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git-svn-id: http://cregut.svn.enseeiht.fr/2020/1sn/pim/projets/GH-05@213640 e13453a9-b01f-0410-a051-f404c4f0c485
This commit is contained in:
lfainsin 2021-01-22 15:07:50 +00:00
parent 50aa021dd4
commit 25f2182ca6
9 changed files with 410 additions and 375 deletions

src/google.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
package body Google is
package body Naif is
function "*"(left : Vector_Element.T_Vecteur; right : T_Google) return Vector_Element.T_Vecteur is
vec: Vector_Element.T_Vecteur;
c: T_Reel;
for i in 0..N-1 loop
c := 0.0;
for j in 0..N-1 loop
c := c + left(j)*right(j,i);
end loop;
vec(i) := c;
end loop;
return vec;
end "*";
procedure initialize(mat: in out T_Google; value: in T_Reel) is
for i in 0..N-1 loop
for j in 0..N-1 loop
mat(i,j) := value;
end loop;
end loop;
end initialize;
procedure create_H(mat: in out T_Google; file: in Ada.Text_IO.File_Type) is
row, col: Natural;
nc: Natural := 0;
nl: Natural := 0;
for i in 0..N_Links-1 loop
get(file, row);
get(file, col);
mat(row, col) := 1.0;
end loop;
for i in 0..N-1 loop
for j in 0..N-1 loop
exit when mat(i, j) /= 0.0;
if j = N-1 then
nl := nl + 1;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
put("lignes vides = "); put(nl, 1);
for j in 0..N-1 loop
for i in 0..N-1 loop
exit when mat(i, j) /= 0.0;
if i = N-1 then
nc := nc + 1;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
put("colonnes vides = "); put(nc, 1);
end create_H;
procedure create_S(mat: in out T_Google) is
sum: T_Reel;
for i in 0..N-1 loop
sum := 0.0;
for j in 0..N-1 loop
sum := sum + mat(i,j);
end loop;
if sum /= 0.0 then
for j in 0..N-1 loop
if mat(i,j) /= 0.0 then
mat(i,j) := 1.0/sum;
end if;
end loop;
else -- sum == 0 then
for j in 0..N-1 loop
mat(i,j) := 1.0/T_Reel(N);
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
end create_S;
procedure create_G(mat: in out T_Google; alpha: in T_Reel) is
for i in 0..N-1 loop
for j in 0..N-1 loop
mat(i,j) := alpha*mat(i,j) + (1.0-alpha)/T_Reel(N);
end loop;
end loop;
end create_G;
procedure create_Google(mat: in out T_Google; alpha: in T_Reel; file: in Ada.Text_IO.File_Type) is
create_H(mat, file);
create_G(mat, alpha);
end create_Google;
procedure put(mat: in T_Google) is
for i in 0..N-1 loop
for j in 0..N-1 loop
end loop;
end loop;
end put;
end Naif;
package body Creux is
procedure create_Google(mat: in out T_Google; file: in out Ada.Text_IO.File_Type) is
row, col: Natural;
offset: Natural;
initialize(mat.Rows, 0);
initialize(mat.Cols, -1);
for i in 0..N_Links-1 loop
get(file, row);
get(file, col);
mat.rows(row+1) := mat.rows(row+1) + 1;
end loop;
reset(file, In_File);
for i in 0..N_Links-1 loop
get(file, row);
get(file, col);
if row = N then
offset := 0;
offset := mat.rows(row+1) - mat.rows(row);
end if;
for j in 0..offset loop
exit when mat.cols(mat.rows(row)+j) = col; -- anti-doublon
if mat.cols(mat.rows(row)+j) = -1 then
mat.cols(mat.rows(row)+j) := col;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end create_Google;
procedure put(mat: in T_Google) is
for i in 0..N loop
end loop;
new_line; new_line;
for i in 0..N_Links-1 loop
end loop;
end put;
function calcul(vec: in Vector_Element.T_Vecteur; mat: in T_Google; alpha: in T_Reel) return Vector_Element.T_Vecteur is
new_vec: Vector_Element.T_Vecteur;
nb_col: Natural;
index_col: Integer;
initialize(new_vec, sum(vec)*(1.0-alpha)/T_Reel(N));
for i in 0..N-1 loop
nb_col := mat.rows(i+1) - mat.rows(i);
if nb_col = 0 then
for j in 0..N-1 loop
new_vec(j) := new_vec(j) + alpha*vec(i)/T_Reel(N);
end loop;
for j in mat.rows(i)..mat.rows(i+1)-1 loop
index_col := mat.cols(j);
if index_col /= -1 then -- anti calcul d'un doublon
new_vec(index_col) := new_vec(index_col) + alpha*vec(i)/T_Reel(nb_col);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
return new_vec;
end calcul;
end Creux;
end Google;

src/google.ads Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
with Vector;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
-- tester de mettre le generic ici ?
package Google is
-- N peut être supprimé et recup direct grace vecteur_element
N: Positive;
N_Links: Positive;
-- Vecteur contenant les élements du même type que la matrice
with package Vector_Element is new Vector.Reel(<>);
package Naif is
use Vector_Element;
use Vector_Element.Text_T_Reel;
type T_Google is array (0..N-1, 0..N-1) of T_Reel;
-- permet d'initialiser la matrice avec pour tout i,j, mat[i, j] = value
procedure initialize(mat: in out T_Google; value: in T_Reel);
-- permet la création de la matrice de Google, voir l'énoncé
procedure create_Google(mat: in out T_Google; alpha: in T_Reel; file: in Ada.Text_IO.File_Type);
-- permet le produit vecteur-matrice
function "*"(left: Vector_Element.T_Vecteur; right: T_Google) return Vector_Element.T_Vecteur;
-- permet l'affiche de la matrice
procedure put(mat: in T_Google);
end Naif;
-- idem ici
N: Positive;
N_Links: Positive;
-- Vecteur contenant les élements du même type que la matrice
with package Vector_Element is new Vector.Reel(<>);
package Creux is
use Vector_Element;
use Vector_Element.Text_T_Reel;
package Vector_Rows is
new Vector.Entier(T_Entier => Natural, Capacite => N+1);
package Vector_Cols is
new Vector.Entier(T_Entier => Integer, Capacite => N_Links);
use Vector_Rows;
use Vector_Cols;
-- on définit le type T_Google correspondant à une matrice CSC
type T_Google is record
rows: Vector_Rows.T_Vecteur;
cols: Vector_Cols.T_Vecteur;
end record;
-- permet de créer la matrice à partir du réseau
procedure create_Google(mat: in out T_Google; file: in out Ada.Text_IO.File_Type);
-- permet faire le ~produit vecteur-matrice
function calcul(vec: in Vector_Element.T_Vecteur; mat: in T_Google; alpha: in T_Reel) return Vector_Element.T_Vecteur;
-- permet l'affichage de la matrice, voir l'article wikiepdia pour comprendre format
procedure put(mat: in T_Google);
end Creux;
end Google;

View file

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
package body Google_Creux is
procedure create_H(mat: in out T_Google; network: in Vector_Link.T_Vecteur) is
row, col: Natural;
row_last: Natural;
nb: Integer := 1;
mat.rows(N) := N_links;
mat.rows(0) := network(0).from;
mat.cols(0) := network(0).to;
row_last := mat.rows(0);
for i in 1..N_links-1 loop
row := network(i).from;
col := network(i).to;
mat.cols(i) := col;
for j in 1..row-row_last loop
mat.rows(nb) := i;
nb := nb + 1;
end loop;
row_last := row;
end loop;
end create_H;
procedure put(mat: in T_Google) is
for i in 0..N_links-1 loop
end loop;
new_line; new_line;
for i in 0..N loop
end loop;
end put;
function calcul(vec: in Vector_Element.T_Vecteur; mat: in T_Google; alpha: in T_Element) return Vector_Element.T_Vecteur is
new_vec: Vector_Element.T_Vecteur;
nb_col: Natural := 0;
col_CRS: Natural := 0;
col_vec: Natural := 0;
Vector_Element.initialize(new_vec, Vector_Element.sum(vec)*(1.0-alpha)/T_Element(N));
for i in 0..N-1 loop
nb_col := mat.rows(i+1) - mat.rows(i);
if nb_col = 0 then
for j in 0..N-1 loop
new_vec(j) := new_vec(j) + alpha*vec(i)/T_Element(N);
end loop;
for j in 1..nb_col loop
col_vec := mat.cols(col_CRS);
new_vec(col_vec) := new_vec(col_vec) + alpha*vec(i)/T_Element(nb_col);
col_CRS := col_CRS + 1;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
return new_vec;
end calcul;
end Google_Creux;

View file

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
with Vector;
type T_Element is digits <>;
N: Positive;
N_Links: Positive;
with package Vector_Natural is
new Vector.Entier(Capacite => N);
with package Vector_Element is
new Vector.Digit(T_Digit => T_Element, Capacite => N, Vector_Entier => Vector_Natural);
with package Vector_Link is
new Vector.Link(Capacite => N_Links);
package Google_Creux is
type T_Rows is array (0..N) of Natural;
type T_Cols is array (0..N_links-1) of Natural;
type T_Google is record
cols: T_Cols;
rows: T_Rows;
end record;
-- permet de créer la matrice à partir du réseau
procedure create_H(mat: in out T_Google; network: in Vector_Link.T_Vecteur);
-- permet faire le produit vecteur-matrice
function calcul(vec: in Vector_Element.T_Vecteur; mat: in T_Google; alpha: in T_Element) return Vector_Element.T_Vecteur with
Pre => alpha > 0.0 and alpha < 1.0;
-- permet l'affichage de la matrice, voir l'article wikiepdia pour comprendre format
procedure put(mat: in T_Google);
end Google_Creux;

View file

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
package body Google_Naive is
function "*"(left : Vector_Element.T_Vecteur; right : T_Google) return Vector_Element.T_Vecteur is
vec: Vector_Element.T_Vecteur;
c: T_Element;
for i in 0..N-1 loop
c := 0.0;
for j in 0..N-1 loop
c := c + left(j)*right(j,i);
end loop;
vec(i) := c;
end loop;
return vec;
end "*";
procedure initialize(mat: in out T_Google) is
for i in 0..N-1 loop
for j in 0..N-1 loop
mat(i,j) := 0.0;
end loop;
end loop;
end initialize;
procedure create_H(mat: in out T_Google; network: in Vector_Link.T_Vecteur) is
row, col: Integer;
for i in 0..N_Links-1 loop
row := network(i).from;
col := network(i).to;
mat(row, col) := 1.0;
end loop;
end create_H;
procedure create_S(mat: in out T_Google) is
sum: T_Element;
for i in 0..N-1 loop
sum := 0.0;
for j in 0..N-1 loop
sum := sum + mat(i,j);
end loop;
if sum /= 0.0 then
for j in 0..N-1 loop
if mat(i,j) /= 0.0 then
mat(i,j) := 1.0/sum;
end if;
end loop;
else -- sum == 0 then
for j in 0..N-1 loop
mat(i,j) := 1.0/T_Element(N);
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
end create_S;
procedure create_G(mat: in out T_Google; alpha: in T_Element) is
for i in 0..N-1 loop
for j in 0..N-1 loop
mat(i,j) := alpha*mat(i,j) + (1.0-alpha)/T_Element(N);
end loop;
end loop;
end create_G;
procedure put(mat: in T_Google) is
use Text_T_Element;
for i in 0..N-1 loop
for j in 0..N-1 loop
end loop;
end loop;
end put;
end Google_Naive;

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Vector;
type T_Element is digits <>;
N: Positive;
N_Links: Positive;
-- on a besoin de ce type Vector_Element
with package Vector_Natural is
new Vector.Entier(Capacite => N);
-- on a besoin de ce type pour le produit vecteur-matrice
with package Vector_Element is
new Vector.Digit(T_Digit => T_Element, Capacite => N, Vector_Entier => Vector_Natural);
-- on a besoin de ce type pour la création de H
with package Vector_Link is
new Vector.Link(Capacite => N_Links);
package Google_Naive is
-- on permet l'affichage direct des T_Element
package Text_T_Element is
new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO(Num => T_Element);
type T_Google is array (0..N-1, 0..N-1) of T_Element;
function "*"(left: Vector_Element.T_Vecteur; right: T_Google) return Vector_Element.T_Vecteur;
procedure initialize(mat: in out T_Google);
-- On place des 1 dans la matrice à partir du réseau.
procedure create_H(mat: in out T_Google; network: in Vector_Link.T_Vecteur);
-- On transforme H pour obtenir S
procedure create_S(mat: in out T_Google);
-- On transforme S pour obtenir G
procedure create_G(mat: in out T_Google; alpha: in T_Element) with
Pre => alpha > 0.0 and alpha < 1.0;
-- permet l'affiche de la matrice
procedure put(mat: in T_Google);
end Google_Naive;

src/quicksort.adb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package body Quicksort is
procedure sort(vec: in out Vector_Element.T_Vecteur; low: Natural := 0; high: Natural := Vector_Element.Capacite-1) is
procedure swap(left, right: Natural) is
tmp : constant T_Reel := vec(left);
vec(left) := vec(right);
vec(right) := tmp;
end swap;
pivot : constant T_Reel := vec(low);
right : Natural := high;
left : Natural := low;
if high - low > 0 then
while left < right and pivot >= vec(left) loop
left := left + 1;
end loop;
while pivot < vec(right) loop
right := right - 1;
end loop;
exit when right <= left;
swap(left, right);
left := left + 1;
right := right - 1;
end loop;
if right = high then
right := right - 1;
swap(low, high);
end if;
if left = low then
left := left - 1;
end if;
sort(vec, low, right);
sort(vec, left, high);
end if;
end sort;
procedure sort(vec: in out Vector_Element.T_Vecteur; vec_index: in out Vector_Index.T_Vecteur;
low: Natural := 0; high: Natural := Vector_Element.Capacite-1) is
procedure swap(left, right: Natural) is
tmp : constant T_Reel := vec(left);
tmp_index : constant T_Entier := vec_index(left);
vec(left) := vec(right);
vec(right) := tmp;
vec_index(left) := vec_index(right);
vec_index(right) := tmp_index;
end swap;
pivot : constant T_Reel := vec(low);
right : Natural := high;
left : Natural := low;
if high - low > 0 then
while left < right and pivot >= vec(left) loop
left := left + 1;
end loop;
while pivot < vec(right) loop
right := right - 1;
end loop;
exit when right <= left;
swap(left, right);
left := left + 1;
right := right - 1;
end loop;
if right = high then
right := right - 1;
swap(low, high);
end if;
if left = low then
left := left - 1;
end if;
sort(vec, vec_index, low, right);
sort(vec, vec_index, left, high);
end if;
end sort;
end Quicksort;

src/quicksort.ads Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
with Vector;
-- Vecteur contenant les élements du même type que la matrice
with package Vector_Element is new Vector.Reel(<>);
-- Vecteur contenant des élements de type entier
with package Vector_Index is new Vector.Entier(<>);
package Quicksort is
use Vector_Element;
use Vector_Index;
procedure sort(vec: in out Vector_Element.T_Vecteur;
low: Natural := 0; high: Natural := Vector_Element.Capacite-1);
procedure sort(vec: in out Vector_Element.T_Vecteur; vec_index: in out Vector_Index.T_Vecteur;
low: Natural := 0; high: Natural := Vector_Element.Capacite-1);
end Quicksort;

View file

@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-- with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Vector;
procedure test_tri is
--Type T_Double is digits 6;
N: constant Natural := 10;
package Vector_Entier is
new Vector.Entier(Capacite => N);
use Vector_Entier;
package Vector_Double is
new Vector.Digit(T_Digit => Float,
Capacite => N,
Vector_Entier => Vector_Entier);
use Vector_Double;
package Vector_Link is
new Vector.Link(Capacite => N);
use Vector_Link;
vec: Vector_Double.T_Vecteur;
vec_natural: Vector_Entier.T_Vecteur;
vec_index: Vector_Entier.T_Vecteur;
vec_link: Vector_Link.T_Vecteur;
vec(0) := 10.0;
vec(1) := 1.0;
vec(2) := 21.0;
vec(3) := 3.0;
vec(4) := 13.0;
vec(5) := 56.0;
vec(6) := 3.0;
vec(7) := 5.0;
vec(8) := 6.0;
vec(9) := 6.0;
put(vec); new_line;
put(vec); new_line;
vec_natural(0) := 10;
vec_natural(1) := 1;
vec_natural(2) := 21;
vec_natural(3) := 3;
vec_natural(4) := 13;
vec_natural(5) := 2855059;
vec_natural(6) := 3;
vec_natural(7) := 5;
vec_natural(8) := 6;
vec_natural(9) := 6;
put(vec_natural); new_line;
put(vec_natural); new_line;
vec(0) := 10.0;
vec(1) := 1.0;
vec(2) := 21.0;
vec(3) := 3.0;
vec(4) := 13.0;
vec(5) := 56.0;
vec(6) := 3.0;
vec(7) := 5.0;
vec(8) := 6.0;
vec(9) := 6.0;
put_line("double avant:");
put(vec); new_line;
put_line("index avant:");
put(vec_index); new_line;
quicksort(vec, vec_index);
put_line("double après:");
put(vec); new_line;
put_line("index après:");
put(vec_index); new_line;
vec_link(0) := T_Link'(10, 15);
vec_link(1) := T_Link'(1, 155);
vec_link(2) := T_Link'(0, 153);
vec_link(3) := T_Link'(32, 155);
vec_link(4) := T_Link'(0, 153);
vec_link(5) := T_Link'(15, 158);
vec_link(6) := T_Link'(0, 135);
vec_link(7) := T_Link'(0, 8);
vec_link(8) := T_Link'(40, 7);
vec_link(9) := T_Link'(0, 112);
put_line("links avant:");
put(vec_link); new_line;
put_line("links après:");
put(vec_link); new_line;
package Vector_Entier is
new Vector.Entier(Capacite => N);
package Vector_Double is
new Vector.Digit(T_Digit => Float,
Capacite => N,
Vector_Entier => Vector_Entier);
package Vector_Link is
new Vector.Link(Capacite => N);
use Vector_Double;
use Vector_Entier;
use Vector_Link;
end test_tri;