{ "name": "Laurent Fainsin", "info": { "label": "CS Engineering Student", "brief": "Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Porro quo modi maiores debitis iure suscipit nobis labore tempora laudantium hic dignissimos nam dolores." }, "contacts": [ { "type": "email", "link": "laurentfainsin@protonmail.com", "prefix": "mailto:", "icon": "far fa-envelope" }, { "type": "phone", "link": "+33781492838", "prefix": "tel:", "icon": "fas fa-phone" }, { "type": "website", "link": "https://www.bde.inp-toulouse.fr/~fainsil/", "prefix": "", "icon": "fas fa-globe" } ], "location": { "address": "Brest, France", "link": "https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=12/48.3930/-4.4601", "icon": "fas fa-map-marker" }, "socials": [ { "network": "LinkedIn", "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurent-fainsin/", "icon": "fab fa-linkedin-in" }, { "network": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/Laurent2916", "icon": "fab fa-github" }, { "network": "Matrix.to", "url": "https://matrix.to/#/@fainsil:inpt.fr", "icon": "far fa-comments" } ], "projects": [ { "title": "Awesome Project #1", "category": "FOSS", "url": "http://project-page.org", "repo": "https://project-repo.com", "media": [], "role": "Contributor", "summary": "Show off your project work with a Markdown-and-HTML friendly summary of your role on the project. Software projects, creative projects, business projects can all appear here.", "description": "A description of the project, for audiences that may not be familiar with it. Like the summary section, can include **Markdown** and inline HTML formatting.", "highlights": [ "Project Highlight #1", "Project Highlight #2", "Project Highlight #3" ], "keywords": [ "Tag1", "Tag2", "Tag3", "Tag4" ] }, { "title": "Asteroids", "category": "FOSS", "url": "http://asteroids-demo.org", "repo": "https://asteroids-repo.com", "media": [], "role": "Creator", "summary": "Conceived, designed, implemented, and created 3D Asteroids space shooter with Unreal Engine IV and C++.", "description": "A 3D Asteroids clone with Unreal 4 and cross-platform C++.", "highlights": [ "Project Highlight #1", "Project Highlight #2", "Project Highlight #3" ], "keywords": [ "C++", "Unreal Engine", "3D", "DirectX" ] } ], "education": { "level": "Master degree", "history": [ { "institution": "ENSEEIHT", "title": "Ingénieur SN", "url": "https://www.enseeiht.fr/", "start": "2020", "end": "2023" }, { "institution": "Lycée Kérichen/Vauban", "title": "CPGE PSI", "url": "http://www.lycee-kerichen.org/", "start": "2018", "end": "2020" }, { "institution": "Lycée de l'Harteloire", "title": "Baccalauréat S", "url": "https://www.harteloire.com/", "start": "2015", "end": "2018" } ] }, "skills": [ { "name": "Web Development", "level": "beginner", "tags": [ "HTML 5", "CSS 3", "JavaScript", "11ty.js" ] }, { "name": "General Softwares", "level": "intermediate", "tags": [ "Word", "Excel", "LaTeX", "Linux" ] }, { "name": "Scientific Computing", "level": "intermediate", "tags": [ "Matlab", "Numpy" ] } ], "writing": [ { "title": "Something I Wrote Once", "flavor": "essay", "date": "2023", "summary": "List your blogs, articles, essays, novels, and dissertations.", "publisher": { "name": "Acme University Press", "url": "http://press.acmeuniversity.edu" }, "url": "http://codeproject.com/something-i-wrote-once" } ], "reading": [ { "title": "r/programming", "flavor": "website", "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/programming" }, { "title": "r/privacy", "flavor": "website", "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy" } ], "recognition": [ { "flavor": "award", "from": "HackMyResume", "title": "Awesomeness Award", "event": "HMR Release", "url": "https://fluentdesk.com/hackmyresume", "date": "2016", "summary": "Thanks for being a HackMyResume / FluentCV user!" }, { "flavor": "industry", "from": "Big Software", "title": "MVP: SpinWidget Technology", "event": "Yearly Roundup", "date": "2015-08-03", "summary": "For work in promotion and popularization of SpinWidget technology." } ], "references": [ { "name": "John Doe", "category": "professional", "role": "Manager @ Somewhere Inc.", "private": true, "summary": "Contact information available on request.", "contact": [ { "flavor": "email", "value": "john.doe@somewhere.com" } ] }, { "name": "Jane Q. Fullstacker", "category": "technical", "summary": "Contact information available on request.", "role": "Coworker", "private": true, "contact": [ { "flavor": "email", "value": "jane.fullstacker@somewhere.com" } ] } ], "testimonials": [ { "name": "John Doe", "flavor": "professional", "quote": "Such-and-such is awesome! I'd hire him/her again in a second!", "private": false }, { "name": "Somebody Important", "flavor": "technical", "quote": "Hands-down *the best developer/manager/spelunker/coworker/etc* I've ever worked with. Emphasis *mine!*", "private": false } ], "languages": [ { "language": "French", "level": "native", "icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-fr" }, { "language": "English", "level": "bilingual", "icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-gb" }, { "language": "Japanese", "level": "beginner", "icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-jp" }, { "language": "Spanish", "level": "basic", "icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-es" }, { "language": "Python", "level": "intermediate", "icon": "devicon-python-plain" }, { "language": "C", "level": "beginner", "icon": "devicon-c-plain" }, { "language": "Rust.rs", "level": "beginner", "icon": "devicon-rust-plain" } ], "interests": [ { "name": "GitHub", "summary": "Regular GitHub user and tinkerer.", "keywords": [ "GitHub", "git", "Open Source" ] }, { "name": "Electronics", "summary": "Maker at heart.", "keywords": [ "Electronics", "Arduino", "PCB Design" ] }, { "name": "Archery", "summary": "Practiced for a couple years the art of precision & accuracy.", "keywords": [ "Archery", "Bow", "Arrow", "Precision", "Accuracy" ] }, { "name": "Climbing", "summary": "Nice way to get relief from stress", "keywords": [ "Climbing", "Strength" ] }, { "name": "Aquariums", "summary": "Tamagochis but with real responsabilities.", "keywords": [ "Aquarium", "Water", "Fish", "Patience" ] }, { "name": "Plants", "summary": "The environnement is a cool thing", "keywords": [ "Plants", "Trees", "Gardening", "Ecological" ] } ] }