feat: seperated resumes in seperate files

This commit is contained in:
Laureηt 2021-05-21 17:27:27 +02:00
parent a84b50bd3a
commit 8d2b4e9d15
4 changed files with 482 additions and 3 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@

pages/_data/resumes/en.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
"locale": "en",
"name": "Laurent Fainsin",
"go_back": "Go back",
"report": "report",
"flag_icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-gb",
"info": {
"label": "CS Engineering Student",
"about": "I am an hardworking and punctual person, I work well in a team but also on my own as I like challenge myself. I have good listening and communication skills, I am well organized and rarely fail to meet deadlines."
"contacts_title": "Contacts",
"contacts": [
"contact": "laurentfainsin@protonmail.com",
"url": "mailto:laurentfainsin@protonmail.com",
"icon": "fa fa-envelope-o"
"contact": "+33781492838",
"url": "https://signal.org/",
"icon": "fa fa-phone"
"contact": "Brest, France",
"url": "https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=12/48.3930/-4.4601",
"icon": "fa fa-location-arrow"
"socials_title": "Socials",
"socials": [
"network": "laurent-fainsin",
"url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurent-fainsin/",
"icon": "fa fa-linkedin"
"network": "Laurent2916",
"url": "https://github.com/Laurent2916",
"icon": "fa fa-github"
"network": "@fainsil:inpt.fr",
"url": "https://matrix.to/#/@fainsil:inpt.fr",
"icon": "fa fa-matrix-org"
"school_projects_title": "School projects",
"school_projects": [
"title": "Pagerank",
"repo": "",
"pdf": "{{ '/content/pagerank.pdf' | url }}",
"role": "Author",
"description": "Implementation of an iterative algorithm in Ada to compute the pagerank of a given network as quickly and efficiently as possible."
"title": "Frequency Modem",
"repo": "",
"pdf": "{{ '/content/modem.pdf' | url }}",
"role": "Author",
"description": "Matlab modeling of a modem capable of transmitting information (a sequence of bits) reliably via an imperfect transmission channel."
"personnal_projects_title": "Personnal projects",
"personnal_projects": [
"title": "This website",
"repo": "https://project-repo.com",
"role": "Author",
"description": "I made this website almost entirely from scratch, I used the static site generetor 11ty.js to simplify the process thanks to its templating system. I learned a lot about HTML, CSS, Javascript and it also allowed me to strengthen my git skills."
"education_title": "Education",
"education": {
"level": "Master degree",
"history": [
"institution": "ENSEEIHT",
"title": "CS Engineer",
"url": "https://www.enseeiht.fr/",
"start": "2020",
"end": "Now",
"eqv": "Master (L3, M1, M2)"
"institution": "Lycée Kérichen/Vauban",
"title": "CPGE PSI",
"url": "http://www.lycee-kerichen.org/",
"start": "2018",
"end": "2020",
"eqv": "License (L1, L2)"
"institution": "Lycée de l'Harteloire",
"title": "Baccalauréat S",
"url": "https://www.harteloire.com/",
"start": "2015",
"end": "2018",
"eqv": "Highschool"
"skills_title": "Skills",
"skills": [
"name": "General Softwares",
"level": "advanced",
"tags": [
"name": "Web Development",
"level": "intermediate",
"tags": [
"name": "Scientific Computing",
"level": "intermediate",
"tags": [
"name": "Licenses",
"level": "french",
"tags": [
"reading_title": "Readings",
"reading": [
"title": "Data-Driven Science and Engineering",
"url": "http://www.databookuw.com/"
"title": "The Book of Shaders",
"url": "https://thebookofshaders.com/"
"title": "r/programming",
"url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/programming"
"title": "r/privacy",
"url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy"
"languages_title": "Languages",
"languages": [
"language": "French",
"level": "native",
"icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-fr"
"language": "English",
"level": "proficient",
"icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-gb"
"language": "Japanese",
"level": "beginner",
"icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-jp"
"language": "Spanish",
"level": "elementary",
"icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-es"
"language": "Python",
"level": "intermediate",
"icon": "devicon-python-plain"
"language": "Java",
"level": "intermediate",
"icon": "devicon-java-plain"
"language": "Rust",
"level": "beginner",
"icon": "devicon-rust-plain"
"language": "C",
"level": "beginner",
"icon": "devicon-c-plain"
"interests_title": "Interests",
"interests": [
"name": "GitHub",
"summary": "Regular GitHub user and tinkerer.",
"tags": [
"Open Source"
"name": "Electronics",
"summary": "Maker at heart.",
"tags": [
"PCB Design"
"name": "Archery",
"summary": "Practiced for a couple years the art of precision & accuracy.",
"tags": [
"name": "Fishkeeping",
"summary": "Tamagochis, but with real responsabilities.",
"tags": [

pages/_data/resumes/fr.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
"locale": "fr",
"name": "Laurent Fainsin",
"go_back": "revenir en arrière",
"report": "rapport",
"flag_icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-fr",
"info": {
"label": "Étudiant Ingénieur SN",
"about": "Je suis travailleur et ponctuel, je travaille bien en équipe mais aussi seul car j'aime me défier. J'ai de bonnes capacités d'écoute et de communication, je suis bien organisé et je respecte toujours les deadlines."
"contacts_title": "Contacts",
"contacts": [
"contact": "laurentfainsin@protonmail.com",
"url": "mailto:laurentfainsin@protonmail.com",
"icon": "fa fa-envelope-o"
"contact": "+33781492838",
"url": "https://signal.org/",
"icon": "fa fa-phone"
"contact": "Brest, France",
"url": "https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=12/48.3930/-4.4601",
"icon": "fa fa-location-arrow"
"socials_title": "Socials",
"socials": [
"network": "laurent-fainsin",
"url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurent-fainsin/",
"icon": "fa fa-linkedin"
"network": "Laurent2916",
"url": "https://github.com/Laurent2916",
"icon": "fa fa-github"
"network": "@fainsil:inpt.fr",
"url": "https://matrix.to/#/@fainsil:inpt.fr",
"icon": "fa fa-matrix-org"
"school_projects_title": "Projets scolaires",
"school_projects": [
"title": "Pagerank",
"repo": "",
"pdf": "{{ '/content/pagerank.pdf' | url }}",
"role": "Author",
"description": "Mise en œuvre d'un algorithme itératif en Ada pour calculer le pagerank d'un réseau donné, aussi rapidement et efficacement que possible."
"title": "Modem de fréquence",
"repo": "",
"pdf": "{{ '/content/modem.pdf' | url }}",
"role": "Author",
"description": "Modélisation Matlab d'un modem capable de transmettre des informations (séquences de bits) de manière fiable via un canal de transmission imparfait."
"personnal_projects_title": "Projets personnels",
"personnal_projects": [
"title": "Ce site web",
"repo": "https://project-repo.com",
"role": "Author",
"description": "J'ai fait ce site presque entièrement de zéro, pour simplifier le processus de création j'ai utilisé le générateur de site statique 11ty.js et son système de templates."
"education_title": "Éducation",
"education": {
"level": "Master degree",
"history": [
"institution": "ENSEEIHT",
"title": "Ingénieur SN",
"url": "https://www.enseeiht.fr/",
"start": "2020",
"end": "Maintenant"
"institution": "Lycée Kérichen/Vauban",
"title": "CPGE PSI",
"url": "http://www.lycee-kerichen.org/",
"start": "2018",
"end": "2020"
"institution": "Lycée de l'Harteloire",
"title": "Baccalauréat S",
"url": "https://www.harteloire.com/",
"start": "2015",
"end": "2018"
"skills_title": "Compétences",
"skills": [
"name": "Bureautique",
"level": "avancé",
"tags": [
"name": "Développement web",
"level": "intermédiaire",
"tags": [
"name": "Calcul scientifique",
"level": "intermédiaire",
"tags": [
"name": "Permis",
"tags": [
"reading_title": "Lectures",
"reading": [
"title": "Data-Driven Science and Engineering",
"url": "http://www.databookuw.com/"
"title": "The Book of Shaders",
"url": "https://thebookofshaders.com/"
"title": "r/programming",
"url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/programming"
"title": "r/privacy",
"url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy"
"languages_title": "Langues",
"languages": [
"language": "Français",
"level": "natif",
"icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-fr"
"language": "Anglais",
"level": "bilingue",
"icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-gb"
"language": "Japonais",
"level": "débutant",
"icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-jp"
"language": "Espagnol",
"level": "élémentaire",
"icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-es"
"language": "Python",
"level": "intermédiaire",
"icon": "devicon-python-plain"
"language": "Java",
"level": "intermédiaire",
"icon": "devicon-java-plain"
"language": "Rust",
"level": "débutant",
"icon": "devicon-rust-plain"
"language": "C",
"level": "débutant",
"icon": "devicon-c-plain"
"interests_title": "Centres d'intérêt",
"interests": [
"name": "GitHub",
"summary": "Utilisateur régulier de GitHub et bricoleur.",
"tags": [
"Open Source"
"name": "Électronique",
"summary": "Créateur dans l'âme.",
"tags": [
"PCB Design"
"name": "Tir à l'arc",
"summary": "Pratique de l'art de la précision et de l'exactitude.",
"tags": [
"name": "Aquariums",
"summary": "Des Tamagochis, mais avec de réelles responsabilités.",
"tags": [

View file

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
username: Laureηt
data: resumes
before: (data) => data.map(locale => Object.values(locale)).flat()
size: 1
alias: resume
resolve: values
permalink: "resume/{{ resume.locale }}/index.html"