import warnings from import Dataset from tqdm import tqdm from pathlib import Path import os import numpy as np import hashlib import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt synset_to_label = { '02691156': 'airplane', '02773838': 'bag', '02801938': 'basket', '02808440': 'bathtub', '02818832': 'bed', '02828884': 'bench', '02876657': 'bottle', '02880940': 'bowl', '02924116': 'bus', '02933112': 'cabinet', '02747177': 'can', '02942699': 'camera', '02954340': 'cap', '02958343': 'car', '03001627': 'chair', '03046257': 'clock', '03207941': 'dishwasher', '03211117': 'monitor', '04379243': 'table', '04401088': 'telephone', '02946921': 'tin_can', '04460130': 'tower', '04468005': 'train', '03085013': 'keyboard', '03261776': 'earphone', '03325088': 'faucet', '03337140': 'file', '03467517': 'guitar', '03513137': 'helmet', '03593526': 'jar', '03624134': 'knife', '03636649': 'lamp', '03642806': 'laptop', '03691459': 'speaker', '03710193': 'mailbox', '03759954': 'microphone', '03761084': 'microwave', '03790512': 'motorcycle', '03797390': 'mug', '03928116': 'piano', '03938244': 'pillow', '03948459': 'pistol', '03991062': 'pot', '04004475': 'printer', '04074963': 'remote_control', '04090263': 'rifle', '04099429': 'rocket', '04225987': 'skateboard', '04256520': 'sofa', '04330267': 'stove', '04530566': 'vessel', '04554684': 'washer', '02992529': 'cellphone', '02843684': 'birdhouse', '02871439': 'bookshelf', # '02858304': 'boat', no boat in our dataset, merged into vessels # '02834778': 'bicycle', not in our taxonomy } # Label to Synset mapping (for ShapeNet core classes) label_to_synset = {v: k for k, v in synset_to_label.items()} def _convert_categories(categories): assert categories is not None, 'List of categories cannot be empty!' if not (c in synset_to_label.keys() + label_to_synset.keys() for c in categories): warnings.warn('Some or all of the categories requested are not part of \ ShapeNetCore. Data loading may fail if these categories are not avaliable.') synsets = [label_to_synset[c] if c in label_to_synset.keys() else c for c in categories] return synsets class ShapeNet_Multiview_Points(Dataset): def __init__(self, root_pc:str, root_views: str, cache: str, categories: list = ['chair'], split: str= 'val', npoints=2048, sv_samples=800, all_points_mean=None, all_points_std=None, get_image=False): self.root = Path(root_views) self.split = split self.get_image = get_image params = { 'cat': categories, 'npoints': npoints, 'sv_samples': sv_samples, } params = tuple(sorted(pair for pair in params.items())) self.cache_dir = Path(cache) / 'svpoints/{}/{}'.format('_'.join(categories), hashlib.md5(bytes(repr(params), 'utf-8')).hexdigest()) self.cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.paths = [] self.synset_idxs = [] self.synsets = _convert_categories(categories) self.labels = [synset_to_label[s] for s in self.synsets] self.npoints = npoints self.sv_samples = sv_samples self.all_points = [] self.all_points_sv = [] # loops through desired classes for i in range(len(self.synsets)): syn = self.synsets[i] class_target = self.root / syn if not class_target.exists(): raise ValueError('Class {0} ({1}) was not found at location {2}.'.format( syn, self.labels[i], str(class_target))) sub_path_pc = os.path.join(root_pc, syn, split) if not os.path.isdir(sub_path_pc): print("Directory missing : %s" % sub_path_pc) continue self.all_mids = [] self.imgs = [] for x in os.listdir(sub_path_pc): if not x.endswith('.npy'): continue self.all_mids.append(os.path.join(split, x[:-len('.npy')])) for mid in tqdm(self.all_mids): # obj_fname = os.path.join(sub_path, x) obj_fname = os.path.join(root_pc, syn, mid + ".npy") cams_pths = list((self.root/ syn/ mid.split('/')[-1]).glob('*_cam_params.npz')) if len(cams_pths) < 20: continue point_cloud = np.load(obj_fname) sv_points_group = [] img_path_group = [] (self.cache_dir / (mid.split('/')[-1])).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) success = True for i, cp in enumerate(cams_pths): cp = str(cp) vp = cp.split('cam_params')[0] + 'depth.png' depth_minmax_pth = cp.split('_cam_params')[0] + '.npy' cache_pth = str(self.cache_dir / mid.split('/')[-1] / os.path.basename(depth_minmax_pth) ) cam_params = np.load(cp) extr = cam_params['extr'] intr = cam_params['intr'] self.transform = DepthToSingleViewPoints(cam_ext=extr, cam_int=intr) try: sv_point_cloud = self._render(cache_pth, vp, depth_minmax_pth) img_path_group.append(vp) sv_points_group.append(sv_point_cloud) except Exception as e: print(e) success=False break if not success: continue self.all_points_sv.append(np.stack(sv_points_group, axis=0)) self.all_points.append(point_cloud) self.imgs.append(img_path_group) self.all_points = np.stack(self.all_points, axis=0) self.all_points_sv = np.stack(self.all_points_sv, axis=0) if all_points_mean is not None and all_points_std is not None: # using loaded dataset stats self.all_points_mean = all_points_mean self.all_points_std = all_points_std else: # normalize across the dataset self.all_points_mean = self.all_points.reshape(-1, 3).mean(axis=0).reshape(1, 1, 3) self.all_points_std = self.all_points.reshape(-1).std(axis=0).reshape(1, 1, 1) self.all_points = (self.all_points - self.all_points_mean) / self.all_points_std self.train_points = self.all_points[:,:10000] self.test_points = self.all_points[:,10000:] self.all_points_sv = (self.all_points_sv - self.all_points_mean) / self.all_points_std def get_pc_stats(self, idx): return self.all_points_mean.reshape(1,1, -1), self.all_points_std.reshape(1,1, -1) def __len__(self): """Returns the length of the dataset. """ return len(self.all_points) def __getitem__(self, index): tr_out = self.train_points[index] tr_idxs = np.random.choice(tr_out.shape[0], self.npoints) tr_out = tr_out[tr_idxs, :] gt_points = self.test_points[index][:self.npoints] m, s = self.get_pc_stats(index) sv_points = self.all_points_sv[index] idxs = np.arange(0, sv_points.shape[-2])[:self.sv_samples]#np.random.choice(sv_points.shape[0], 500, replace=False) data =[torch.from_numpy(sv_points[:,idxs]).float(), torch.zeros(sv_points.shape[0], self.npoints - idxs.shape[0], sv_points.shape[2])], dim=1) masks = torch.zeros_like(data) masks[:,:idxs.shape[0]] = 1 res = {'train_points': torch.from_numpy(tr_out).float(), 'test_points': torch.from_numpy(gt_points).float(), 'sv_points': data, 'masks': masks, 'std': s, 'mean': m, 'idx': index, 'name':self.all_mids[index] } if self.split != 'train' and self.get_image: img_lst = [] for n in range(self.all_points_sv.shape[1]): img = torch.from_numpy(plt.imread(self.imgs[index][n])).float().permute(2,0,1)[:3] img_lst.append(img) img = torch.stack(img_lst, dim=0) res['image'] = img return res def _render(self, cache_path, depth_pth, depth_minmax_pth): # if not os.path.exists(cache_path.split('.npy')[0] + '_color.png') and os.path.exists(cache_path): # # os.remove(cache_path) if os.path.exists(cache_path): data = np.load(cache_path) else: data, depth = self.transform(depth_pth, depth_minmax_pth) assert data.shape[0] > 600, 'Only {} points found'.format(data.shape[0]) data = data[np.random.choice(data.shape[0], 600, replace=False)], data) return data