Customized implementation of the [U-Net]( in PyTorch for Kaggle's [Carvana Image Masking Challenge]( from high definition images.
This model was trained from scratch with 5000 images (no data augmentation) and scored a [dice coefficient]( of 0.988423 (511 out of 735) on over 100k test images. This score could be improved with more training, data augmentation, fine tuning, playing with CRF post-processing, and applying more weights on the edges of the masks.
Percent of the data that is used as validation (0-100)
--amp Use mixed precision
By default, the `scale` is 0.5, so if you wish to obtain better results (but use more memory), set it to 1.
The input images and target masks should be in the `data/imgs` and `data/masks` folders respectively. For Carvana, images are RGB and masks are black and white.
The training progress can be visualized in real-time using [Weights & Biases]( Loss curves, validation curves, weights and gradient histograms, as well as predicted masks are logged to the platform.
When launching a training, a link will be printed in the console. Click on it to go to your dashboard. If you have an existing W&B account, you can link it
by setting the `WANDB_API_KEY` environment variable.
A [pretrained model]( is available for the Carvana dataset. It can also be loaded from torch.hub:
net = torch.hub.load('milesial/Pytorch-UNet', 'unet_carvana')
The training was done with a 100% scale and bilinear upsampling.
See a reference training run with the Caravana dataset on []( (only scalars are shown currently).