feat: avancement TAM

Co-authored-by: gdamms <gdamms@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
Laurent Fainsin 2021-12-09 22:44:12 +01:00
parent 96955b19ba
commit f635a09506
2 changed files with 64 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -4,43 +4,37 @@ struct
open Tds
open Ast
open AstType
open AstPlacement
open Type
open Code
type t1 = Ast.AstPlacement.programme
type t2 = string
let rec analyse_code_expression e =
match e with
| AstPlacement.AppelFonction(InfoFun(nom,_,_), le) ->
(List.fold_right (fun e res_q -> res ^ analyse_code_expression e) le "") ^
"CALL (ST)" ^
nom ^
| AppelFonction(i, le) ->
let InfoFun(nom,_,_) = info_ast_to_info i in
(List.fold_right (fun e res -> res ^ analyse_code_expression e) le "") ^
"CALL (ST)" ^nom ^ "\n"
| AstPlacement.Ident(InfoIdent(_,t,base,reg)) ->
"LOAD (" ^
(getTaille t) ^
") " ^
(string_of_int base) ^
"[" ^
reg ^
| Ident(i) ->
let InfoVar(_,t,base,reg) = info_ast_to_info i in
"LOAD (" ^ (string_of_int (getTaille t)) ^ ") " ^ (string_of_int base) ^ "[" ^ reg ^ "]\n"
| AstPlacement.Booleen(b) ->
| Booleen(b) ->
if b then
"LOADL 1\n"
"LOADL 0\n"
| AstPlacement.Entier(n) ->
(string_of_int n) ^
| Entier(n) ->
"LOADL" ^ (string_of_int n) ^ "\n"
| AstPlacement.Unaire(u, e) ->
| Unaire(u, e) ->
(analyse_code_expression e) ^
match u with
@ -48,12 +42,12 @@ let rec analyse_code_expression e =
| Denominateur -> "LOAD (1) -1[ST]\n"
| AstPlacement.Binaire(b, e1, e2) ->
| Binaire(b, e1, e2) ->
(analyse_code_expression e1) ^
(analyse_code_expression e2) ^
match b with
| Fraction -> ""
| Fraction -> "CALL (ST) norm\n"
| PlusInt -> "SUBR IAdd\n"
| MultInt -> "SUBR IMul\n"
| EquInt -> "SUBR IEq\n"
@ -64,31 +58,63 @@ let rec analyse_code_expression e =
and analyse_code_instruction i typefun =
and analyse_code_instruction i =
match i with
| AstPlacement.Declaration ->
| Declaration(i, e) ->
analyse_code_expression e
| AstPlacement.Affectation ->
| Affectation(i, e) ->
let InfoVar(_,t,base,reg) = (info_ast_to_info i) in
analyse_code_expression e ^
"STORE (" ^ (string_of_int (getTaille t)) ^ ")" ^ (string_of_int base) ^ "[" ^ reg ^ "]\n"
| AstPlacement.AffichageInt ->
| AffichageInt(e) ->
(analyse_code_expression e) ^
"SUBR IOut\n"
| AffichageRat(e) ->
(analyse_code_expression e) ^
"CALL (ST) rout\n"
| AstPlacement.AffichageRat ->
| AffichageBool(e) ->
(analyse_code_expression e) ^
"SUBR BOut\n"
| AstPlacement.AffichageBool ->
| Conditionnelle(e, b1, b2) ->
let etiq1 = getEtiquette () in
let etiq2 = getEtiquette () in
(analyse_code_expression e) ^
"JUMPIF (0) " ^ etiq1 ^ "[ST]\n" ^
(analyse_code_bloc b1) ^
"JUMP " ^ etiq2 ^ "[ST]\n" ^
etiq1 ^ "\n" ^
(analyse_code_bloc b2) ^
etiq2 ^ "\n"
| AstPlacement.Conditionnelle ->
| TantQue(e, b) ->
let etiq_while = getEtiquette () in
let etiq_fin = getEtiquette () in
etiq_while ^
(analyse_code_expression e) ^
"JUMPIF (0) " ^ etiq_fin ^ "[ST]\n" ^
(analyse_code_bloc b) ^
"JUMP " ^ etiq_while ^ "[ST]\n" ^
etiq_fin ^ "\n"
| AstPlacement.TantQue ->
(* | Retour(e) ->
(analyse_code_expression e) ^
"RETURN (" ^ r? ^ ") p\n" *)
| AstPlacement.Retour ->
and analyse_code_bloc base reg bloc = failwith "TODO"
and analyse_code_bloc bloc =
List.fold_right (
fun i res -> (analyse_code_instruction i) ^ res
) bloc ""
and analyse_code_fonction (AstPlacement.Fonction(info, l_typinfo, bloc)) = failwith "TODO"
let analyser (AstPlacement.Programme(fonctions, prog)) =
let code = getEntete in
let code = code ^ List.fold_right (fun e res_q -> (analyse_code_fonction e) ^ res_q) fonctions "" in
let code = getEntete () in
(* let code = code ^ List.fold_right (fun e res_q -> (analyse_code_fonction e) ^ res_q) fonctions "" in *)
let code = code ^ "main\n" in
let code = code ^ analyse_code_bloc prog in

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ let runtam ratfile =
let%expect_test "testprintint" =
runtam "../../fichiersRat/src-rat-tam-test/testprintint.rat";
[%expect{| 42 |}]
let%expect_test "testprintbool" =
runtam "../../fichiersRat/src-rat-tam-test/testprintbool.rat";
[%expect{| true |}]
@ -108,3 +108,4 @@ let%expect_test "factfuns" =
let%expect_test "factrec" =
runtam "../../fichiersRat/src-rat-tam-test/factrec.rat";
[%expect{| 120 |}]