2021-11-24 14:13:45 +01:00

58 lines
1.7 KiB

type typ = Bool | Int | Rat | Undefined
let string_of_type t =
match t with
| Bool -> "Bool"
| Int -> "Int"
| Rat -> "Rat"
| Undefined -> "Undefined"
let est_compatible t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| Bool, Bool -> true
| Int, Int -> true
| Rat, Rat -> true
| _ -> false
let%test _ = est_compatible Bool Bool
let%test _ = est_compatible Int Int
let%test _ = est_compatible Rat Rat
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Int Bool)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Bool Int)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Int Rat)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Rat Int)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Bool Rat)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Rat Bool)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Undefined Int)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Int Undefined)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Rat Undefined)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Bool Undefined)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Undefined Int)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Undefined Rat)
let%test _ = not (est_compatible Undefined Bool)
let est_compatible_list lt1 lt2 =
List.for_all2 est_compatible lt1 lt2
with Invalid_argument _ -> false
let%test _ = est_compatible_list [] []
let%test _ = est_compatible_list [Int ; Rat] [Int ; Rat]
let%test _ = est_compatible_list [Bool ; Rat ; Bool] [Bool ; Rat ; Bool]
let%test _ = not (est_compatible_list [Int] [Int ; Rat])
let%test _ = not (est_compatible_list [Int] [Rat ; Int])
let%test _ = not (est_compatible_list [Int ; Rat] [Rat ; Int])
let%test _ = not (est_compatible_list [Bool ; Rat ; Bool] [Bool ; Rat ; Bool ; Int])
let getTaille t =
match t with
| Int -> 1
| Bool -> 1
| Rat -> 2
| Undefined -> 0
let%test _ = getTaille Int = 1
let%test _ = getTaille Bool = 1
let%test _ = getTaille Rat = 2