import argparse import logging from logging import info from pathlib import Path from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download # type: ignore from torch import Tensor from torch.nn import Parameter as TorchParameter from refiners.fluxion.adapters.lora import Lora, LoraAdapter, auto_attach_loras from refiners.fluxion.layers import Conv2d from refiners.fluxion.layers.linear import Linear from refiners.fluxion.utils import load_from_safetensors, save_to_safetensors from refiners.foundationals.latent_diffusion.lora import SDLoraManager from refiners.foundationals.latent_diffusion.stable_diffusion_xl.control_lora import ( ConditionEncoder, ControlLora, ControlLoraAdapter, ZeroConvolution, ) from refiners.foundationals.latent_diffusion.stable_diffusion_xl.model import StableDiffusion_XL def sort_keys(key: str, /) -> tuple[str, int]: """Compute the score of a key, relatively to its suffix. When used by [`sorted`][sorted], the keys will only be sorted "at the suffix level". Args: key: The key to sort. Returns: The padded suffix of the key. The score of the key's suffix. """ if "time_embed" in key: # HACK: will place the "time_embed" layers at very start of the list return ("", -2) if "label_emb" in key: # HACK: will place the "label_emb" layers right after "time_embed" return ("", -1) if "proj_out" in key: # HACK: will place the "proj_out" layers at the end of each "transformer_blocks" return (key.removesuffix("proj_out") + "", 10) return SDLoraManager.sort_keys(key) def load_lora_layers( name: str, state_dict: dict[str, Tensor], control_lora: ControlLora, ) -> dict[str, Lora[Linear | Conv2d]]: """Load the LoRA layers from the state_dict into the ControlLora. Args: name: The name of the LoRA. state_dict: The state_dict of the LoRA. control_lora: The ControlLora to load the LoRA layers into. """ # filter from the state_dict the layers that will be used for the LoRA layers lora_weights = {f"{key}.weight": value for key, value in state_dict.items() if ".up" in key or ".down" in key} # move the tensors to the device and dtype of the ControlLora lora_weights = { key: dtype=control_lora.dtype, device=control_lora.device, ) for key, value in lora_weights.items() } # load every LoRA layers from the filtered state_dict lora_layers = Lora.from_dict(name, state_dict=lora_weights) # sort all the LoRA's keys using the `sort_keys` method lora_layers = { key: lora_layers[key] for key in sorted( lora_layers.keys(), key=sort_keys, ) } # auto-attach the LoRA layers to the U-Net failed_keys = auto_attach_loras(lora_layers, control_lora, exclude=["ZeroConvolution", "ConditionEncoder"]) assert not failed_keys, f"Failed to auto-attach {len(failed_keys)}/{len(lora_layers)} LoRA layers." # eject all the LoRA adapters from the U-Net # because we need each target path as if the adapter wasn't injected for lora_layer in lora_layers.values(): lora_adapter = lora_layer.parent assert isinstance(lora_adapter, LoraAdapter) lora_adapter.eject() return lora_layers def load_condition_encoder( state_dict: dict[str, Tensor], control_lora: ControlLora, ) -> None: """Load the ConditionEncoder's Conv2d layers from the state_dict into the ControlLora. Args: state_dict: The state_dict of the ConditionEncoder. control_lora: The control_lora to load the ConditionEncoder's Conv2d layers into. """ # filter from the state_dict the layers that will be used for the ConditionEncoder condition_encoder_tensors = {key: value for key, value in state_dict.items() if "input_hint_block" in key} # move the tensors to the device and dtype of the ControlLora condition_encoder_tensors = { key: dtype=control_lora.dtype, device=control_lora.device, ) for key, value in condition_encoder_tensors.items() } # find the ConditionEncoder's Conv2d layers condition_encoder_layer = control_lora.ensure_find(ConditionEncoder) condition_encoder_conv2ds = list(condition_encoder_layer.layers(Conv2d)) # replace the Conv2d layers' weights and biases with the ones from the state_dict for i, layer in enumerate(condition_encoder_conv2ds): layer.weight = TorchParameter(condition_encoder_tensors[f"input_hint_block.{i*2}.weight"]) layer.bias = TorchParameter(condition_encoder_tensors[f"input_hint_block.{i*2}.bias"]) def load_zero_convolutions( state_dict: dict[str, Tensor], control_lora: ControlLora, ) -> None: """Load the ZeroConvolution's Conv2d layers from the state_dict into the ControlLora. Args: state_dict: The state_dict of the ZeroConvolution. control_lora: The ControlLora to load the ZeroConvolution's Conv2d layers into. """ # filter from the state_dict the layers that will be used for the ZeroConvolution layers zero_convolution_tensors = {key: value for key, value in state_dict.items() if "zero_convs" in key} n = len(zero_convolution_tensors) // 2 zero_convolution_tensors[f"zero_convs.{n}.0.weight"] = state_dict["middle_block_out.0.weight"] zero_convolution_tensors[f"zero_convs.{n}.0.bias"] = state_dict["middle_block_out.0.bias"] # move the tensors to the device and dtype of the ControlLora zero_convolution_tensors = { key: dtype=control_lora.dtype, device=control_lora.device, ) for key, value in zero_convolution_tensors.items() } # find the ZeroConvolution's Conv2d layers zero_convolution_layers = list(control_lora.layers(ZeroConvolution)) zero_convolution_conv2ds = [layer.ensure_find(Conv2d) for layer in zero_convolution_layers] # replace the Conv2d layers' weights and biases with the ones from the state_dict for i, layer in enumerate(zero_convolution_conv2ds): layer.weight = TorchParameter(zero_convolution_tensors[f"zero_convs.{i}.0.weight"]) layer.bias = TorchParameter(zero_convolution_tensors[f"zero_convs.{i}.0.bias"]) def simplify_key(key: str, prefix: str, index: int | None = None) -> str: """Simplify a key by stripping everything to the left of the prefix. Also optionally add a zero-padded index to the prefix. Example: >>> simplify_key("", "ControlLora", 1) "ControlLora_01.something" >>> simplify_key("", "ControlLora") "ControlLora.DownBlocks.something" Args: key: The key to simplify. prefix: The prefix to remove. index: The index to add. """ _, right = key.split(prefix, maxsplit=1) if index: return f"{prefix}_{index:02d}{right}" else: return f"{prefix}{right}" def convert_lora_layers( lora_layers: dict[str, Lora[Linear | Conv2d]], control_lora: ControlLora, refiners_state_dict: dict[str, Tensor], ) -> None: """Convert the LoRA layers to the refiners format. Args: lora_layers: The LoRA layers to convert. control_lora: The ControlLora to convert the LoRA layers from. refiners_state_dict: The refiners state dict to update with the converted LoRA layers. """ for lora_layer in lora_layers.values(): # get the adapter associated with the LoRA layer lora_adapter = lora_layer.parent assert isinstance(lora_adapter, LoraAdapter) # get the path of the adapter's target in the ControlLora target = path = target.get_path(parent=control_lora.ensure_find_parent(target)) state_dict = { f"{path}.down": lora_layer.down.weight, f"{path}.up": lora_layer.up.weight, } state_dict = {simplify_key(key, "ControlLora"): param for key, param in state_dict.items()} refiners_state_dict.update(state_dict) def convert_zero_convolutions( control_lora: ControlLora, refiners_state_dict: dict[str, Tensor], ) -> None: """Convert the ZeroConvolution layers to the refiners format. Args: control_lora: The ControlLora to convert the ZeroConvolution layers from. refiners_state_dict: The refiners state dict to update with the converted ZeroConvolution layers. """ zero_convolution_layers = list(control_lora.layers(ZeroConvolution)) for i, zero_convolution_layer in enumerate(zero_convolution_layers): state_dict = zero_convolution_layer.state_dict() path = zero_convolution_layer.get_path() state_dict = {f"{path}.{key}": param for key, param in state_dict.items()} state_dict = {simplify_key(key, "ZeroConvolution", i + 1): param for key, param in state_dict.items()} refiners_state_dict.update(state_dict) def convert_condition_encoder( control_lora: ControlLora, refiners_state_dict: dict[str, Tensor], ) -> None: """Convert the ConditionEncoder to the refiners format. Args: control_lora: The ControlLora to convert the ConditionEncoder from. refiners_state_dict: The refiners state dict to update with the converted ConditionEncoder. """ condition_encoder_layer = control_lora.ensure_find(ConditionEncoder) path = condition_encoder_layer.get_path() state_dict = condition_encoder_layer.state_dict() state_dict = {f"{path}.{key}": param for key, param in state_dict.items()} state_dict = {simplify_key(key, "ConditionEncoder"): param for key, param in state_dict.items()} refiners_state_dict.update(state_dict) def convert( name: str, state_dict_path: Path, output_path: Path, ) -> None: sdxl = StableDiffusion_XL() info("Stable Diffusion XL model initialized") fooocus_state_dict = load_from_safetensors(state_dict_path) info(f"Fooocus weights loaded from: {state_dict_path}") control_lora_adapter = ControlLoraAdapter(target=sdxl.unet, name=name).inject() control_lora = control_lora_adapter.control_lora info("ControlLoraAdapter initialized") lora_layers = load_lora_layers(name, fooocus_state_dict, control_lora) info("LoRA layers loaded") load_zero_convolutions(fooocus_state_dict, control_lora) info("ZeroConvolution layers loaded") load_condition_encoder(fooocus_state_dict, control_lora) info("ConditionEncoder loaded") refiners_state_dict: dict[str, Tensor] = {} convert_lora_layers(lora_layers, control_lora, refiners_state_dict) info("LoRA layers converted to refiners format") convert_zero_convolutions(control_lora, refiners_state_dict) info("ZeroConvolution layers converted to refiners format") convert_condition_encoder(control_lora, refiners_state_dict) info("ConditionEncoder converted to refiners format") output_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) save_to_safetensors(path=output_path, tensors=refiners_state_dict) info(f"Converted ControlLora state dict saved to disk at: {output_path}") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Convert ControlLora (from Fooocus) weights to refiners.", ) parser.add_argument( "--from", type=Path, dest="source_path", default="lllyasviel/misc:control-lora-canny-rank128.safetensors", help="Path to the state_dict of the ControlLora, or a Hugging Face model ID.", ) parser.add_argument( "--to", type=Path, dest="output_path", help=( "Path to save the converted model (extension will be .safetensors)." "If not specified, the output path will be the source path with the extension changed to .safetensors." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Use this flag to print verbose output during conversion.", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", ) if not args.source_path.exists(): repo_id, filename = str(args.source_path).split(":") args.source_path = Path( hf_hub_download( repo_id=repo_id, filename=filename, ) ) if args.output_path is None: args.output_path = Path(f"refiners_{args.source_path.stem}.safetensors") convert( name=args.source_path.stem, state_dict_path=args.source_path, output_path=args.output_path, )