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2023-05-15 17:18:10 +02:00

390 lines
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# 0=================================0
# | Kernel Point Convolutions |
# 0=================================0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define network architectures
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hugues THOMAS - 06/03/2020
from models.blocks import *
import numpy as np
def p2p_fitting_regularizer(net):
fitting_loss = 0
repulsive_loss = 0
for m in net.modules():
if isinstance(m, KPConv) and m.deformable:
# Fitting loss
# Get the distance to closest input point and normalize to be independant from layers
KP_min_d2 = m.min_d2 / (m.KP_extent**2)
# Loss will be the square distance to closest input point. We use L1 because dist is already squared
fitting_loss += net.l1(KP_min_d2, torch.zeros_like(KP_min_d2))
# Repulsive loss
# Normalized KP locations
KP_locs = m.deformed_KP / m.KP_extent
# Point should not be close to each other
for i in range(net.K):
other_KP =
[KP_locs[:, :i, :], KP_locs[:, i + 1 :, :]], dim=1
distances = torch.sqrt(
torch.sum((other_KP - KP_locs[:, i : i + 1, :]) ** 2, dim=2)
rep_loss = torch.sum(
torch.clamp_max(distances - net.repulse_extent, max=0.0) ** 2, dim=1
repulsive_loss += net.l1(rep_loss, torch.zeros_like(rep_loss)) / net.K
return net.deform_fitting_power * (2 * fitting_loss + repulsive_loss)
class KPCNN(nn.Module):
Class defining KPCNN
def __init__(self, config):
super(KPCNN, self).__init__()
# Network opperations
# Current radius of convolution and feature dimension
layer = 0
r = config.first_subsampling_dl * config.conv_radius
in_dim = config.in_features_dim
out_dim = config.first_features_dim
self.K = config.num_kernel_points
# Save all block operations in a list of modules
self.block_ops = nn.ModuleList()
# Loop over consecutive blocks
block_in_layer = 0
for block_i, block in enumerate(config.architecture):
# Check equivariance
if ("equivariant" in block) and (not out_dim % 3 == 0):
raise ValueError(
"Equivariant block but features dimension is not a factor of 3"
# Detect upsampling block to stop
if "upsample" in block:
# Apply the good block function defining tf ops
block_decider(block, r, in_dim, out_dim, layer, config)
# Index of block in this layer
block_in_layer += 1
# Update dimension of input from output
if "simple" in block:
in_dim = out_dim // 2
in_dim = out_dim
# Detect change to a subsampled layer
if "pool" in block or "strided" in block:
# Update radius and feature dimension for next layer
layer += 1
r *= 2
out_dim *= 2
block_in_layer = 0
self.head_mlp = UnaryBlock(out_dim, 1024, False, 0)
self.head_softmax = UnaryBlock(1024, config.num_classes, False, 0, no_relu=True)
# Network Losses
self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
self.deform_fitting_mode = config.deform_fitting_mode
self.deform_fitting_power = config.deform_fitting_power
self.deform_lr_factor = config.deform_lr_factor
self.repulse_extent = config.repulse_extent
self.output_loss = 0
self.reg_loss = 0
self.l1 = nn.L1Loss()
def forward(self, batch, config):
# Save all block operations in a list of modules
x = batch.features.clone().detach()
# Loop over consecutive blocks
for block_op in self.block_ops:
x = block_op(x, batch)
# Head of network
x = self.head_mlp(x, batch)
x = self.head_softmax(x, batch)
return x
def loss(self, outputs, labels):
Runs the loss on outputs of the model
:param outputs: logits
:param labels: labels
:return: loss
# Cross entropy loss
self.output_loss = self.criterion(outputs, labels)
# Regularization of deformable offsets
if self.deform_fitting_mode == "point2point":
self.reg_loss = p2p_fitting_regularizer(self)
elif self.deform_fitting_mode == "point2plane":
raise ValueError("point2plane fitting mode not implemented yet.")
raise ValueError("Unknown fitting mode: " + self.deform_fitting_mode)
# Combined loss
return self.output_loss + self.reg_loss
def accuracy(outputs, labels):
Computes accuracy of the current batch
:param outputs: logits predicted by the network
:param labels: labels
:return: accuracy value
predicted = torch.argmax(, dim=1)
total = labels.size(0)
correct = (predicted == labels).sum().item()
return correct / total
class KPFCNN(nn.Module):
Class defining KPFCNN
def __init__(self, config, lbl_values, ign_lbls):
super(KPFCNN, self).__init__()
# Parameters
# Current radius of convolution and feature dimension
layer = 0
r = config.first_subsampling_dl * config.conv_radius
in_dim = config.in_features_dim
out_dim = config.first_features_dim
self.K = config.num_kernel_points
self.C = len(lbl_values) - len(ign_lbls)
# List Encoder blocks
# Save all block operations in a list of modules
self.encoder_blocks = nn.ModuleList()
self.encoder_skip_dims = []
self.encoder_skips = []
# Loop over consecutive blocks
for block_i, block in enumerate(config.architecture):
# Check equivariance
if ("equivariant" in block) and (not out_dim % 3 == 0):
raise ValueError(
"Equivariant block but features dimension is not a factor of 3"
# Detect change to next layer for skip connection
if np.any(
[tmp in block for tmp in ["pool", "strided", "upsample", "global"]]
# Detect upsampling block to stop
if "upsample" in block:
# Apply the good block function defining tf ops
block_decider(block, r, in_dim, out_dim, layer, config)
# Update dimension of input from output
if "simple" in block:
in_dim = out_dim // 2
in_dim = out_dim
# Detect change to a subsampled layer
if "pool" in block or "strided" in block:
# Update radius and feature dimension for next layer
layer += 1
r *= 2
out_dim *= 2
# List Decoder blocks
# Save all block operations in a list of modules
self.decoder_blocks = nn.ModuleList()
self.decoder_concats = []
# Find first upsampling block
start_i = 0
for block_i, block in enumerate(config.architecture):
if "upsample" in block:
start_i = block_i
# Loop over consecutive blocks
for block_i, block in enumerate(config.architecture[start_i:]):
# Add dimension of skip connection concat
if block_i > 0 and "upsample" in config.architecture[start_i + block_i - 1]:
in_dim += self.encoder_skip_dims[layer]
# Apply the good block function defining tf ops
block_decider(block, r, in_dim, out_dim, layer, config)
# Update dimension of input from output
in_dim = out_dim
# Detect change to a subsampled layer
if "upsample" in block:
# Update radius and feature dimension for next layer
layer -= 1
r *= 0.5
out_dim = out_dim // 2
self.head_mlp = UnaryBlock(out_dim, config.first_features_dim, False, 0)
self.head_softmax = UnaryBlock(
config.first_features_dim, self.C, False, 0, no_relu=True
# Network Losses
# List of valid labels (those not ignored in loss)
self.valid_labels = np.sort([c for c in lbl_values if c not in ign_lbls])
# Choose segmentation loss
if len(config.class_w) > 0:
class_w = torch.from_numpy(np.array(config.class_w, dtype=np.float32))
self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=class_w, ignore_index=-1)
self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-1)
self.deform_fitting_mode = config.deform_fitting_mode
self.deform_fitting_power = config.deform_fitting_power
self.deform_lr_factor = config.deform_lr_factor
self.repulse_extent = config.repulse_extent
self.output_loss = 0
self.reg_loss = 0
self.l1 = nn.L1Loss()
def forward(self, batch, config):
# Get input features
x = batch.features.clone().detach()
# Loop over consecutive blocks
skip_x = []
for block_i, block_op in enumerate(self.encoder_blocks):
if block_i in self.encoder_skips:
x = block_op(x, batch)
for block_i, block_op in enumerate(self.decoder_blocks):
if block_i in self.decoder_concats:
x =[x, skip_x.pop()], dim=1)
x = block_op(x, batch)
# Head of network
x = self.head_mlp(x, batch)
x = self.head_softmax(x, batch)
return x
def loss(self, outputs, labels):
Runs the loss on outputs of the model
:param outputs: logits
:param labels: labels
:return: loss
# Set all ignored labels to -1 and correct the other label to be in [0, C-1] range
target = -torch.ones_like(labels)
for i, c in enumerate(self.valid_labels):
target[labels == c] = i
# Reshape to have a minibatch size of 1
outputs = torch.transpose(outputs, 0, 1)
outputs = outputs.unsqueeze(0)
target = target.unsqueeze(0)
# Cross entropy loss
self.output_loss = self.criterion(outputs, target)
# Regularization of deformable offsets
if self.deform_fitting_mode == "point2point":
self.reg_loss = p2p_fitting_regularizer(self)
elif self.deform_fitting_mode == "point2plane":
raise ValueError("point2plane fitting mode not implemented yet.")
raise ValueError("Unknown fitting mode: " + self.deform_fitting_mode)
# Combined loss
return self.output_loss + self.reg_loss
def accuracy(self, outputs, labels):
Computes accuracy of the current batch
:param outputs: logits predicted by the network
:param labels: labels
:return: accuracy value
# Set all ignored labels to -1 and correct the other label to be in [0, C-1] range
target = -torch.ones_like(labels)
for i, c in enumerate(self.valid_labels):
target[labels == c] = i
predicted = torch.argmax(, dim=1)
total = target.size(0)
correct = (predicted == target).sum().item()
return correct / total