using Flux import Flux._show_children import Flux._big_show abstract type AbstractParallel end _maybe_forward(layer::AbstractParallel, x::AbstractArray, ys::AbstractArray...) = layer(x, ys...) _maybe_forward(layer::Parallel, x::AbstractArray, ys::AbstractArray...) = layer(x, ys...) _maybe_forward(layer, x::AbstractArray, ys::AbstractArray...) = layer(x) """ ConditionalChain(layers...) Based off `Flux.Chain` except takes in multiple inputs. If a layer is of type `AbstractParallel` it uses all inputs else it uses only the first one. The first input can therefore be conditioned on the other inputs. """ struct ConditionalChain{T<:Union{Tuple,NamedTuple}} <: AbstractParallel layers::T end Flux.@functor ConditionalChain ConditionalChain(xs...) = ConditionalChain(xs) function ConditionalChain(; kw...) :layers in keys(kw) && throw(ArgumentError("a Chain cannot have a named layer called `layers`")) isempty(kw) && return ConditionalChain(()) ConditionalChain(values(kw)) end Flux.@forward ConditionalChain.layers Base.getindex, Base.length, Base.first, Base.last, Base.iterate, Base.lastindex, Base.keys, Base.firstindex Base.getindex(c::ConditionalChain, i::AbstractArray) = ConditionalChain(c.layers[i]...) function (c::ConditionalChain)(x, ys...) for layer in c.layers x = _maybe_forward(layer, x, ys...) end x end function, c::ConditionalChain) print(io, "ConditionalChain(") Flux._show_layers(io, c.layers) print(io, ")") end function _big_show(io::IO, m::ConditionalChain{T}, indent::Int=0, name=nothing) where {T<:NamedTuple} println(io, " "^indent, isnothing(name) ? "" : "$name = ", "ConditionalChain(") for k in Base.keys(m.layers) _big_show(io, m.layers[k], indent + 2, k) end if indent == 0 print(io, ") ") _big_finale(io, m) else println(io, " "^indent, ")", ",") end end """ ConditionalSkipConnection(layers, connection) The output is equivalent to `connection(layers(x, ys...), x)`. Based off Flux.SkipConnection except it passes multiple arguments to layers. """ struct ConditionalSkipConnection{T,F} <: AbstractParallel layers::T connection::F end Flux.@functor ConditionalSkipConnection function (skip::ConditionalSkipConnection)(x, ys...) skip.connection(skip.layers(x, ys...), x) end function, b::ConditionalSkipConnection) print(io, "ConditionalSkipConnection(", b.layers, ", ", b.connection, ")") end ### Show. Copied from Flux.jl/src/layers/show.jl for T in [ :ConditionalChain, ConditionalSkipConnection ] @eval function, m::MIME"text/plain", x::$T) if get(io, :typeinfo, nothing) === nothing # e.g. top level in REPL Flux._big_show(io, x) elseif !get(io, :compact, false) # e.g. printed inside a Vector, but not a Matrix Flux._layer_show(io, x) else show(io, x) end end end _show_children(c::ConditionalChain) = c.layers