with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Vector; generic type T_Element is digits <>; N: Positive; N_links: Positive; with package Vector_T_Element is new Vector(T_Element => T_Element, N => N); package Google_Creux is -- on permet l'affichage direct des T_Element package Text_T_Element is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO(Num => T_Element); use Text_T_Element; -- on utilise le module Vector use Vector_T_Element; type T_Rows is array (0..N) of Natural; type T_Cols is array (0..N_links-1) of Natural; type T_Google is record cols: T_Cols; rows: T_Rows; offset: T_Element; end record; function calcul(vec : T_Vecteur_Element; mat : T_Google; alpha: in T_Element) return T_Vecteur_Element; procedure create_H(mat: in out T_Google; file: in out Ada.Text_IO.File_Type); procedure put(mat: in T_Google); end Google_Creux;