/** * generated by Xtext 2.23.0 */ package fr.n7.pDL2; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; /** * * The Package for the model. * It contains accessors for the meta objects to represent * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.PDL2Factory * @model kind="package" * @generated */ public interface PDL2Package extends EPackage { /** * The package name. * * * @generated */ String eNAME = "pDL2"; /** * The package namespace URI. * * * @generated */ String eNS_URI = "http://www.n7.fr/PDL2"; /** * The package namespace name. * * * @generated */ String eNS_PREFIX = "pDL2"; /** * The singleton instance of the package. * * * @generated */ PDL2Package eINSTANCE = fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl.init(); /** * The meta object id for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.ProcessImpl Process}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.ProcessImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getProcess() * @generated */ int PROCESS = 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Name' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int PROCESS__NAME = 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Process Elements' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int PROCESS__PROCESS_ELEMENTS = 1; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Process' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int PROCESS_FEATURE_COUNT = 2; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.ProcessElementImpl Process Element}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.ProcessElementImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getProcessElement() * @generated */ int PROCESS_ELEMENT = 1; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Process Element' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int PROCESS_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT = 0; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkDefinitionImpl Work Definition}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkDefinitionImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getWorkDefinition() * @generated */ int WORK_DEFINITION = 2; /** * The feature id for the 'Name' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int WORK_DEFINITION__NAME = PROCESS_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Links To Predecessors' containment reference list. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int WORK_DEFINITION__LINKS_TO_PREDECESSORS = PROCESS_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 1; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Work Definition' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int WORK_DEFINITION_FEATURE_COUNT = PROCESS_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 2; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.DependanceStartImpl Dependance Start}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.DependanceStartImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getDependanceStart() * @generated */ int DEPENDANCE_START = 3; /** * The feature id for the 'Predecessor' reference. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int DEPENDANCE_START__PREDECESSOR = 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Link' containment reference. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int DEPENDANCE_START__LINK = 1; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Dependance Start' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int DEPENDANCE_START_FEATURE_COUNT = 2; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkSequenceKindStartImpl Work Sequence Kind Start}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkSequenceKindStartImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getWorkSequenceKindStart() * @generated */ int WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_START = 4; /** * The feature id for the 'Started2 Start' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_START__STARTED2_START = 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Started2 Finish' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_START__STARTED2_FINISH = 1; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Work Sequence Kind Start' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_START_FEATURE_COUNT = 2; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.DependanceFinishImpl Dependance Finish}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.DependanceFinishImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getDependanceFinish() * @generated */ int DEPENDANCE_FINISH = 5; /** * The feature id for the 'Predecessor' reference. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int DEPENDANCE_FINISH__PREDECESSOR = 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Link' containment reference. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int DEPENDANCE_FINISH__LINK = 1; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Dependance Finish' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int DEPENDANCE_FINISH_FEATURE_COUNT = 2; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkSequenceKindFinishImpl Work Sequence Kind Finish}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkSequenceKindFinishImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getWorkSequenceKindFinish() * @generated */ int WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_FINISH = 6; /** * The feature id for the 'Finished2 Start' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_FINISH__FINISHED2_START = 0; /** * The feature id for the 'Finished2 Finish' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_FINISH__FINISHED2_FINISH = 1; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Work Sequence Kind Finish' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_FINISH_FEATURE_COUNT = 2; /** * The meta object id for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.GuidanceImpl Guidance}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.GuidanceImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getGuidance() * @generated */ int GUIDANCE = 7; /** * The feature id for the 'Texte' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int GUIDANCE__TEXTE = PROCESS_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; /** * The number of structural features of the 'Guidance' class. * * * @generated * @ordered */ int GUIDANCE_FEATURE_COUNT = PROCESS_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 1; /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.Process Process}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Process'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.Process * @generated */ EClass getProcess(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.Process#getName Name}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Name'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.Process#getName() * @see #getProcess() * @generated */ EAttribute getProcess_Name(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.Process#getProcessElements Process Elements}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Process Elements'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.Process#getProcessElements() * @see #getProcess() * @generated */ EReference getProcess_ProcessElements(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.ProcessElement Process Element}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Process Element'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.ProcessElement * @generated */ EClass getProcessElement(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.WorkDefinition Work Definition}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Work Definition'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.WorkDefinition * @generated */ EClass getWorkDefinition(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.WorkDefinition#getName Name}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Name'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.WorkDefinition#getName() * @see #getWorkDefinition() * @generated */ EAttribute getWorkDefinition_Name(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference list '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.WorkDefinition#getLinksToPredecessors Links To Predecessors}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference list 'Links To Predecessors'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.WorkDefinition#getLinksToPredecessors() * @see #getWorkDefinition() * @generated */ EReference getWorkDefinition_LinksToPredecessors(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceStart Dependance Start}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Dependance Start'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceStart * @generated */ EClass getDependanceStart(); /** * Returns the meta object for the reference '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceStart#getPredecessor Predecessor}'. * * * @return the meta object for the reference 'Predecessor'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceStart#getPredecessor() * @see #getDependanceStart() * @generated */ EReference getDependanceStart_Predecessor(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceStart#getLink Link}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference 'Link'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceStart#getLink() * @see #getDependanceStart() * @generated */ EReference getDependanceStart_Link(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindStart Work Sequence Kind Start}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Work Sequence Kind Start'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindStart * @generated */ EClass getWorkSequenceKindStart(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindStart#getStarted2Start Started2 Start}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Started2 Start'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindStart#getStarted2Start() * @see #getWorkSequenceKindStart() * @generated */ EAttribute getWorkSequenceKindStart_Started2Start(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindStart#getStarted2Finish Started2 Finish}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Started2 Finish'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindStart#getStarted2Finish() * @see #getWorkSequenceKindStart() * @generated */ EAttribute getWorkSequenceKindStart_Started2Finish(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceFinish Dependance Finish}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Dependance Finish'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceFinish * @generated */ EClass getDependanceFinish(); /** * Returns the meta object for the reference '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceFinish#getPredecessor Predecessor}'. * * * @return the meta object for the reference 'Predecessor'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceFinish#getPredecessor() * @see #getDependanceFinish() * @generated */ EReference getDependanceFinish_Predecessor(); /** * Returns the meta object for the containment reference '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceFinish#getLink Link}'. * * * @return the meta object for the containment reference 'Link'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.DependanceFinish#getLink() * @see #getDependanceFinish() * @generated */ EReference getDependanceFinish_Link(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindFinish Work Sequence Kind Finish}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Work Sequence Kind Finish'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindFinish * @generated */ EClass getWorkSequenceKindFinish(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindFinish#getFinished2Start Finished2 Start}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Finished2 Start'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindFinish#getFinished2Start() * @see #getWorkSequenceKindFinish() * @generated */ EAttribute getWorkSequenceKindFinish_Finished2Start(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindFinish#getFinished2Finish Finished2 Finish}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Finished2 Finish'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.WorkSequenceKindFinish#getFinished2Finish() * @see #getWorkSequenceKindFinish() * @generated */ EAttribute getWorkSequenceKindFinish_Finished2Finish(); /** * Returns the meta object for class '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.Guidance Guidance}'. * * * @return the meta object for class 'Guidance'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.Guidance * @generated */ EClass getGuidance(); /** * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.Guidance#getTexte Texte}'. * * * @return the meta object for the attribute 'Texte'. * @see fr.n7.pDL2.Guidance#getTexte() * @see #getGuidance() * @generated */ EAttribute getGuidance_Texte(); /** * Returns the factory that creates the instances of the model. * * * @return the factory that creates the instances of the model. * @generated */ PDL2Factory getPDL2Factory(); /** * * Defines literals for the meta objects that represent * * * @generated */ interface Literals { /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.ProcessImpl Process}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.ProcessImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getProcess() * @generated */ EClass PROCESS = eINSTANCE.getProcess(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Name' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute PROCESS__NAME = eINSTANCE.getProcess_Name(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Process Elements' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference PROCESS__PROCESS_ELEMENTS = eINSTANCE.getProcess_ProcessElements(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.ProcessElementImpl Process Element}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.ProcessElementImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getProcessElement() * @generated */ EClass PROCESS_ELEMENT = eINSTANCE.getProcessElement(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkDefinitionImpl Work Definition}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkDefinitionImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getWorkDefinition() * @generated */ EClass WORK_DEFINITION = eINSTANCE.getWorkDefinition(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Name' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute WORK_DEFINITION__NAME = eINSTANCE.getWorkDefinition_Name(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Links To Predecessors' containment reference list feature. * * * @generated */ EReference WORK_DEFINITION__LINKS_TO_PREDECESSORS = eINSTANCE.getWorkDefinition_LinksToPredecessors(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.DependanceStartImpl Dependance Start}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.DependanceStartImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getDependanceStart() * @generated */ EClass DEPENDANCE_START = eINSTANCE.getDependanceStart(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Predecessor' reference feature. * * * @generated */ EReference DEPENDANCE_START__PREDECESSOR = eINSTANCE.getDependanceStart_Predecessor(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Link' containment reference feature. * * * @generated */ EReference DEPENDANCE_START__LINK = eINSTANCE.getDependanceStart_Link(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkSequenceKindStartImpl Work Sequence Kind Start}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkSequenceKindStartImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getWorkSequenceKindStart() * @generated */ EClass WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_START = eINSTANCE.getWorkSequenceKindStart(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Started2 Start' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_START__STARTED2_START = eINSTANCE.getWorkSequenceKindStart_Started2Start(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Started2 Finish' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_START__STARTED2_FINISH = eINSTANCE.getWorkSequenceKindStart_Started2Finish(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.DependanceFinishImpl Dependance Finish}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.DependanceFinishImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getDependanceFinish() * @generated */ EClass DEPENDANCE_FINISH = eINSTANCE.getDependanceFinish(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Predecessor' reference feature. * * * @generated */ EReference DEPENDANCE_FINISH__PREDECESSOR = eINSTANCE.getDependanceFinish_Predecessor(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Link' containment reference feature. * * * @generated */ EReference DEPENDANCE_FINISH__LINK = eINSTANCE.getDependanceFinish_Link(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkSequenceKindFinishImpl Work Sequence Kind Finish}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.WorkSequenceKindFinishImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getWorkSequenceKindFinish() * @generated */ EClass WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_FINISH = eINSTANCE.getWorkSequenceKindFinish(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Finished2 Start' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_FINISH__FINISHED2_START = eINSTANCE.getWorkSequenceKindFinish_Finished2Start(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Finished2 Finish' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute WORK_SEQUENCE_KIND_FINISH__FINISHED2_FINISH = eINSTANCE.getWorkSequenceKindFinish_Finished2Finish(); /** * The meta object literal for the '{@link fr.n7.pDL2.impl.GuidanceImpl Guidance}' class. * * * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.GuidanceImpl * @see fr.n7.pDL2.impl.PDL2PackageImpl#getGuidance() * @generated */ EClass GUIDANCE = eINSTANCE.getGuidance(); /** * The meta object literal for the 'Texte' attribute feature. * * * @generated */ EAttribute GUIDANCE__TEXTE = eINSTANCE.getGuidance_Texte(); } } //PDL2Package