import algebra.*; /** * The Renderer class drives the rendering pipeline: read in a scene, projects * the vertices and rasterizes every faces / edges. * * @author: cdehais */ public class Renderer { static Scene scene; static Mesh mesh; static Rasterizer rasterizer; static GraphicsWrapper screen; static Shader shader; static Transformation xform; static Lighting lighting; static boolean lightingEnabled; static void init(String sceneFilename) throws Exception { scene = new Scene(sceneFilename); mesh = new Mesh(scene.getMeshFileName()); screen = new GraphicsWrapper(scene.getScreenW(), scene.getScreenH()); screen.clearBuffer(); // shader = new SimpleShader(screen); shader = new PainterShader(screen); rasterizer = new PerspectiveCorrectRasterizer(shader); rasterizer = new Rasterizer(shader); xform = new Transformation(); xform.setLookAt(scene.getCameraPosition(), scene.getCameraLookAt(), scene.getCameraUp()); xform.setProjection(); xform.setCalibration(scene.getCameraFocal(), scene.getScreenW(), scene.getScreenH()); lighting = new Lighting(); lighting.addAmbientLight(scene.getAmbientI()); double[] lightCoord = scene.getSourceCoord(); lighting.addPointLight(lightCoord[0], lightCoord[1], lightCoord[2], scene.getSourceI()); } static Fragment[] projectVertices() { Vector[] vertices = mesh.getVertices(); Vector3[] normals = mesh.getNormals(); double[] colors = mesh.getColors(); Fragment[] fragments = new Fragment[vertices.length]; try { for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) { Vector pVertex = xform.projectPoint(vertices[i]); // Vector pNormal = xform.transformVector (normals[i]); Vector3 pNormal = normals[i]; int x = (int) Math.round(pVertex.get(0)); int y = (int) Math.round(pVertex.get(1)); fragments[i] = new Fragment(x, y); fragments[i].setDepth(pVertex.get(2)); fragments[i].setNormal(pNormal); double[] texCoords = mesh.getTextureCoordinates(); if (texCoords != null) { fragments[i].setAttribute(7, texCoords[2 * i]); fragments[i].setAttribute(8, texCoords[2 * i + 1]); } if (!lightingEnabled) { fragments[i].setColor(colors[3 * i], colors[3 * i + 1], colors[3 * i + 2]); } else { double[] color = new double[3]; color[0] = colors[3 * i]; color[1] = colors[3 * i + 1]; color[2] = colors[3 * i + 2]; double material[] = scene.getMaterial(); double[] litColor = lighting.applyLights(new Vector3(vertices[i]), pNormal, color, scene.getCameraPosition(), material[0], material[1], material[2], material[3]); fragments[i].setColor(litColor[0], litColor[1], litColor[2]); } } } catch (SizeMismatchException e) { e.printStackTrace(); /* should not reach */ } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); /* should not reach */ } return fragments; } static void renderWireframe() { Fragment[] fragment = projectVertices(); int[] faces = mesh.getFaces(); for (int i = 0; i < 3 * mesh.getNumFaces(); i += 3) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Fragment v1 = fragment[faces[i + j]]; Fragment v2 = fragment[faces[i + ((j + 1) % 3)]]; rasterizer.rasterizeEdge(v1, v2); } } } static void renderSolid() { Fragment[] fragments = projectVertices(); int[] faces = mesh.getFaces(); for (int i = 0; i < 3 * mesh.getNumFaces(); i += 3) { Fragment v1 = fragments[faces[i]]; Fragment v2 = fragments[faces[i + 1]]; Fragment v3 = fragments[faces[i + 2]]; rasterizer.rasterizeFace(v1, v2, v3); } } public static void setLightingEnabled(boolean enabled) { lightingEnabled = enabled; } public static void wait(int sec) { try { Thread.sleep(sec * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { /* nothing */ } } public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length == 0) { System.out.println("usage: java Renderer "); } else { try { init(args[0]); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Problem initializing Renderer: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); return; } } /* wireframe rendering */ renderWireframe(); screen.swapBuffers(); wait(1); /* solid rendering, no lighting */ screen.clearBuffer(); shader.reset(); renderSolid(); screen.swapBuffers(); wait(1); wait(10); /* solid rendering, with lighting */ /* * screen.clearBuffer (); * shader.reset (); * setLightingEnabled (true); * renderSolid (); * screen.swapBuffers (); * wait (3); */ /* solid rendering, with texture */ /* * screen.clearBuffer (); * TextureShader texShader = new TextureShader (screen); * texShader.setTexture ("data/brick.jpg"); * shader = texShader; * rasterizer.setShader (texShader); * setLightingEnabled (true); * renderSolid (); * screen.swapBuffers (); * wait (3); */ screen.destroy(); System.exit(0); } }