milesial 4c0f0a7a7b Global cleanup, better logging and CLI
Former-commit-id: ff1ac0936c118d129bc8a8014958948d3b3883be
2019-10-26 23:17:48 +02:00

66 lines
1.6 KiB

import random
import numpy as np
def hwc_to_chw(img):
return np.transpose(img, axes=[2, 0, 1])
def resize_and_crop(pilimg, scale=0.5, final_height=None):
w = pilimg.size[0]
h = pilimg.size[1]
newW = int(w * scale)
newH = int(h * scale)
if not final_height:
diff = 0
diff = newH - final_height
img = pilimg.resize((newW, newH))
img = img.crop((0, diff // 2, newW, newH - diff // 2))
ar = np.array(img, dtype=np.float32)
if len(ar.shape) == 2:
# for greyscale images, add a new axis
ar = np.expand_dims(ar, axis=2)
return ar
def batch(iterable, batch_size):
"""Yields lists by batch"""
b = []
for i, t in enumerate(iterable):
if (i + 1) % batch_size == 0:
yield b
b = []
if len(b) > 0:
yield b
def split_train_val(dataset, val_percent=0.05):
dataset = list(dataset)
length = len(dataset)
n = int(length * val_percent)
return {'train': dataset[:-n], 'val': dataset[-n:]}
def normalize(x):
return x / 255
# credits to
def rle_encode(mask_image):
pixels = mask_image.flatten()
# We avoid issues with '1' at the start or end (at the corners of
# the original image) by setting those pixels to '0' explicitly.
# We do not expect these to be non-zero for an accurate mask,
# so this should not harm the score.
pixels[0] = 0
pixels[-1] = 0
runs = np.where(pixels[1:] != pixels[:-1])[0] + 2
runs[1::2] = runs[1::2] - runs[:-1:2]
return runs