from pathlib import Path from warnings import warn import pytest import torch from transformers import AutoModel # type: ignore from transformers.models.dinov2.modeling_dinov2 import Dinov2Model # type: ignore from refiners.fluxion.utils import load_from_safetensors, manual_seed from refiners.foundationals.dinov2 import DINOv2_base, DINOv2_large, DINOv2_small from refiners.foundationals.dinov2.vit import ViT # TODO: add DINOv2 with registers ("dinov2_vits14_reg", etc). At the time of writing, those are not yet supported in # transformers ( Alternatively, it is also possible to use # facebookresearch/dinov2 directly ( FLAVORS = [ "dinov2_vits14", "dinov2_vitb14", "dinov2_vitl14", ] @pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=FLAVORS) def flavor(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> str: return request.param @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def our_backbone(test_weights_path: Path, flavor: str, test_device: torch.device) -> ViT: weights = test_weights_path / f"{flavor}_pretrain.safetensors" if not weights.is_file(): warn(f"could not find weights at {weights}, skipping") pytest.skip(allow_module_level=True) match flavor: case "dinov2_vits14": backbone = DINOv2_small(device=test_device) case "dinov2_vitb14": backbone = DINOv2_base(device=test_device) case "dinov2_vitl14": backbone = DINOv2_large(device=test_device) case _: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected DINOv2 flavor: {flavor}") tensors = load_from_safetensors(weights) backbone.load_state_dict(tensors) return backbone @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def dinov2_weights_path(test_weights_path: Path, flavor: str): match flavor: case "dinov2_vits14": name = "dinov2-small" case "dinov2_vitb14": name = "dinov2-base" case "dinov2_vitl14": name = "dinov2-large" case _: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected DINOv2 flavor: {flavor}") r = test_weights_path / "facebook" / name if not r.is_dir(): warn(f"could not find DINOv2 weights at {r}, skipping") pytest.skip(allow_module_level=True) return r @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ref_backbone(dinov2_weights_path: Path, test_device: torch.device) -> Dinov2Model: backbone = AutoModel.from_pretrained(dinov2_weights_path) # type: ignore assert isinstance(backbone, Dinov2Model) return # type: ignore def test_encoder( ref_backbone: Dinov2Model, our_backbone: ViT, test_device: torch.device, ): manual_seed(42) # Position encoding interpolation [1] at runtime is not supported yet. So stick to the default image resolution # e.g. using (224, 224) pixels as input would give a runtime error (sequence size mismatch) # [1]: assert our_backbone.image_size == 518 x = torch.randn(1, 3, 518, 518).to(test_device) with torch.no_grad(): ref_features = ref_backbone(x).last_hidden_state our_features = our_backbone(x) assert (our_features - ref_features).abs().max() < 1e-3