
134 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2022-04-12 10:08:58 +00:00
import algebra.*;
* author: cdehais
public class Transformation {
Matrix worldToCamera;
Matrix projection;
Matrix calibration;
public Transformation() {
try {
worldToCamera = new Matrix("W2C", 4, 4);
projection = new Matrix("P", 3, 4);
calibration = Matrix.createIdentity(3);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
/* should not be reached */
public void setLookAt(Vector3 cam, Vector3 lookAt, Vector3 up) {
try {
// compute rotation
Vector3 e3c = new Vector3(lookAt);
Vector3 e1c = up.cross(e3c);
Vector3 e2c = e3c.cross(e1c);
// insertion de la matrice de rotation (transposée), dans worldToCamera
worldToCamera.set(0, 0, e1c.get(0));
worldToCamera.set(0, 1, e1c.get(1));
worldToCamera.set(0, 2, e1c.get(2));
worldToCamera.set(1, 0, e2c.get(0));
worldToCamera.set(1, 1, e2c.get(1));
worldToCamera.set(1, 2, e2c.get(2));
worldToCamera.set(2, 0, e3c.get(0));
worldToCamera.set(2, 1, e3c.get(1));
worldToCamera.set(2, 2, e3c.get(2));
// le vecteur de zeros sous la rotation, dans worldToCamera
worldToCamera.set(3, 0, 0);
worldToCamera.set(3, 1, 0);
worldToCamera.set(3, 2, 0);
// le 1 en bas à droite, dans worldToCamera
worldToCamera.set(3, 3, 1);
// compute translation
Matrix M = worldToCamera.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 3, 3);
Vector t = M.multiply(cam);
// insertion du vecteur translation, dans worldToCamera
worldToCamera.set(0, 3, -t.get(0));
worldToCamera.set(1, 3, -t.get(1));
worldToCamera.set(2, 3, -t.get(2));
} catch (Exception e) {
/* unreached */
System.out.println("Modelview matrix:\n" + worldToCamera);
public void setProjection() {
// matrice "identitée" 3x4
projection.set(0, 0, 1);
projection.set(1, 1, 1);
projection.set(2, 2, 1);
System.out.println("Projection matrix:\n" + projection);
public void setCalibration(double focal, double width, double height) {
// focal sur la diagonale, sauf en bas à droite
calibration.set(0, 0, focal);
calibration.set(1, 1, focal);
// translation de w/2 et h/2
calibration.set(0, 2, width / 2);
calibration.set(1, 2, height / 2);
System.out.println("Calibration matrix:\n" + calibration);
* Projects the given homogeneous, 4 dimensional point onto the screen.
* The resulting Vector as its (x,y) coordinates in pixel, and its z coordinate
* is the depth of the point in the camera coordinate system.
public Vector3 projectPoint(Vector p) throws SizeMismatchException, InstantiationException {
Vector ps = new Vector(3);
// projection du point dans le plan
ps = calibration.multiply(projection.multiply(worldToCamera.multiply(p)));
double depth = ps.get(2);
// "normalisation" des coordonnées du point
ps.set(0, ps.get(0) / depth);
ps.set(1, ps.get(1) / depth);
// ps.scale(1 / depth);
return new Vector3(ps);
* Transform a vector from world to camera coordinates.
public Vector3 transformVector(Vector3 v) throws SizeMismatchException, InstantiationException {
/* Doing nothing special here because there is no scaling */
Matrix R = worldToCamera.getSubMatrix(0, 0, 3, 3);
Vector tv = R.multiply(v);
return new Vector3(tv);