2023-04-11 11:12:58 +02:00

246 lines
9.4 KiB

import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import entropy
def iterate_in_chunks(l, n):
"""Yield successive 'n'-sized chunks from iterable 'l'.
Note: last chunk will be smaller than l if n doesn't divide l perfectly.
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i : i + n]
def unit_cube_grid_point_cloud(resolution, clip_sphere=False):
"""Returns the center coordinates of each cell of a 3D grid with resolution^3 cells,
that is placed in the unit-cube.
If clip_sphere it True it drops the "corner" cells that lie outside the unit-sphere.
grid = np.ndarray((resolution, resolution, resolution, 3), np.float32)
spacing = 1.0 / float(resolution - 1)
for i in range(resolution):
for j in range(resolution):
for k in range(resolution):
grid[i, j, k, 0] = i * spacing - 0.5
grid[i, j, k, 1] = j * spacing - 0.5
grid[i, j, k, 2] = k * spacing - 0.5
if clip_sphere:
grid = grid.reshape(-1, 3)
grid = grid[np.linalg.norm(grid, axis=1) <= 0.5]
return grid, spacing
def minimum_mathing_distance(
sample_pcs, ref_pcs, batch_size, normalize=True, sess=None, verbose=False, use_sqrt=False, use_EMD=False
"""Computes the MMD between two sets of point-clouds.
sample_pcs (numpy array SxKx3): the S point-clouds, each of K points that will be matched and
compared to a set of "reference" point-clouds.
ref_pcs (numpy array RxKx3): the R point-clouds, each of K points that constitute the set of
"reference" point-clouds.
batch_size (int): specifies how large will the batches be that the compute will use to make
the comparisons of the sample-vs-ref point-clouds.
normalize (boolean): if True, the distances are normalized by diving them with
the number of the points of the point-clouds (n_pc_points).
use_sqrt: (boolean): When the matching is based on Chamfer (default behavior), if True, the
Chamfer is computed based on the (not-squared) euclidean distances of the matched point-wise
euclidean distances.
sess (tf.Session, default None): if None, it will make a new Session for this.
use_EMD (boolean: If true, the matchings are based on the EMD.
A tuple containing the MMD and all the matched distances of which the MMD is their mean.
n_ref, n_pc_points, pc_dim = ref_pcs.shape
_, n_pc_points_s, pc_dim_s = sample_pcs.shape
if n_pc_points != n_pc_points_s or pc_dim != pc_dim_s:
raise ValueError("Incompatible size of point-clouds.")
ref_pl, sample_pl, best_in_batch, _, sess = minimum_mathing_distance_tf_graph(
n_pc_points, normalize=normalize, sess=sess, use_sqrt=use_sqrt, use_EMD=use_EMD
matched_dists = []
for i in range(n_ref):
best_in_all_batches = []
if verbose and i % 50 == 0:
for sample_chunk in iterate_in_chunks(sample_pcs, batch_size):
feed_dict = {ref_pl: np.expand_dims(ref_pcs[i], 0), sample_pl: sample_chunk}
b = sess.run(best_in_batch, feed_dict=feed_dict)
mmd = np.mean(matched_dists)
return mmd, matched_dists
def coverage(
"""Computes the Coverage between two sets of point-clouds.
sample_pcs (numpy array SxKx3): the S point-clouds, each of K points that will be matched
and compared to a set of "reference" point-clouds.
ref_pcs (numpy array RxKx3): the R point-clouds, each of K points that constitute the
set of "reference" point-clouds.
batch_size (int): specifies how large will the batches be that the compute will use to
make the comparisons of the sample-vs-ref point-clouds.
normalize (boolean): if True, the distances are normalized by diving them with
the number of the points of the point-clouds (n_pc_points).
use_sqrt (boolean): When the matching is based on Chamfer (default behavior), if True,
the Chamfer is computed based on the (not-squared) euclidean distances of the matched
point-wise euclidean distances.
sess (tf.Session): If None, it will make a new Session for this.
use_EMD (boolean): If true, the matchings are based on the EMD.
ret_dist (boolean): If true, it will also return the distances between each sample_pcs and
it's matched ground-truth.
Returns: the coverage score (int),
the indices of the ref_pcs that are matched with each sample_pc
and optionally the matched distances of the samples_pcs.
n_ref, n_pc_points, pc_dim = ref_pcs.shape
n_sam, n_pc_points_s, pc_dim_s = sample_pcs.shape
if n_pc_points != n_pc_points_s or pc_dim != pc_dim_s:
raise ValueError("Incompatible Point-Clouds.")
ref_pl, sample_pl, best_in_batch, loc_of_best, sess = minimum_mathing_distance_tf_graph(
n_pc_points, normalize=normalize, sess=sess, use_sqrt=use_sqrt, use_EMD=use_EMD
matched_gt = []
matched_dist = []
for i in xrange(n_sam):
best_in_all_batches = []
loc_in_all_batches = []
if verbose and i % 50 == 0:
for ref_chunk in iterate_in_chunks(ref_pcs, batch_size):
feed_dict = {ref_pl: np.expand_dims(sample_pcs[i], 0), sample_pl: ref_chunk}
b, loc = sess.run([best_in_batch, loc_of_best], feed_dict=feed_dict)
best_in_all_batches = np.array(best_in_all_batches)
b_hit = np.argmin(best_in_all_batches) # In which batch the minimum occurred.
hit = np.array(loc_in_all_batches)[b_hit]
matched_gt.append(batch_size * b_hit + hit)
cov = len(np.unique(matched_gt)) / float(n_ref)
if ret_dist:
return cov, matched_gt, matched_dist
return cov, matched_gt
def jsd_between_point_cloud_sets(sample_pcs, ref_pcs, resolution=28):
"""Computes the JSD between two sets of point-clouds, as introduced in the paper ```Learning Representations And Generative Models For 3D Point Clouds```.
sample_pcs: (np.ndarray S1xR2x3) S1 point-clouds, each of R1 points.
ref_pcs: (np.ndarray S2xR2x3) S2 point-clouds, each of R2 points.
resolution: (int) grid-resolution. Affects granularity of measurements.
in_unit_sphere = True
sample_grid_var = entropy_of_occupancy_grid(sample_pcs, resolution, in_unit_sphere)[1]
ref_grid_var = entropy_of_occupancy_grid(ref_pcs, resolution, in_unit_sphere)[1]
return jensen_shannon_divergence(sample_grid_var, ref_grid_var)
def entropy_of_occupancy_grid(pclouds, grid_resolution, in_sphere=False):
"""Given a collection of point-clouds, estimate the entropy of the random variables
corresponding to occupancy-grid activation patterns.
pclouds: (numpy array) #point-clouds x points per point-cloud x 3
grid_resolution (int) size of occupancy grid that will be used.
epsilon = 10e-4
bound = 0.5 + epsilon
if abs(np.max(pclouds)) > bound or abs(np.min(pclouds)) > bound:
warnings.warn("Point-clouds are not in unit cube.")
if in_sphere and np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum(pclouds**2, axis=2))) > bound:
warnings.warn("Point-clouds are not in unit sphere.")
grid_coordinates, _ = unit_cube_grid_point_cloud(grid_resolution, in_sphere)
grid_coordinates = grid_coordinates.reshape(-1, 3)
grid_counters = np.zeros(len(grid_coordinates))
grid_bernoulli_rvars = np.zeros(len(grid_coordinates))
nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1).fit(grid_coordinates)
for pc in pclouds:
_, indices = nn.kneighbors(pc)
indices = np.squeeze(indices)
for i in indices:
grid_counters[i] += 1
indices = np.unique(indices)
for i in indices:
grid_bernoulli_rvars[i] += 1
acc_entropy = 0.0
n = float(len(pclouds))
for g in grid_bernoulli_rvars:
p = 0.0
if g > 0:
p = float(g) / n
acc_entropy += entropy([p, 1.0 - p])
return acc_entropy / len(grid_counters), grid_counters
def jensen_shannon_divergence(P, Q):
if np.any(P < 0) or np.any(Q < 0):
raise ValueError("Negative values.")
if len(P) != len(Q):
raise ValueError("Non equal size.")
P_ = P / np.sum(P) # Ensure probabilities.
Q_ = Q / np.sum(Q)
e1 = entropy(P_, base=2)
e2 = entropy(Q_, base=2)
e_sum = entropy((P_ + Q_) / 2.0, base=2)
res = e_sum - ((e1 + e2) / 2.0)
res2 = _jsdiv(P_, Q_)
if not np.allclose(res, res2, atol=10e-5, rtol=0):
warnings.warn("Numerical values of two JSD methods don't agree.")
return res
def _jsdiv(P, Q):
"""another way of computing JSD"""
def _kldiv(A, B):
a = A.copy()
b = B.copy()
idx = np.logical_and(a > 0, b > 0)
a = a[idx]
b = b[idx]
return np.sum([v for v in a * np.log2(a / b)])
P_ = P / np.sum(P)
Q_ = Q / np.sum(Q)
M = 0.5 * (P_ + Q_)
return 0.5 * (_kldiv(P_, M) + _kldiv(Q_, M))