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2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
# 0=================================0
# | Kernel Point Convolutions |
# 0=================================0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Callable script to start a training on ModelNet40 dataset
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hugues THOMAS - 06/03/2020
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Imports and global variables
# \**********************************/
# Common libs
import signal
import os
import numpy as np
import sys
import torch
# Dataset
from datasets.ModelNet40 import *
2020-04-23 13:51:16 +00:00
from datasets.S3DIS import *
2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
from import DataLoader
from utils.config import Config
from utils.visualizer import ModelVisualizer
2020-04-23 13:51:16 +00:00
from models.architectures import KPCNN, KPFCNN
2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main Call
# \***************/
def model_choice(chosen_log):
# Call the test initializer
# Automatically retrieve the last trained model
if chosen_log in ['last_ModelNet40', 'last_ShapeNetPart', 'last_S3DIS']:
# Dataset name
test_dataset = '_'.join(chosen_log.split('_')[1:])
# List all training logs
logs = np.sort([os.path.join('results', f) for f in os.listdir('results') if f.startswith('Log')])
# Find the last log of asked dataset
for log in logs[::-1]:
log_config = Config()
if log_config.dataset.startswith(test_dataset):
chosen_log = log
if chosen_log in ['last_ModelNet40', 'last_ShapeNetPart', 'last_S3DIS']:
raise ValueError('No log of the dataset "' + test_dataset + '" found')
# Check if log exists
if not os.path.exists(chosen_log):
raise ValueError('The given log does not exists: ' + chosen_log)
return chosen_log
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main Call
# \***************/
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Choose the model to visualize
# Here you can choose which model you want to test with the variable test_model. Here are the possible values :
# > 'last_XXX': Automatically retrieve the last trained model on dataset XXX
# > '(old_)results/Log_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS': Directly provide the path of a trained model
2020-04-23 13:51:16 +00:00
# chosen_log = 'results/Log_2020-04-04_10-04-42' # => ModelNet40
# chosen_log = 'results/Log_2020-04-22_11-53-45' # => S3DIS
2020-04-24 16:00:11 +00:00
# chosen_log = 'results/Log_2020-04-22_12-28-37' # => S3DIS corrected
# chosen_log = 'results/Log_2020-04-23_09-48-15' # => S3DIS no repulsive
# chosen_log = 'results/Log_2020-04-23_09-49-49' # => S3DIS repulsive 0.5
# chosen_log = 'results/Log_2020-04-23_19-41-12' # => S3DIS 10*fitting
chosen_log = 'results/Log_2020-04-23_19-42-18' # => S3DIS no hook
2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
# You can also choose the index of the snapshot to load (last by default)
2020-04-23 13:51:16 +00:00
chkp_idx = -1
2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
# Eventually you can choose which feature is visualized (index of the deform operation in the network)
deform_idx = 0
# Deal with 'last_XXX' choices
chosen_log = model_choice(chosen_log)
# Initialize the environment
# Set which gpu is going to be used
GPU_ID = '0'
# Set GPU visible device
# Previous chkp
# Find all checkpoints in the chosen training folder
chkp_path = os.path.join(chosen_log, 'checkpoints')
chkps = [f for f in os.listdir(chkp_path) if f[:4] == 'chkp']
# Find which snapshot to restore
if chkp_idx is None:
chosen_chkp = 'current_chkp.tar'
chosen_chkp = np.sort(chkps)[chkp_idx]
chosen_chkp = os.path.join(chosen_log, 'checkpoints', chosen_chkp)
# Initialize configuration class
config = Config()
# Change model parameters for test
# Change parameters for the test here. For example, you can stop augmenting the input data.
2020-04-23 13:51:16 +00:00
config.augment_noise = 0.0001
2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
#config.augment_symmetries = False
2020-04-23 13:51:16 +00:00
config.batch_num = 1
config.in_radius = 2.0
config.input_threads = 0
2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
# Prepare Data
print('Data Preparation')
2020-04-23 13:51:16 +00:00
# Initiate dataset
if config.dataset.startswith('ModelNet40'):
test_dataset = ModelNet40Dataset(config, train=False)
test_sampler = ModelNet40Sampler(test_dataset)
collate_fn = ModelNet40Collate
elif config.dataset == 'S3DIS':
test_dataset = S3DISDataset(config, set='validation', use_potentials=True)
test_sampler = S3DISSampler(test_dataset)
collate_fn = S3DISCollate
raise ValueError('Unsupported dataset : ' + config.dataset)
2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
2020-04-23 13:51:16 +00:00
# Data loader
2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset,
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2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
# Calibrate samplers
2020-04-23 13:51:16 +00:00
test_sampler.calibration(test_loader, verbose=True)
2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
print('\nModel Preparation')
# Define network model
t1 = time.time()
if config.dataset_task == 'classification':
net = KPCNN(config)
2020-04-23 13:51:16 +00:00
elif config.dataset_task in ['cloud_segmentation', 'slam_segmentation']:
net = KPFCNN(config, test_dataset.label_values, test_dataset.ignored_labels)
2020-03-31 19:42:35 +00:00
raise ValueError('Unsupported dataset_task for deformation visu: ' + config.dataset_task)
# Define a visualizer class
visualizer = ModelVisualizer(net, config, chkp_path=chosen_chkp, on_gpu=False)
print('Done in {:.1f}s\n'.format(time.time() - t1))
print('\nStart visualization')
# Training
visualizer.show_deformable_kernels(net, test_loader, config, deform_idx)