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username: Laureηt
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<h1 data-chaffle="en">whoami</h1>
<p>Hi, my name's Laurent Fainsin, and I'm currently an L3 engineering student at <a href="https://www.enseeiht.fr/">ENSEEIHT</a> in France. I study Computer Science and this is my personnal ePortfolio to showcase my work. Here is my <a href="/cv.pdf">resume</a> if you are professionally interested.</p>
<h1 data-chaffle="en">./Contact</h1>
You can email me at :
<li><a href="mailto:laurentfainsin@protonmail.com">laurentfainsin@protonmail.com</a>l</li>
<li><a href="mailto:laurent.fainsin@etu.inp-n7.fr">laurent.fainsin@etu.inp-n7.fr</a>l</li>
You can reach me via :
<li><a href="https://matrix.to/#/@fainsil:inpt.fr">Matrix.to</a>l</li>
<li><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurent-fainsin/">LinkedIn</a>l</li>
<h1 data-chaffle="en">ePortfolio (SHS)</h1>