# # # 0=================================0 # | Kernel Point Convolutions | # 0=================================0 # # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Callable script to start a training on ModelNet40 dataset # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Hugues THOMAS - 06/03/2020 # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Imports and global variables # \**********************************/ # # Common libs import signal import os import numpy as np import sys import torch # Dataset from datasetss.ModelNet40 import * from datasetss.S3DIS import * from datasetss.SemanticKitti import * from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from utils.config import Config from utils.tester import ModelTester from models.architectures import KPCNN, KPFCNN # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Main Call # \***************/ # def model_choice(chosen_log): ########################### # Call the test initializer ########################### # Automatically retrieve the last trained model if chosen_log in ['last_ModelNet40', 'last_ShapeNetPart', 'last_S3DIS']: # Dataset name test_dataset = '_'.join(chosen_log.split('_')[1:]) # List all training logs logs = np.sort([os.path.join('results', f) for f in os.listdir('results') if f.startswith('Log')]) # Find the last log of asked dataset for log in logs[::-1]: log_config = Config() log_config.load(log) if log_config.dataset.startswith(test_dataset): chosen_log = log break if chosen_log in ['last_ModelNet40', 'last_ShapeNetPart', 'last_S3DIS']: raise ValueError('No log of the dataset "' + test_dataset + '" found') # Check if log exists if not os.path.exists(chosen_log): raise ValueError('The given log does not exists: ' + chosen_log) return chosen_log # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Main Call # \***************/ # if __name__ == '__main__': ############################### # Choose the model to visualize ############################### # Here you can choose which model you want to test with the variable test_model. Here are the possible values : # # > 'last_XXX': Automatically retrieve the last trained model on dataset XXX # > '(old_)results/Log_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS': Directly provide the path of a trained model chosen_log = 'results/Light_KPFCNN' # Choose the index of the checkpoint to load OR None if you want to load the current checkpoint chkp_idx = -1 # Choose to test on validation or test split on_val = True # Deal with 'last_XXXXXX' choices chosen_log = model_choice(chosen_log) ############################ # Initialize the environment ############################ # Set which gpu is going to be used GPU_ID = '0' # Set GPU visible device os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = GPU_ID ############### # Previous chkp ############### # Find all checkpoints in the chosen training folder chkp_path = os.path.join(chosen_log, 'checkpoints') chkps = [f for f in os.listdir(chkp_path) if f[:4] == 'chkp'] # Find which snapshot to restore if chkp_idx is None: chosen_chkp = 'current_chkp.tar' else: chosen_chkp = np.sort(chkps)[chkp_idx] chosen_chkp = os.path.join(chosen_log, 'checkpoints', chosen_chkp) # Initialize configuration class config = Config() config.load(chosen_log) ################################## # Change model parameters for test ################################## # Change parameters for the test here. For example, you can stop augmenting the input data. #config.augment_noise = 0.0001 #config.augment_symmetries = False #config.batch_num = 3 #config.in_radius = 4 config.validation_size = 200 config.input_threads = 10 ############## # Prepare Data ############## print() print('Data Preparation') print('****************') print(config.dataset) if on_val: set = 'validation' else: set = 'test' # Initiate dataset if config.dataset == 'ModelNet40': test_dataset = ModelNet40Dataset(config, train=False) test_sampler = ModelNet40Sampler(test_dataset) collate_fn = ModelNet40Collate elif config.dataset == 'S3DIS': test_dataset = S3DISDataset(config, set='validation', use_potentials=True) test_sampler = S3DISSampler(test_dataset) collate_fn = S3DISCollate elif config.dataset == 'SemanticKitti': test_dataset = SemanticKittiDataset(config, set=set, balance_classes=False) test_sampler = SemanticKittiSampler(test_dataset) collate_fn = SemanticKittiCollate else: raise ValueError('Unsupported dataset : ' + config.dataset) # Data loader test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=1, sampler=test_sampler, collate_fn=collate_fn, num_workers=config.input_threads, pin_memory=True) # Calibrate samplers test_sampler.calibration(test_loader, verbose=True) print('\nModel Preparation') print('*****************') # Define network model t1 = time.time() if config.dataset_task == 'classification': net = KPCNN(config) elif config.dataset_task in ['cloud_segmentation', 'slam_segmentation']: net = KPFCNN(config, test_dataset.label_values, test_dataset.ignored_labels) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported dataset_task for testing: ' + config.dataset_task) # Define a visualizer class tester = ModelTester(net, chkp_path=chosen_chkp) print('Done in {:.1f}s\n'.format(time.time() - t1)) print('\nStart test') print('**********\n') # Training if config.dataset_task == 'classification': tester.classification_test(net, test_loader, config) elif config.dataset_task == 'cloud_segmentation': tester.cloud_segmentation_test(net, test_loader, config) elif config.dataset_task == 'slam_segmentation': tester.slam_segmentation_test(net, test_loader, config) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported dataset_task for testing: ' + config.dataset_task)