# # # 0=================================0 # | Kernel Point Convolutions | # 0=================================0 # # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Callable script to start a training on NPM3D dataset # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Hugues THOMAS - 06/03/2020 # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Imports and global variables # \**********************************/ # # Common libs import signal import os # Dataset from datasetss.NPM3D import * from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from utils.config import Config from utils.trainer import ModelTrainer from models.architectures import KPFCNN # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Config Class # \******************/ # class NPM3DConfig(Config): """ Override the parameters you want to modify for this dataset """ #################### # Dataset parameters #################### # Dataset name dataset = "NPM3D" # Number of classes in the dataset (This value is overwritten by dataset class when Initializating dataset). num_classes = None # Type of task performed on this dataset (also overwritten) dataset_task = "" # Number of CPU threads for the input pipeline input_threads = 10 ######################### # Architecture definition ######################### # # Define layers architecture = [ "simple", "resnetb", "resnetb_strided", "resnetb", "resnetb", "resnetb_strided", "resnetb", "resnetb", "resnetb_strided", "resnetb", "resnetb", "resnetb_strided", "resnetb", "resnetb", "nearest_upsample", "unary", "nearest_upsample", "unary", "nearest_upsample", "unary", "nearest_upsample", "unary", ] ################### # KPConv parameters ################### # Number of kernel points num_kernel_points = 15 # Radius of the input sphere (decrease value to reduce memory cost) in_radius = 3.0 # Size of the first subsampling grid in meter (increase value to reduce memory cost) first_subsampling_dl = 0.06 # Radius of convolution in "number grid cell". (2.5 is the standard value) conv_radius = 2.5 # Radius of deformable convolution in "number grid cell". Larger so that deformed kernel can spread out deform_radius = 5.0 # Radius of the area of influence of each kernel point in "number grid cell". (1.0 is the standard value) KP_extent = 1.2 # Behavior of convolutions in ('constant', 'linear', 'gaussian') KP_influence = "linear" # Aggregation function of KPConv in ('closest', 'sum') aggregation_mode = "sum" # Choice of input features first_features_dim = 128 in_features_dim = 1 # Can the network learn modulations modulated = False # Batch normalization parameters use_batch_norm = True batch_norm_momentum = 0.02 # Deformable offset loss # 'point2point' fitting geometry by penalizing distance from deform point to input points # 'point2plane' fitting geometry by penalizing distance from deform point to input point triplet (not implemented) deform_fitting_mode = "point2point" deform_fitting_power = 1.0 # Multiplier for the fitting/repulsive loss deform_lr_factor = 0.1 # Multiplier for learning rate applied to the deformations repulse_extent = 1.2 # Distance of repulsion for deformed kernel points ##################### # Training parameters ##################### # Maximal number of epochs max_epoch = 500 # Learning rate management learning_rate = 1e-2 momentum = 0.98 lr_decays = {i: 0.1 ** (1 / 150) for i in range(1, max_epoch)} grad_clip_norm = 100.0 # Number of batch (decrease to reduce memory cost, but it should remain > 3 for stability) batch_num = 6 # Number of steps per epochs epoch_steps = 500 # Number of validation examples per epoch validation_size = 50 # Number of epoch between each checkpoint checkpoint_gap = 50 # Augmentations augment_scale_anisotropic = True augment_symmetries = [True, False, False] augment_rotation = "vertical" augment_scale_min = 0.9 augment_scale_max = 1.1 augment_noise = 0.001 augment_color = 0.8 # The way we balance segmentation loss # > 'none': Each point in the whole batch has the same contribution. # > 'class': Each class has the same contribution (points are weighted according to class balance) # > 'batch': Each cloud in the batch has the same contribution (points are weighted according cloud sizes) segloss_balance = "none" # Do we nee to save convergence saving = True saving_path = None # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Main Call # \***************/ # if __name__ == "__main__": ############################ # Initialize the environment ############################ # Set which gpu is going to be used GPU_ID = "0" # Set GPU visible device os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = GPU_ID ############### # Previous chkp ############### # Choose here if you want to start training from a previous snapshot (None for new training) # previous_training_path = 'Log_2020-03-19_19-53-27' previous_training_path = "" # Choose index of checkpoint to start from. If None, uses the latest chkp chkp_idx = None if previous_training_path: # Find all snapshot in the chosen training folder chkp_path = os.path.join("results", previous_training_path, "checkpoints") chkps = [f for f in os.listdir(chkp_path) if f[:4] == "chkp"] # Find which snapshot to restore if chkp_idx is None: chosen_chkp = "current_chkp.tar" else: chosen_chkp = np.sort(chkps)[chkp_idx] chosen_chkp = os.path.join( "results", previous_training_path, "checkpoints", chosen_chkp ) else: chosen_chkp = None ############## # Prepare Data ############## print() print("Data Preparation") print("****************") # Initialize configuration class config = NPM3DConfig() if previous_training_path: config.load(os.path.join("results", previous_training_path)) config.saving_path = None # Get path from argument if given if len(sys.argv) > 1: config.saving_path = sys.argv[1] # Initialize datasets training_dataset = NPM3DDataset(config, set="training", use_potentials=True) test_dataset = NPM3DDataset(config, set="validation", use_potentials=True) # Initialize samplers training_sampler = NPM3DSampler(training_dataset) test_sampler = NPM3DSampler(test_dataset) # Initialize the dataloader training_loader = DataLoader( training_dataset, batch_size=1, sampler=training_sampler, collate_fn=NPM3DCollate, num_workers=config.input_threads, pin_memory=True, ) test_loader = DataLoader( test_dataset, batch_size=1, sampler=test_sampler, collate_fn=NPM3DCollate, num_workers=config.input_threads, pin_memory=True, ) # Calibrate samplers training_sampler.calibration(training_loader, verbose=True) test_sampler.calibration(test_loader, verbose=True) # Optional debug functions # debug_timing(training_dataset, training_loader) # debug_timing(test_dataset, test_loader) # debug_upsampling(training_dataset, training_loader) print("\nModel Preparation") print("*****************") # Define network model t1 = time.time() net = KPFCNN(config, training_dataset.label_values, training_dataset.ignored_labels) debug = False if debug: print("\n*************************************\n") print(net) print("\n*************************************\n") for param in net.parameters(): if param.requires_grad: print(param.shape) print("\n*************************************\n") print( "Model size %i" % sum(param.numel() for param in net.parameters() if param.requires_grad) ) print("\n*************************************\n") # Define a trainer class trainer = ModelTrainer(net, config, chkp_path=chosen_chkp) print("Done in {:.1f}s\n".format(time.time() - t1)) print("\nStart training") print("**************") # Training trainer.train(net, training_loader, test_loader, config) print("Forcing exit now") os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)