2023-08-17 14:44:45 +02:00

70 lines
1.8 KiB

name = "refiners"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "The simplest way to train and run adapters on top of foundational models"
authors = [
"The Finegrain Team <>",
license = "MIT"
readme = ""
packages = [{include = "refiners", from = "src"}]
python = ">=3.10,<3.12"
jaxtyping = "^0.2.14"
torch = "^2.0.0"
safetensors = "^0.3.0"
numpy = "^1.24.2"
pillow = "^9.5.0"
datasets = {version = "^2.14.0", optional = true}
tomli = {version = "^2.0.1", optional = true}
wandb = {version = "^0.15.7", optional = true}
loguru = {version = "^0.7.0", optional = true}
bitsandbytes = {version = "^0.41.0", optional = true}
prodigyopt = {version = "^1.0", optional = true}
pydantic = {version = "~2.0.3", optional = true}
scipy = {version = "^1.11.1", optional = true}
torchvision = {version = "^0.15.2", optional = true}
training = ["datasets", "tomli", "wandb", "loguru", "bitsandbytes", "prodigyopt", "pydantic", "scipy", "torchvision"]
black = "^23.1.0"
pytest = "^7.2.2"
isort = "^5.12.0"
ipykernel = "^6.22.0"
pyright = "^1.1.318"
ruff = "^0.0.281"
diffusers = "^0.18.0"
transformers = "^4.27.4"
piq = "^0.7.1"
invisible-watermark = "^0.2.0"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
line-length = 120
preview = true
ignore = [
"F722", # forward-annotation-syntax-error, because of Jaxtyping
"E731", # do-not-assign-lambda
"E501", # line-too-long, because Black (
line-length = 120
include = ["src/refiners", "tests", "scripts"]
strict = ["*"]
exclude = ["**/__pycache__"]
reportMissingTypeStubs = "warning"