{ "name": "Laurent Fainsin", "info": { "label": "CS Engineering Student", "about": "I am an hardworking and punctual person, I work well in a team but also on my own as I like challenge myself. I have good listening and communication skills, I am well organized and rarely fail to meet deadlines." }, "contacts": [ { "contact": "laurentfainsin@protonmail.com", "url": "mailto:laurentfainsin@protonmail.com", "icon": "fa fa-envelope-o" }, { "contact": "+33781492838", "url": "https://signal.org/", "icon": "fa fa-phone" }, { "contact": "Brest, France", "url": "https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=12/48.3930/-4.4601", "icon": "fa fa-location-arrow" } ], "socials": [ { "network": "laurent-fainsin", "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurent-fainsin/", "icon": "fa fa-linkedin" }, { "network": "Laurent2916", "url": "https://github.com/Laurent2916", "icon": "fa fa-github" }, { "network": "@fainsil:inpt.fr", "url": "https://matrix.to/#/@fainsil:inpt.fr", "icon": "fa fa-matrix-org" } ], "works": [ { "title": "Work 1", "category": "FOSS", "date": "2020 - 2020", "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores id adipisci, laudantium tempora neque asperiores repellat enim quasi vel doloremque non quas quibusdam qui magnam et reprehenderit cum facilis labore ad dicta ab accusamus, reiciendis corrupti excepturi! Possimus eligendi suscipit nam labore aliquid, deserunt reprehenderit nemo quos et alias! Fuga." }, { "title": "Work 2", "category": "FOSS", "date": "2020 - 2020", "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores id adipisci, laudantium tempora neque asperiores repellat enim quasi vel doloremque non quas quibusdam qui magnam et reprehenderit cum facilis labore ad dicta ab accusamus, reiciendis corrupti excepturi! Possimus eligendi suscipit nam labore aliquid, deserunt reprehenderit nemo quos et alias! Fuga." } ], "school_projects": [ { "title": "Pagerank", "category": "FOSS", "url": "", "repo": "", "pdf": "{{ '/content/pagerank.pdf' | url }}", "role": "Author", "description": "Implementation of an iterative algorithm in Ada to compute the pagerank of a given network as quickly and efficiently as possible." }, { "title": "Frequency Modem", "category": "FOSS", "url": "", "repo": "", "pdf": "{{ '/content/modem.pdf' | url }}", "role": "Author", "description": "Matlab modeling of a modem capable of transmitting information (a sequence of bits) reliably via an imperfect transmission channel." } ], "personnal_projects": [ { "title": "This website", "category": "FOSS", "url": "https://www.bde.inp-toulouse.fr/~fainsil/", "repo": "https://project-repo.com", "role": "Author", "description": "I made this website almost entirely from scratch, I used the static site generetor 11ty.js to simplify the process thanks to its templating system. I learned a lot about HTML, CSS, Javascript and it also allowed me to strengthen my git skills." } ], "education": { "level": "Master degree", "history": [ { "institution": "ENSEEIHT", "title": "CS Engineer", "url": "https://www.enseeiht.fr/", "start": "2020", "end": "2023" }, { "institution": "Lycée Kérichen/Vauban", "title": "CPGE PSI", "url": "http://www.lycee-kerichen.org/", "start": "2018", "end": "2020" }, { "institution": "Lycée de l'Harteloire", "title": "Baccalauréat S", "url": "https://www.harteloire.com/", "start": "2015", "end": "2018" } ] }, "skills": [ { "name": "General Softwares", "level": "advanced", "tags": [ "Linux", "LaTeX", "Git", "Word", "Excel" ] }, { "name": "Web Development", "level": "intermediate", "tags": [ "HTML5", "CSS3", "JavaScript", "11ty.js" ] }, { "name": "Scientific Computing", "level": "intermediate", "tags": [ "Numpy", "Matlab" ] }, { "name": "Licenses", "level": "french", "tags": [ "AM", "B", "B1" ] } ], "writing": [ { "title": "Something I Wrote Once", "flavor": "essay", "date": "2023", "summary": "List your blogs, articles, essays, novels, and dissertations.", "publisher": { "name": "Acme University Press", "url": "http://press.acmeuniversity.edu" }, "url": "http://codeproject.com/something-i-wrote-once" } ], "reading": [ { "title": "r/programming", "type": "website", "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/programming" }, { "title": "r/privacy", "type": "website", "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy" } ], "recognition": [ { "flavor": "award", "from": "HackMyResume", "title": "Awesomeness Award", "event": "HMR Release", "url": "https://fluentdesk.com/hackmyresume", "date": "2016", "summary": "Thanks for being a HackMyResume / FluentCV user!" }, { "flavor": "industry", "from": "Big Software", "title": "MVP: SpinWidget Technology", "event": "Yearly Roundup", "date": "2015-08-03", "summary": "For work in promotion and popularization of SpinWidget technology." } ], "references": [ { "name": "John Doe", "category": "professional", "role": "Manager @ Somewhere Inc.", "private": true, "summary": "Contact information available on request.", "contact": [ { "flavor": "email", "value": "john.doe@somewhere.com" } ] }, { "name": "Jane Q. Fullstacker", "category": "technical", "summary": "Contact information available on request.", "role": "Coworker", "private": true, "contact": [ { "flavor": "email", "value": "jane.fullstacker@somewhere.com" } ] } ], "testimonials": [ { "name": "John Doe", "flavor": "professional", "quote": "Such-and-such is awesome! I'd hire him/her again in a second!", "private": false }, { "name": "Somebody Important", "flavor": "technical", "quote": "Hands-down *the best developer/manager/spelunker/coworker/etc* I've ever worked with. Emphasis *mine!*", "private": false } ], "languages": [ { "language": "French", "level": "native", "icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-fr" }, { "language": "English", "level": "proficient", "icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-gb" }, { "language": "Japanese", "level": "beginner", "icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-jp" }, { "language": "Spanish", "level": "elementary", "icon": "flag-icon flag-icon-es" }, { "language": "Python", "level": "intermediate", "icon": "devicon-python-plain" }, { "language": "Java", "level": "intermediate", "icon": "devicon-java-plain" }, { "language": "Rust", "level": "beginner", "icon": "devicon-rust-plain" }, { "language": "C", "level": "beginner", "icon": "devicon-c-plain" } ], "interests": [ { "name": "GitHub", "summary": "Regular GitHub user and tinkerer.", "tags": [ "Git", "Open Source" ] }, { "name": "Electronics", "summary": "Maker at heart.", "tags": [ "Arduino", "PCB Design" ] }, { "name": "Archery", "summary": "Practiced for a couple years the art of precision & accuracy.", "tags": [ "Precision", "Accuracy", "Patience" ] }, { "name": "Aquariums", "summary": "Tamagochis, but with real responsabilities.", "tags": [ "Patience", "Perfectionism" ] } ] }