2023-11-26 23:44:13 +01:00

30 lines
747 B

*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.jpg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
# Basic .gitattributes for a python repo.
# Source files
# ============
*.pxd text diff=python
*.py text diff=python
*.py3 text diff=python
*.pyw text diff=python
*.pyx text diff=python
*.pyz text diff=python
*.pyi text diff=python
# Binary files
# ============
*.db binary
*.p binary
*.pkl binary
*.pickle binary
*.pyc binary export-ignore
*.pyo binary export-ignore
*.pyd binary
# Jupyter notebook
*.ipynb text
# Note: .db, .p, and .pkl files are associated
# with the python modules ``pickle``, ``dbm.*``,
# ``shelve``, ``marshal``, ``anydbm``, & ``bsddb``
# (among others).