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with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
package body vector is
procedure initialize(vec: in out T_Vecteur_Element) is
for i in 0..N-1 loop
vec(i) := 1.0/T_Element(N);
end loop;
end initialize;
procedure initialize(vec: in out T_Vecteur_Element; value: in T_Element) is
for i in 0..N-1 loop
vec(i) := value;
end loop;
end initialize;
procedure initialize(vec: in out T_Vecteur_Natural) is
for i in 0..N-1 loop
vec(i) := i;
end loop;
end initialize;
function sum(vec: in T_Vecteur_Element) return T_Element is
s: T_Element := 0.0;
for i in 0..N-1 loop
s := s + vec(i);
end loop;
return s;
end sum;
procedure put(vec: in T_Vecteur_Element) is
for i in 0..N-1 loop
put(vec(i)); new_line;
end loop;
end put;
procedure put(file: in out Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; vec: in T_Vecteur_Element) is
for i in 0..N-1 loop
put(file, vec(i), Fore=>1, Aft=>10);
end loop;
end put;
procedure put(file: in out Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; vec: in T_Vecteur_Natural) is
for i in 0..N-1 loop
put(file, vec(i), 1);
end loop;
end put;
procedure sort_with_index_desc(vec: in out T_Vecteur_Element; vec_index: in out T_Vecteur_Natural) is
tmp_Element: T_Element;
tmp_Natural: Natural;
max: Natural;
for i in 0..N-2 loop
max := i;
for j in i+1..N-1 loop
if vec(max) <= vec(j) then
max := j;
end if;
end loop;
if max /= i then
tmp_Element := vec(i);
vec(i) := vec(max);
vec(max) := tmp_Element;
tmp_Natural := vec_index(i);
vec_index(i) := vec_index(max);
vec_index(max) := tmp_Natural;
end if;
end loop;
end sort_with_index_desc;
procedure quicksort(vec: in out T_Vecteur_Element; vec_index: in out T_Vecteur_Natural; a, b: in Natural) is
pivot: Natural := a;
i: Natural := a;
tmp: T_Element;
if b - a > 1 then
for j in a..b loop
if vec(j) <= vec(pivot) then
i := i + 1;
tmp := vec(i);
vec(i) := vec(j);
vec(j) := tmp;
end if;
end loop;
tmp := vec(i);
vec(i) := vec(pivot);
vec(pivot) := tmp;
pivot := i;
put(vec); new_line;
if pivot - 1 > 0 then
quicksort(vec, vec_index, a, pivot-1);
elsif b - pivot - 1 > 0 then
quicksort(vec, vec_index, pivot+1, b);
end if;
end if;
end quicksort;
end vector;
-- def triRapide(L): # Quicksort
-- if len(L) <= 1:
-- return L
-- pvt = L[0]
-- L1, L2 = [], []
-- for i in range(1, len(L)):
-- if L[i] < pvt:
-- L1.append(L[i])
-- else:
-- L2.append(L[i])
-- return triRapide(L1) + [pvt] + triRapide(L2)
-- procedure Quick_Sort (A : in out Element_Array) is
-- procedure Swap(Left, Right : Index) is
-- Temp : Element := A (Left);
-- begin
-- A (Left) := A (Right);
-- A (Right) := Temp;
-- end Swap;
-- begin
-- if A'Length > 1 then
-- declare
-- Pivot_Value : Element := A (A'First);
-- Right : Index := A'Last;
-- Left : Index := A'First;
-- begin
-- loop
-- while Left < Right and not (Pivot_Value < A (Left)) loop
-- Left := Index'Succ (Left);
-- end loop;
-- while Pivot_Value < A (Right) loop
-- Right := Index'Pred (Right);
-- end loop;
-- exit when Right <= Left;
-- Swap (Left, Right);
-- Left := Index'Succ (Left);
-- Right := Index'Pred (Right);
-- end loop;
-- if Right = A'Last then
-- Right := Index'Pred (Right);
-- Swap (A'First, A'Last);
-- end if;
-- if Left = A'First then
-- Left := Index'Succ (Left);
-- end if;
-- Quick_Sort (A (A'First .. Right));
-- Quick_Sort (A (Left .. A'Last));
-- end;
-- end if;
-- end Quick_Sort;