import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import algebra.*; import java.awt.Color; /* * The Lighting class describes a scene lighting environment * @author: gmorin, smondet */ public class Lighting { static final int NONE = 0; static final int AMBIENT = 1; static final int POINT = 2; List lights; /* Internal Class describing a light source */ private class Light { public int type = NONE; public double[] params; public Light(int type, double[] params) { this.type = type; this.params = params; } } public Lighting() { lights = new LinkedList(); } /* Adds a new ambient light source of intensity @ia to the environment. */ public void addAmbientLight(double ia) { double[] v = new double[1]; v[0] = ia; lights.add(new Light(AMBIENT, v)); } /** Addsa */ public void addPointLight(double x, double y, double z, double id) { double[] v = new double[5]; v[0] = x; v[1] = y; v[2] = z; v[3] = id; lights.add(new Light(POINT, v)); } /* * Computes the illuminated color of a 3D points of given position, normal and * color, and given the camera position and material parameters. * Returns an array of size 3. */ public double[] applyLights(Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, double[] color, Vector3 cameraPosition, double ka, double kd, double ks, double s) { double[] litColor = new double[3]; /* total light intensity */ double I = 0.0; Iterator it = lights.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Light light = (Light); switch (light.type) { case AMBIENT: /* Ambient light */ double Ia = light.params[0]; I += Ia * ka; break; case POINT: try { /* vector from point to camera center */ Vector3 e = new Vector3(cameraPosition); e.subtract(position); e.normalize(); /* vector from point to light */ Vector3 l = new Vector3(light.params[0], light.params[1], light.params[2]); l.subtract(position); l.normalize(); /* half-vector between e and l */ Vector3 h = new Vector3(e); h.add(l); h.normalize(); double Id = light.params[3]; /* diffuse contribution */ double I_diff = Id * kd * / normal.norm() / l.norm(); /* specular contribution */ double I_spec = Id * ks * Math.pow( / h.norm() / normal.norm(), s); I += I_diff + I_spec; } catch (InstantiationException ex) { /* should not reach */ } catch (SizeMismatchException ex) { /* should not reach */ } break; default: /* ignore unknow lights */ break; } } litColor[0] = I * color[0]; litColor[1] = I * color[1]; litColor[2] = I * color[2]; return litColor; } /* * Computes the illuminated color of a 3D points of given position, normal and * color, and given the camera position and material parameters. * Returns an array of size 3. */ public double[] applyLights(Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, Color color, Vector3 cameraPosition, double ka, double kd, double ks, double s) { double[] couleur = new double[3]; couleur[0] = color.getRed(); couleur[1] = color.getGreen(); couleur[2] = color.getBlue(); return applyLights(position, normal, couleur, cameraPosition, ka, kd, ks, s); } }