switch to typst

This commit is contained in:
Laureηt 2023-11-24 22:58:56 +01:00
parent 49750e243d
commit 1b8e81ec5b
Signed by: Laurent
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:kZEpW8cMJ54PDeCvOhzreNr4FSh6R13CMGH/POoO8DI
37 changed files with 555 additions and 952 deletions

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View file

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View file

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View file

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\faGithub \ \href{https://laurent.fainsin.bzh/}{https://laurent.fainsin.bzh}
\faEnvelopeO \ \href{mailto:laurent@fainsin.bzh}{laurent@fainsin.bzh}
\faPhone \ \href{tel:+33781492838}{0781492838}
\companyname{Company Recruitment Team}
Hugging Face \\
Paris, France
\lettercontent{Dear Sir or Madam,}
\lettercontent{I am a second year \inlinebold{Master's student in Computer Science} at ENSSEIHT. I am writing to express interest in taking part in Julia Computing as an \inlinebold{Intern in Machine Learning Engineering} starting in \inlinebold{March 2023}. I am aware of Hugging Face's role in the future of machine learning, and I would be thrilled to contribute.}
\lettercontent{As a master student, I have worked on Machine Learning through \inlinebold{practicums}. I have experience in using and writing simple algorithms such as K-Means, K-NN, Regressions or more advanced architectures such as GANs, VAEs, Classifiers... I also have good knowledge of Probability, Statistics, Optimization and Partial Differential Equations.}
\lettercontent{I have worked for 3 months as a \inlinebold{Research Assistant} in Computer Vision for the REVA team of the Research Institute in Computer Science of Toulouse. We studied, implemented and deployed to production a fine-tuned Mask-RCNN Neural Network to detect spherical markers in photographs for photometric stereo lightning calibration.}
\lettercontent{In addition to this, I have taken the initiative to learn more about Machine Learning on my personal time, by reading books on the fundamentals of Neural Networks, by listening to lectures, by reading blog posts and threads on specific subjects. For example, I have recently taken the initiative to learn new models of image generation with diffusion, by reading and trying to implement by myself the paper "Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models" by Jonathan Ho et al. from NeurIPS 2020. You may find all my projects on my personal website.}
\lettercontent{I define myself as someone humble but ambitious with good communication and social skills. I have a strong appetite for facing and overcoming difficulties therefore I am thrilled to have the possibility to work for your teams at the very top of innovation.}
\lettercontent{Thank you for your time and consideration. I am eager to discuss my qualifications further at an \inlinebold{interview}. Please feel free to \inlinebold{contact me} to set up a time to chat. I look forward to hearing from you.}
\closing{Yours faithfully, \vspace{-0.88cm}}
\signature{Laurent Fainsin.}

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View file

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author = {Laurent Fainsin and Jean Mélou and Lilian Calvet and Antoine Laurent and Axel Carlier and Jean-Denis Durou},
title = {Neural sphere detection in images for lighting calibration},
journal = {QCAV},
year = {2023}
author = {Laurent Fainsin and Xavier Roynard and Michele Alessandro Bucci and Brian Staber},
title = {Latent Generative Models for Conditional 3D Unstructured Mesh Blade Design},
year = {2023}

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View file

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#subsection[ENSEEIHT INP-Toulouse]
#descript[Master in Perf. Computing]
#descript[focused on Academic Research]
#term[2022 — 2023][Toulouse, France]
#subsection[ENSEEIHT INP-Toulouse]
#descript[MEng in Computer Science]
#descript[specialty in ML and CG]
#term[2020 — 2023][Toulouse, France]
#descript[Preparatory class (CPGE)]
#descript[PCSI, PSI]
#term[2018 — 2020][Brest, France]
#info[Python, Julia, Shell, Java]
#info[C++, CUDA, SQL, LaTeX]
#info[Fluent: English, French]
#info[Elementary: Japanese, Spanish]
French driver's license \
Cambridge Linguaskill C1+ \
AI for Medical Diagnosis \
HuggingFace courses
#subsection[Personal projects]
Reproducible Nix Infrastructure \
Handwriting Denoising Diffusion \
GBA Collaborative Emulator \
SSL on Histology Datasets \
"AI or NOT" Hackathon \
#subsection[School projects]
JPEG & MPEG Compression \
Distributed Data Tuple Space \
3D Inverse Problem Solver \
Graph Machine Learning \
OpenGL Mesh Renderer
#subsection[OSS Contributor]
NixOS, HuggingFace \
LightningAI, AliceVision
Aquariums, OSS \
Slacklining, Padel
#section("Professional Experience")
#jobtitle[Safran][Machine Learning Engineer Intern]
#term[March 2023 — September 2023][Paris, France]
- Studied state of the art generative models for 3D data, such as PointNet++,
Graph U-Net, PointFlow, Point Voxel Diffusion and LION.
- Implemented a dozen architectures using libraries such as PyTorch Geometric,
PyTorch Lightning, HuggingFace Diffusers, HuggingFace Datasets, etc. Settled on
Latent Diffusion Models and classic model reduction methods.
- Trained models on specific aircraft industrial parts, conditioned on performance
metrics, such as drag coefficients, lift coefficients, etc. Evaluated the models
using Gaussian Processes and geometrical metrics.
- Released internally the models and code, enabling Safran engineers to generate
new parts with specific performance metrics and to easily reuse the code for
other applications. Submitted a patent.
#jobtitle[REVA — IRIT][Machine Learning Scientist Intern]
#term[June 2022 — September 2022][Toulouse, France]
- Fine-tuned a state of the art deep learning model (DETR) to detect spherical
markers in images for photometric stereophography calibration.
- Collaborated with 3 engineers from MIKROS and Technicolor as part of the
ALICIA-Vision Labcom european project.
- Monitored hundreds of trainings using the MLOps platform Weights & Biases.
Achieved 90% GIoU on test data, providing fast and accurate segmentation.
- Built using the Pytorch Lightning framework, exported to ONNX format, deployed
to production in AliceVision with ONNXRuntime.
#section("Volunteer Experience")
#jobtitle[net7 / INP-net][Treasurer #text(
font: "Lato",
fill: subheadings_colour,
weight: "medium",
baseline: 0.03em,
)[/] President]
#term[September 2021 — September 2022][Toulouse, France]
- Led and managed the association and its financing for a term of one year.
- Contributed to and developed the codebase used by 5000+ students per year.
Provided technical micro-trainings to hundreds of students.
- Planned and started the migration of our server room to an
_infrastructure as code_ Proxmox + Kubernetes virtual cluster.
- Acquired solid skills in system administration and its tools: Docker, Git,
Kubernetes, NixOS, NGINX, Apache, Redis, LDAP/CAS, CI/CD, etc.
#jobtitle[Toulouse Hacking convention][Volunteer]
#term[April 2022][Toulouse, France]
- Helped set up and tear down the equipment for the 2 day event.
- Assisted in the hardware CTF organization after the event.
#jobtitle[Capitole du Libre][Volunteer]
#term[November 2022][Toulouse, France]
- Helped with the "nix install party" of the 2 day event.
- Promoted free software and introduced attendees to GNU+Linux.
#section("Publications & Patents")
set text(10pt, font: "Lato", fill: primary_colour, weight: "light")
bibliography("references.bib", full: true, title: none)

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
author = {Laurent Fainsin and Xavier Roynard and Michele Alessandro Bucci and Brian Staber},
title = {Latent Generative Models for Conditional 3D Unstructured Mesh Blade Design (patent pending)},
year = {2023}

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
author = {Laurent Fainsin and Jean Mélou and Lilian Calvet and Antoine Laurent and Axel Carlier and Jean-Denis Durou},
title = {Neural sphere detection in images for lighting calibration},
journal = {QCAV},
year = {2023},
url = {https://hal.science/hal-04160733}

View file

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
% Deedy - One Page Two Column Resume
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.2 (16/9/2014)
% Original author:
% Debarghya Das (http://debarghyadas.com)
% Original repository:
% https://github.com/deedydas/Deedy-Resume
% This template uses several fonts not included with Windows/Linux by
% default. If you get compilation errors saying a font is missing, find the line
% on which the font is used and either change it to a font included with your
% operating system or comment the line out to use the default font.
% 1. Integrate biber/bibtex for article citation under publications.
% 2. Figure out a smoother way for the document to flow onto the next page.
% 3. Add styling information for a "Projects/Hacks" section.
% 4. Add location/address information
% 5. Merge OpenFont and MacFonts as a single sty with options.
% v1.1:
% 1. Fixed several compilation bugs with \renewcommand
% 2. Got Open-source fonts (Windows/Linux support)
% 3. Added Last Updated
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% 5. Commented .sty file.
% Known Issues:
% 1. Overflows onto second page if any column's contents are more than the
% vertical limit
% 2. Hacky space on the first bullet point on the second column.
\rfoot{\bf{For additional resources (projects, code, PDFs, etc.) refer to personal website}}
\faGlobe \ \href{https://laurent.fainsin.bzh/}{laurent.fainsin.bzh}
\faEnvelopeO \ \href{mailto:laurent@fainsin.bzh}{laurent@fainsin.bzh}
\faPhone \ \href{tel:+33781492838}{0781492838}
\\ \vspace*{2pt}
\faLinkedin \ \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurent-fainsin/}{laurent-fainsin}
\faGithub \ \href{https://www.github.com/Laurent2916/}{Laurent2916}
\raisebox{-2pt}{\includesvg[height=11pt]{hf-logo.svg}} \href{https://huggingface.co/1aurent?sort_datasets=downloads&sort_models=downloads}{1aurent}
\subsection{ENSEEIHT INP-Toulouse}
\descript{Master in Perf. Computing}
\descript{focused on Academic Research}
\location{2022 — 2023 | Toulouse, France}
\subsection{ENSEEIHT INP-Toulouse}
\descript{MEng in Computer Science}
\descript{specialty in ML and CG}
\location{2020 — 2023 | Toulouse, France}
\descript{Preparatory class (CPGE)}
\descript{PCSI, PSI}
\location{2018 — 2020 | Brest, France}
Python \textbullet{} Julia \textbullet{} Shell \textbullet{} Java \\
C++ \textbullet{} CUDA \textbullet{} SQL \textbullet{} \LaTeX\
\descriptnonewline{Fluent} \ French \textbullet{} English \\
\descriptnonewline{Elementary} \ Japanese \textbullet{} Spanish
French driver's license \\
Cambridge Linguaskill C1+ \\
AI for Medical Diagnosis \\
HuggingFace courses
\subsection{Personal projects}
Reproducible Nix Infrastructure \\
Handwriting Denoising Diffusion \\
GBA Collaborative Emulator \\
SSL on Histology Datasets \\
``AI or NOT" Hackathon \\
\subsection{School projects}
JPEG \& MPEG Compression \\
Distributed Data Tuple Space \\
3D Inverse Problem Solver \\
Graph Machine Learning \\
OpenGL Mesh Renderer
\subsection{OSS Contributor}
NixOS \textbullet{} HuggingFace \\
LightningAI \textbullet{} AliceVision
Aquariums \textbullet{} OSS \\
Slacklining \textbullet{} Padel
\section{Professional Experience}
\runsubsection{Safran} | \descript{Machine Learning Engineer Intern}
\location{March 2023 — September 2023 | Paris, France}
\vspace{10pt} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space
\item Studied state of the art generative models for 3D data, such as PointNet++, Graph U-Net, PointFlow, Point Voxel Diffusion and LION.
\item Implemented a dozen architectures using libraries such as PyTorch Geometric, PyTorch Lightning, HuggingFace Diffusers, HuggingFace Datasets, etc. Settled on Latent Diffusion Models and classic model reduction methods.
\item Trained models on specific aircraft industrial parts, conditioned on performance metrics, such as drag coefficients, lift coefficients, etc. Evaluated the models using Gaussian Processes and geometrical metrics.
\item Released internally the models and code, enabling Safran engineers to generate new parts with specific performance metrics and to easily reuse the code for other applications. Submitted a patent.
\runsubsection{REVA — IRIT} | \descript{Machine Learning Scientist Intern}
\location{June 2022 — September 2022 | Toulouse, France}
\item Fine-tuned a state of the art deep learning model (DETR) to detect spherical markers in images for photometric stereophography calibration.
\item Collaborated with 3 engineers from MIKROS and Technicolor as part of the ALICIA-Vision Labcom european project.
\item Monitored hundreds of trainings using the MLOps platform Weights \& Biases. Achieved 90\% GIoU on test data, providing fast and accurate segmentation.
\item Built using the Pytorch Lightning framework, exported to ONNX format, deployed to production in AliceVision with ONNXRuntime.
\section{Volunteer Experience}
\runsubsection{net7 / INP-net} | \descript{Treasurer / President}
\location{September 2021 — September 2022 | Toulouse, France}
\item Led and managed the association and its financing for a term of one year.
\item Contributed to and developed the codebase used by 5000+ students per year. \\ Provided technical micro-trainings to hundreds of students.
\item Planned and started the migration of our server room to an \textit{infrastructure as code} Proxmox + Kubernetes virtual cluster.
\item Acquired solid skills in system administration and its tools: \\ Docker, Git, Kubernetes, NixOS, NGINX, Apache, Redis, LDAP/CAS, CI/CD, etc.
\runsubsection{Toulouse Hacking convention} | \descript{Volunteer}
\location{April 2022 | Toulouse, France}
\item Helped set up and tear down the equipment for the 2 day event.
\item Assisted in the hardware CTF organization after the event.
\runsubsection{Capitole du Libre} | \descript{Volunteer}
\location{November 2022 | Toulouse, France}
\item Helped with the "nix install party" of the 2 day event.
\item Promoted free software and introduced attendees to GNU+Linux.
\section{Publications \& Patents}

src/utils.typ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
// colors
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// Section Headings (Education, Experience, etc)
#let section(title) = {
font: "Lato",
fill: headings_colour,
weight: "light",
)[#upper[#title]\ ]
// Subsection Headings (University, Company, etc)
#let subsection(content) = {
font: "Lato",
fill: subheadings_colour,
weight: "bold",
)[#upper[#content]\ ]
// Time period and location
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if location == [] or location == "" {
text(10pt, font: "Lato", fill: headings_colour, weight: "medium")[#period\ ]
} else {
font: "Lato",
fill: headings_colour,
weight: "medium",
)[#period #text(baseline: -0.05em)[ | ] #location \ ]
// Description of a job, degree, etc
#let descript(content) = {
font: "Raleway",
weight: "medium",
fill: subheadings_colour,
)[#smallcaps(content)\ ]
// Job title
#let jobtitle(firm, title) = {
font: "Lato",
fill: subheadings_colour,
weight: "bold",
text(baseline: -0.15em)[ | ]
font: "Raleway",
fill: subheadings_colour,
weight: "medium",
)[#smallcaps(title)\ ]
//job details
#let jobdetail(content) = {
text(10pt, font: "Lato", fill: primary_colour, weight: "light")[
#enum(numbering: x => "", indent: 1em, body-indent: 0em)[
// Details
#let info(content) = {
text(11pt, font: "Lato", fill: primary_colour, weight: "light")[#content\ ]
#let awarddetail(time, award, organise) = {
set text(
font: "Lato",
fill: primary_colour,
weight: "light",
top-edge: "baseline",
bottom-edge: "baseline",
baseline: 0pt,
grid(columns: (auto, auto, auto), gutter: 1em, time, award, organise)
#let biblist(contents) = {
for ids in contents [
#id.title (#id.year)
#let keyword(content) = {
text(12pt, font: "Lato", fill: headings_colour, weight: "light")[#content\ ]
// last update
#let lastupdate(lastupdated, date)= {
if lastupdated == "true" {
set text(10pt, font: "Lato", fill: primary_colour, weight: "light")
block(width: 100%, height: 1.5em, align(right, { [Last updated: #date] }))
#let main(
name: "",
address: "",
lastupdated: "",
date: "",
contacts: (),
bibfile: (),
) = {
// show contact details
let display(contacts) = {
set text(11pt, font: "Lato", fill: headings_colour, weight: "medium")
stack(dir: ltr, contacts.map(contact => {
if contact.link == none {
} else if contact.icon == none {
} else {
set page(margin: 1cm)
// header
font: "Lato",
fill: primary_colour,
weight: "light",
top-edge: "baseline",
bottom-edge: "baseline",
baseline: 50pt,
)[#align(center, name)]
#box(width: 60%)[
#set text(spacing: 1em)
#contacts.map(contact => {
set text(11pt, font: "Lato", fill: headings_colour, weight: "medium")
}).join(" ")
start: (0% - 1cm, 0pt),
end: (100% + 1cm, 0pt),
stroke: 0.5pt + primary_colour,
//Main Body
grid(columns: (1fr, 2fr), left, right)

typstfmt.toml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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