import torch def pairwise_dist(x, y): xx, yy, zz =, x.t()),, y.t()),, y.t()) rx = xx.diag().unsqueeze(0).expand_as(xx) ry = yy.diag().unsqueeze(0).expand_as(yy) P = rx.t() + ry - 2 * zz return P def NN_loss(x, y, dim=0): dist = pairwise_dist(x, y) values, indices = dist.min(dim=dim) return values.mean() def distChamfer(a, b): """ :param a: Pointclouds Batch x nul_points x dim :param b: Pointclouds Batch x nul_points x dim :return: -closest point on b of points from a -closest point on a of points from b -idx of closest point on b of points from a -idx of closest point on a of points from b Works for pointcloud of any dimension """ x, y = a.double(), b.double() bs, num_points_x, points_dim = x.size() bs, num_points_y, points_dim = y.size() xx = torch.pow(x, 2).sum(2) yy = torch.pow(y, 2).sum(2) zz = torch.bmm(x, y.transpose(2, 1)) rx = xx.unsqueeze(1).expand(bs, num_points_y, num_points_x) # Diagonal elements xx ry = yy.unsqueeze(1).expand(bs, num_points_x, num_points_y) # Diagonal elements yy P = rx.transpose(2, 1) + ry - 2 * zz return torch.min(P, 2)[0].float(), torch.min(P, 1)[0].float(), torch.min(P, 2)[1].int(), torch.min(P, 1)[1].int()