FROM python:alpine AS base # set /code as the workdirectory WORKDIR /code RUN \ # update alpine repositories apk update \ # build tools dependencies && apk add build-base cmake git \ # mgba dependencies && apk add libffi-dev elfutils-dev libzip-tools minizip-dev libedit-dev sqlite-dev libepoxy-dev ffmpeg ffmpeg-dev libpng-dev jpeg-dev \ # install poetry and cffi deps for mgba && pip install poetry cffi # copy poetry config files COPY ./pyproject.toml /code/ RUN \ cd /code \ # clone mgba && git clone mgba \ # create build directory && mkdir mgba/build \ # go to the build directory && cd mgba/build \ # configure the build && cmake -DBUILD_PYTHON=ON -DBUILD_QT=OFF -DBUILD_SDL=OFF -DUSE_DISCORD_RPC=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/local .. \ # build mGBA && make \ && make install \ && cd /code/mgba/src/platform/python/ \ && BINDIR=/code/mgba/build/include/ LIBDIR=/code/mgba/build/include/ python install \ && cd /code/ \ && poetry install RUN \ # go to the workdir cd /code/ \ # config poetry to not create a .venv && poetry config virtualenvs.create false \ # upgrade pip && poetry run pip install --upgrade pip \ # install poetry && BINDIR=/code/mgba/build/ LIBDIR=/code/mgba/build/ poetry install --no-interaction --no-ansi --no-dev # stuck at poetry install ! # elfutils-dev for libelf # libzip-tools || libzip-dev for libzip # minizip-dev for minizip # libedit-dev for libedit # sqlite-dev for sqlite3 # libepoxy-dev for expoxy # ffmpeg-dev for libavcodec # libpng-dev for png # technique d'enlever le -b et de faire install fonctionne # copy the src files COPY ./src /code/ COPY ./roms/pokemon.gba /code/roms/pokemon.gba # create server image FROM base as server CMD [ "poetry","run","python", "/code/" ] # create emulator image FROM base as emulator CMD [ "poetry","run","python", "/code/" ]