Linqi (Alex) Zhou 2f6aa752a6 PVD
2021-10-19 13:54:46 -07:00

269 lines
11 KiB

import os
import torch
import numpy as np
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from torch.utils import data
import random
import open3d as o3d
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
# taken from https://github.com/optas/latent_3d_points/blob/8e8f29f8124ed5fc59439e8551ba7ef7567c9a37/src/in_out.py
synsetid_to_cate = {
'02691156': 'airplane', '02773838': 'bag', '02801938': 'basket',
'02808440': 'bathtub', '02818832': 'bed', '02828884': 'bench',
'02876657': 'bottle', '02880940': 'bowl', '02924116': 'bus',
'02933112': 'cabinet', '02747177': 'can', '02942699': 'camera',
'02954340': 'cap', '02958343': 'car', '03001627': 'chair',
'03046257': 'clock', '03207941': 'dishwasher', '03211117': 'monitor',
'04379243': 'table', '04401088': 'telephone', '02946921': 'tin_can',
'04460130': 'tower', '04468005': 'train', '03085013': 'keyboard',
'03261776': 'earphone', '03325088': 'faucet', '03337140': 'file',
'03467517': 'guitar', '03513137': 'helmet', '03593526': 'jar',
'03624134': 'knife', '03636649': 'lamp', '03642806': 'laptop',
'03691459': 'speaker', '03710193': 'mailbox', '03759954': 'microphone',
'03761084': 'microwave', '03790512': 'motorcycle', '03797390': 'mug',
'03928116': 'piano', '03938244': 'pillow', '03948459': 'pistol',
'03991062': 'pot', '04004475': 'printer', '04074963': 'remote_control',
'04090263': 'rifle', '04099429': 'rocket', '04225987': 'skateboard',
'04256520': 'sofa', '04330267': 'stove', '04530566': 'vessel',
'04554684': 'washer', '02992529': 'cellphone',
'02843684': 'birdhouse', '02871439': 'bookshelf',
# '02858304': 'boat', no boat in our dataset, merged into vessels
# '02834778': 'bicycle', not in our taxonomy
cate_to_synsetid = {v: k for k, v in synsetid_to_cate.items()}
class Uniform15KPC(Dataset):
def __init__(self, root_dir, subdirs, tr_sample_size=10000,
te_sample_size=10000, split='train', scale=1.,
normalize_per_shape=False, box_per_shape=False,
all_points_mean=None, all_points_std=None,
input_dim=3, use_mask=False):
self.root_dir = root_dir
self.split = split
self.in_tr_sample_size = tr_sample_size
self.in_te_sample_size = te_sample_size
self.subdirs = subdirs
self.scale = scale
self.random_subsample = random_subsample
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.use_mask = use_mask
self.box_per_shape = box_per_shape
if use_mask:
self.mask_transform = PointCloudMasks(radius=5, elev=5, azim=90)
self.all_cate_mids = []
self.cate_idx_lst = []
self.all_points = []
for cate_idx, subd in enumerate(self.subdirs):
# NOTE: [subd] here is synset id
sub_path = os.path.join(root_dir, subd, self.split)
if not os.path.isdir(sub_path):
print("Directory missing : %s" % sub_path)
all_mids = []
for x in os.listdir(sub_path):
if not x.endswith('.npy'):
all_mids.append(os.path.join(self.split, x[:-len('.npy')]))
# NOTE: [mid] contains the split: i.e. "train/<mid>" or "val/<mid>" or "test/<mid>"
for mid in all_mids:
# obj_fname = os.path.join(sub_path, x)
obj_fname = os.path.join(root_dir, subd, mid + ".npy")
point_cloud = np.load(obj_fname) # (15k, 3)
assert point_cloud.shape[0] == 15000
self.all_points.append(point_cloud[np.newaxis, ...])
self.all_cate_mids.append((subd, mid))
# Shuffle the index deterministically (based on the number of examples)
self.shuffle_idx = list(range(len(self.all_points)))
self.cate_idx_lst = [self.cate_idx_lst[i] for i in self.shuffle_idx]
self.all_points = [self.all_points[i] for i in self.shuffle_idx]
self.all_cate_mids = [self.all_cate_mids[i] for i in self.shuffle_idx]
# Normalization
self.all_points = np.concatenate(self.all_points) # (N, 15000, 3)
self.normalize_per_shape = normalize_per_shape
self.normalize_std_per_axis = normalize_std_per_axis
if all_points_mean is not None and all_points_std is not None: # using loaded dataset stats
self.all_points_mean = all_points_mean
self.all_points_std = all_points_std
elif self.normalize_per_shape: # per shape normalization
B, N = self.all_points.shape[:2]
self.all_points_mean = self.all_points.mean(axis=1).reshape(B, 1, input_dim)
if normalize_std_per_axis:
self.all_points_std = self.all_points.reshape(B, N, -1).std(axis=1).reshape(B, 1, input_dim)
self.all_points_std = self.all_points.reshape(B, -1).std(axis=1).reshape(B, 1, 1)
elif self.box_per_shape:
B, N = self.all_points.shape[:2]
self.all_points_mean = self.all_points.min(axis=1).reshape(B, 1, input_dim)
self.all_points_std = self.all_points.max(axis=1).reshape(B, 1, input_dim) - self.all_points.min(axis=1).reshape(B, 1, input_dim)
else: # normalize across the dataset
self.all_points_mean = self.all_points.reshape(-1, input_dim).mean(axis=0).reshape(1, 1, input_dim)
if normalize_std_per_axis:
self.all_points_std = self.all_points.reshape(-1, input_dim).std(axis=0).reshape(1, 1, input_dim)
self.all_points_std = self.all_points.reshape(-1).std(axis=0).reshape(1, 1, 1)
self.all_points = (self.all_points - self.all_points_mean) / self.all_points_std
if self.box_per_shape:
self.all_points = self.all_points - 0.5
self.train_points = self.all_points[:, :10000]
self.test_points = self.all_points[:, 10000:]
self.tr_sample_size = min(10000, tr_sample_size)
self.te_sample_size = min(5000, te_sample_size)
print("Total number of data:%d" % len(self.train_points))
print("Min number of points: (train)%d (test)%d"
% (self.tr_sample_size, self.te_sample_size))
assert self.scale == 1, "Scale (!= 1) is deprecated"
def get_pc_stats(self, idx):
if self.normalize_per_shape or self.box_per_shape:
m = self.all_points_mean[idx].reshape(1, self.input_dim)
s = self.all_points_std[idx].reshape(1, -1)
return m, s
return self.all_points_mean.reshape(1, -1), self.all_points_std.reshape(1, -1)
def renormalize(self, mean, std):
self.all_points = self.all_points * self.all_points_std + self.all_points_mean
self.all_points_mean = mean
self.all_points_std = std
self.all_points = (self.all_points - self.all_points_mean) / self.all_points_std
self.train_points = self.all_points[:, :10000]
self.test_points = self.all_points[:, 10000:]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.train_points)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
tr_out = self.train_points[idx]
if self.random_subsample:
tr_idxs = np.random.choice(tr_out.shape[0], self.tr_sample_size)
tr_idxs = np.arange(self.tr_sample_size)
tr_out = torch.from_numpy(tr_out[tr_idxs, :]).float()
te_out = self.test_points[idx]
if self.random_subsample:
te_idxs = np.random.choice(te_out.shape[0], self.te_sample_size)
te_idxs = np.arange(self.te_sample_size)
te_out = torch.from_numpy(te_out[te_idxs, :]).float()
m, s = self.get_pc_stats(idx)
cate_idx = self.cate_idx_lst[idx]
sid, mid = self.all_cate_mids[idx]
out = {
'idx': idx,
'train_points': tr_out,
'test_points': te_out,
'mean': m, 'std': s, 'cate_idx': cate_idx,
'sid': sid, 'mid': mid
if self.use_mask:
# masked = torch.from_numpy(self.mask_transform(self.all_points[idx]))
# ss = min(masked.shape[0], self.in_tr_sample_size//2)
# masked = masked[:ss]
# tr_mask = torch.ones_like(masked)
# masked = torch.cat([masked, torch.zeros(self.in_tr_sample_size - ss, 3)],dim=0)#F.pad(masked, (self.in_tr_sample_size-masked.shape[0], 0), "constant", 0)
# tr_mask = torch.cat([tr_mask, torch.zeros(self.in_tr_sample_size- ss, 3)],dim=0)#F.pad(tr_mask, (self.in_tr_sample_size-tr_mask.shape[0], 0), "constant", 0)
# out['train_points_masked'] = masked
# out['train_masks'] = tr_mask
tr_mask = self.mask_transform(tr_out)
out['train_masks'] = tr_mask
return out
class ShapeNet15kPointClouds(Uniform15KPC):
def __init__(self, root_dir="data/ShapeNetCore.v2.PC15k",
categories=['airplane'], tr_sample_size=10000, te_sample_size=2048,
split='train', scale=1., normalize_per_shape=False,
normalize_std_per_axis=False, box_per_shape=False,
all_points_mean=None, all_points_std=None,
self.root_dir = root_dir
self.split = split
assert self.split in ['train', 'test', 'val']
self.tr_sample_size = tr_sample_size
self.te_sample_size = te_sample_size
self.cates = categories
if 'all' in categories:
self.synset_ids = list(cate_to_synsetid.values())
self.synset_ids = [cate_to_synsetid[c] for c in self.cates]
# assert 'v2' in root_dir, "Only supporting v2 right now."
self.gravity_axis = 1
self.display_axis_order = [0, 2, 1]
super(ShapeNet15kPointClouds, self).__init__(
root_dir, self.synset_ids,
split=split, scale=scale,
normalize_per_shape=normalize_per_shape, box_per_shape=box_per_shape,
all_points_mean=all_points_mean, all_points_std=all_points_std,
input_dim=3, use_mask=use_mask)
class PointCloudMasks(object):
render a view then save mask
def __init__(self, radius : float=10, elev: float =45, azim:float=315, ):
self.radius = radius
self.elev = elev
self.azim = azim
def __call__(self, points):
pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points)
camera = [self.radius * np.sin(90-self.elev) * np.cos(self.azim),
self.radius * np.cos(90 - self.elev),
self.radius * np.sin(90 - self.elev) * np.sin(self.azim),
# camera = [0,self.radius,0]
_, pt_map = pcd.hidden_point_removal(camera, self.radius)
mask = torch.zeros_like(points)
mask[pt_map] = 1
return mask #points[pt_map]