Laurent FAINSIN d0cdb8e4ee 🎨 black + ruff
2023-05-15 17:18:10 +02:00

355 lines
10 KiB

# 0===============================0
# | PLY files reader/writer |
# 0===============================0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# function to read/write .ply files
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hugues THOMAS - 10/02/2017
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Imports and global variables
# \**********************************/
# Basic libs
import numpy as np
import sys
# Define PLY types
ply_dtypes = dict(
(b"int8", "i1"),
(b"char", "i1"),
(b"uint8", "u1"),
(b"uchar", "u1"),
(b"int16", "i2"),
(b"short", "i2"),
(b"uint16", "u2"),
(b"ushort", "u2"),
(b"int32", "i4"),
(b"int", "i4"),
(b"uint32", "u4"),
(b"uint", "u4"),
(b"float32", "f4"),
(b"float", "f4"),
(b"float64", "f8"),
(b"double", "f8"),
# Numpy reader format
valid_formats = {"ascii": "", "binary_big_endian": ">", "binary_little_endian": "<"}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions
# \***************/
def parse_header(plyfile, ext):
# Variables
line = []
properties = []
num_points = None
while b"end_header" not in line and line != b"":
line = plyfile.readline()
if b"element" in line:
line = line.split()
num_points = int(line[2])
elif b"property" in line:
line = line.split()
properties.append((line[2].decode(), ext + ply_dtypes[line[1]]))
return num_points, properties
def parse_mesh_header(plyfile, ext):
# Variables
line = []
vertex_properties = []
num_points = None
num_faces = None
current_element = None
while b"end_header" not in line and line != b"":
line = plyfile.readline()
# Find point element
if b"element vertex" in line:
current_element = "vertex"
line = line.split()
num_points = int(line[2])
elif b"element face" in line:
current_element = "face"
line = line.split()
num_faces = int(line[2])
elif b"property" in line:
if current_element == "vertex":
line = line.split()
vertex_properties.append((line[2].decode(), ext + ply_dtypes[line[1]]))
elif current_element == "vertex":
if not line.startswith("property list uchar int"):
raise ValueError("Unsupported faces property : " + line)
return num_points, num_faces, vertex_properties
def read_ply(filename, triangular_mesh=False):
Read ".ply" files
filename : string
the name of the file to read.
result : array
data stored in the file
Store data in file
>>> points = np.random.rand(5, 3)
>>> values = np.random.randint(2, size=10)
>>> write_ply('example.ply', [points, values], ['x', 'y', 'z', 'values'])
Read the file
>>> data = read_ply('example.ply')
>>> values = data['values']
array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0])
>>> points = np.vstack((data['x'], data['y'], data['z'])).T
array([[ 0.466 0.595 0.324]
[ 0.538 0.407 0.654]
[ 0.850 0.018 0.988]
[ 0.395 0.394 0.363]
[ 0.873 0.996 0.092]])
with open(filename, "rb") as plyfile:
# Check if the file start with ply
if b"ply" not in plyfile.readline():
raise ValueError("The file does not start whith the word ply")
# get binary_little/big or ascii
fmt = plyfile.readline().split()[1].decode()
if fmt == "ascii":
raise ValueError("The file is not binary")
# get extension for building the numpy dtypes
ext = valid_formats[fmt]
# PointCloud reader vs mesh reader
if triangular_mesh:
# Parse header
num_points, num_faces, properties = parse_mesh_header(plyfile, ext)
# Get point data
vertex_data = np.fromfile(plyfile, dtype=properties, count=num_points)
# Get face data
face_properties = [
("k", ext + "u1"),
("v1", ext + "i4"),
("v2", ext + "i4"),
("v3", ext + "i4"),
faces_data = np.fromfile(plyfile, dtype=face_properties, count=num_faces)
# Return vertex data and concatenated faces
faces = np.vstack((faces_data["v1"], faces_data["v2"], faces_data["v3"])).T
data = [vertex_data, faces]
# Parse header
num_points, properties = parse_header(plyfile, ext)
# Get data
data = np.fromfile(plyfile, dtype=properties, count=num_points)
return data
def header_properties(field_list, field_names):
# List of lines to write
lines = []
# First line describing element vertex
lines.append("element vertex %d" % field_list[0].shape[0])
# Properties lines
i = 0
for fields in field_list:
for field in fields.T:
lines.append("property %s %s" % (, field_names[i]))
i += 1
return lines
def write_ply(filename, field_list, field_names, triangular_faces=None):
Write ".ply" files
filename : string
the name of the file to which the data is saved. A '.ply' extension will be appended to the
file name if it does no already have one.
field_list : list, tuple, numpy array
the fields to be saved in the ply file. Either a numpy array, a list of numpy arrays or a
tuple of numpy arrays. Each 1D numpy array and each column of 2D numpy arrays are considered
as one field.
field_names : list
the name of each fields as a list of strings. Has to be the same length as the number of
>>> points = np.random.rand(10, 3)
>>> write_ply('example1.ply', points, ['x', 'y', 'z'])
>>> values = np.random.randint(2, size=10)
>>> write_ply('example2.ply', [points, values], ['x', 'y', 'z', 'values'])
>>> colors = np.random.randint(255, size=(10,3), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> field_names = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'red', 'green', 'blue', values']
>>> write_ply('example3.ply', [points, colors, values], field_names)
# Format list input to the right form
field_list = (
if (type(field_list) == list or type(field_list) == tuple)
else list((field_list,))
for i, field in enumerate(field_list):
if field.ndim < 2:
field_list[i] = field.reshape(-1, 1)
if field.ndim > 2:
print("fields have more than 2 dimensions")
return False
# check all fields have the same number of data
n_points = [field.shape[0] for field in field_list]
if not np.all(np.equal(n_points, n_points[0])):
print("wrong field dimensions")
return False
# Check if field_names and field_list have same nb of column
n_fields = np.sum([field.shape[1] for field in field_list])
if n_fields != len(field_names):
print("wrong number of field names")
return False
# Add extension if not there
if not filename.endswith(".ply"):
filename += ".ply"
# open in text mode to write the header
with open(filename, "w") as plyfile:
# First magical word
header = ["ply"]
# Encoding format
header.append("format binary_" + sys.byteorder + "_endian 1.0")
# Points properties description
header.extend(header_properties(field_list, field_names))
# Add faces if needded
if triangular_faces is not None:
header.append("element face {:d}".format(triangular_faces.shape[0]))
header.append("property list uchar int vertex_indices")
# End of header
# Write all lines
for line in header:
plyfile.write("%s\n" % line)
# open in binary/append to use tofile
with open(filename, "ab") as plyfile:
# Create a structured array
i = 0
type_list = []
for fields in field_list:
for field in fields.T:
type_list += [(field_names[i], field.dtype.str)]
i += 1
data = np.empty(field_list[0].shape[0], dtype=type_list)
i = 0
for fields in field_list:
for field in fields.T:
data[field_names[i]] = field
i += 1
if triangular_faces is not None:
triangular_faces = triangular_faces.astype(np.int32)
type_list = [("k", "uint8")] + [(str(ind), "int32") for ind in range(3)]
data = np.empty(triangular_faces.shape[0], dtype=type_list)
data["k"] = np.full((triangular_faces.shape[0],), 3, dtype=np.uint8)
data["0"] = triangular_faces[:, 0]
data["1"] = triangular_faces[:, 1]
data["2"] = triangular_faces[:, 2]
return True
def describe_element(name, df):
"""Takes the columns of the dataframe and builds a ply-like description
name: str
df: pandas DataFrame
element: list[str]
property_formats = {"f": "float", "u": "uchar", "i": "int"}
element = ["element " + name + " " + str(len(df))]
if name == "face":
element.append("property list uchar int points_indices")
for i in range(len(df.columns)):
# get first letter of dtype to infer format
f = property_formats[str(df.dtypes[i])[0]]
element.append("property " + f + " " + df.columns.values[i])
return element