetriNet { from c: game!Chemin to t: petrinet!Transition( name <- 'chemin_' + c.nom.nom, network <- c.getJeu()), arcIn: petrinet!Arc( place <- c.getPlaceOf('lieu_' + c.lieuIn.nom), transition <- t, outgoing <- false, weight <- 1), arcOut: petrinet!Arc( place <- c.getPlaceOf('lieu_' + c.lieuOut.nom), transition <- t, outgoing <- true, weight <- 1) } rule Interaction2PetriNet { from i: game!Interaction to t: petrinet!Transition( name <- 'interaction_' + i.nom.nom, network <- i.getJeu()), arcOut: petrinet!Arc( place <- i.getPersonne(), transition <- t, outgoing <- true, weight <- 1), arcIn: petrinet!Arc( place <- i.getPersonne().getLieu().getPlace(), transition <- t, outgoing <- false, weight <- 1) } rule Action2PetriNet { from a: game!Action to t: petrinet!Transition( name <- 'action_' + a.nom.nom, network <- a.getJeu()), arcIn: petrinet!Arc( place <- a.getInteraction().getPersonne(), transition <- t, outgoing <- false, weight <- 1), arcOut: petrinet!Arc( place <- a.getInteraction().getPersonne().getLieu().getPlace(), transition <- t, outgoing <- true, weight <- 1) }