import*; import algebra.*; /** * Defines a triangle based mesh. * A mesh is constructed by interpretting the data given in an OFF file. * * @author smondet gg cdehais */ public class Mesh { private Vector[] vertices; private int[] faces; private double[] colors; private Vector3[] normals; private double[] texCoords; private static String nextLine(BufferedReader in) throws Exception { String r = in.readLine(); while (r.matches("\\s*#.*")) { r = in.readLine(); } return r; } /** * Builds a Mesh object by reading in an OFF file. * Does not support non triangular meshes. * * @filename path to OFF file. */ public Mesh(String filename) throws Exception { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String r = nextLine(in); if (!r.equals("OFF")) { throw new IOException("Invalid OFF file !"); } r = nextLine(in); String[] sar = r.split("\\s+"); /* Parse object properties */ int verts_nb = new Integer(sar[0]).intValue(); int faces_nb = new Integer(sar[1]).intValue(); int edges_nb = new Integer(sar[2]).intValue(); /* Parse vertices and attributes */ vertices = new Vector[verts_nb]; faces = new int[3 * faces_nb]; colors = new double[3 * verts_nb]; for (int i = 0; i < verts_nb; i++) { r = nextLine(in); sar = r.split("\\s+"); vertices[i] = new Vector("v" + i, 4); vertices[i].set(0, new Double(sar[0]).doubleValue()); vertices[i].set(1, new Double(sar[1]).doubleValue()); vertices[i].set(2, new Double(sar[2]).doubleValue()); vertices[i].set(3, 1.0); colors[3 * i + 0] = new Double(sar[3]).doubleValue(); colors[3 * i + 1] = new Double(sar[4]).doubleValue(); colors[3 * i + 2] = new Double(sar[5]).doubleValue(); /* optionnal texture coordinates */ if (sar.length >= 8) { if (texCoords == null) { texCoords = new double[2 * verts_nb]; } texCoords[2 * i] = new Double(sar[6]).doubleValue(); texCoords[2 * i + 1] = new Double(sar[7]).doubleValue(); } } /* Parse faces */ for (int i = 0; i < faces_nb; i++) { r = nextLine(in); sar = r.split("\\s+"); int en = new Integer(sar[0]).intValue(); if (en != 3) { throw new IOException("Non-triangular meshes not supported."); } faces[3 * i + 0] = new Integer(sar[1]).intValue(); faces[3 * i + 1] = new Integer(sar[2]).intValue(); faces[3 * i + 2] = new Integer(sar[3]).intValue(); } in.close(); } /** * Gets the number of vertices in the mesh */ public int getNumVertices() { return vertices.length; } /** * Gets the number of faces in the mesh */ public int getNumFaces() { return faces.length / 3; } /** * Constructs a normal for each vertex of the mesh */ private Vector3[] computeNormals() { normals = new Vector3[vertices.length]; // Compute per face normals and set the vertex normal to the average normals // across faces // to the vertex. try { for (int i = 0; i < 3 * getNumFaces(); i += 3) { int index_v0 = faces[i + 0]; int index_v1 = faces[i + 1]; int index_v2 = faces[i + 2]; Vector3 v0 = new Vector3(vertices[index_v0]); Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(vertices[index_v1]); Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(vertices[index_v2]); Vector3 bidule_gauche = new Vector3(v1); bidule_gauche.subtract(v0); Vector3 bidule_droite = new Vector3(v2); bidule_droite.subtract(v0); Vector3 n = bidule_gauche.cross(bidule_droite); // ajoute la normale calculee a chq sommet de la face for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Vector nj = normals[faces[i + j]]; if (nj == null) { normals[faces[i + j]] = new Vector3(n); normals[faces[i + j]].setName("n" + faces[i + j]); } else { nj.add(n); } } } } catch (InstantiationException e) { System.out.println("Should not reach 1"); } catch (SizeMismatchException e) { System.out.println("Should not reach 2"); } // final round of normalization for (int i = 0; i < normals.length; i++) { if (normals[i] == null) { /* deals with orphans vertices */ normals[i] = new Vector3("n_orphan"); } else { normals[i].normalize(); } } return normals; } /** * Returns the vertices of the mesh */ public Vector[] getVertices() { return vertices; } /** * Return the normals associated to the vertices. */ public Vector3[] getNormals() { if (normals == null) { normals = computeNormals(); } return normals; } /** * Returns the faces of the mesh. The returned array contains 3*n integers, with * n the number of faces. * Each integer is an index into the array of Vector. */ public int[] getFaces() { return faces; } /** * Returns the colors of each vertex in the mesh. */ public double[] getColors() { return colors; } /** * Returns the texture coordinates of each vertex in the mesh. */ public double[] getTextureCoordinates() { return texCoords; } }