587 lines
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587 lines
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import torch
from pprint import pprint
from metrics.evaluation_metrics import jsd_between_point_cloud_sets as JSD
from metrics.evaluation_metrics import compute_all_metrics, EMD_CD
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.utils.data
import argparse
from torch.distributions import Normal
from utils.file_utils import *
from utils.visualize import *
from model.pvcnn_generation import PVCNN2Base
from tqdm import tqdm
from datasets.shapenet_data_pc import ShapeNet15kPointClouds
def normal_kl(mean1, logvar1, mean2, logvar2):
KL divergence between normal distributions parameterized by mean and log-variance.
return 0.5 * (-1.0 + logvar2 - logvar1 + torch.exp(logvar1 - logvar2)
+ (mean1 - mean2)**2 * torch.exp(-logvar2))
def discretized_gaussian_log_likelihood(x, *, means, log_scales):
# Assumes data is integers [0, 1]
assert x.shape == means.shape == log_scales.shape
px0 = Normal(torch.zeros_like(means), torch.ones_like(log_scales))
centered_x = x - means
inv_stdv = torch.exp(-log_scales)
plus_in = inv_stdv * (centered_x + 0.5)
cdf_plus = px0.cdf(plus_in)
min_in = inv_stdv * (centered_x - .5)
cdf_min = px0.cdf(min_in)
log_cdf_plus = torch.log(torch.max(cdf_plus, torch.ones_like(cdf_plus)*1e-12))
log_one_minus_cdf_min = torch.log(torch.max(1. - cdf_min, torch.ones_like(cdf_min)*1e-12))
cdf_delta = cdf_plus - cdf_min
log_probs = torch.where(
x < 0.001, log_cdf_plus,
torch.where(x > 0.999, log_one_minus_cdf_min,
torch.log(torch.max(cdf_delta, torch.ones_like(cdf_delta)*1e-12))))
assert log_probs.shape == x.shape
return log_probs
class GaussianDiffusion:
def __init__(self,betas, loss_type, model_mean_type, model_var_type):
self.loss_type = loss_type
self.model_mean_type = model_mean_type
self.model_var_type = model_var_type
assert isinstance(betas, np.ndarray)
self.np_betas = betas = betas.astype(np.float64) # computations here in float64 for accuracy
assert (betas > 0).all() and (betas <= 1).all()
timesteps, = betas.shape
self.num_timesteps = int(timesteps)
# initialize twice the actual length so we can keep running for eval
# betas = np.concatenate([betas, np.full_like(betas[:int(0.2*len(betas))], betas[-1])])
alphas = 1. - betas
alphas_cumprod = torch.from_numpy(np.cumprod(alphas, axis=0)).float()
alphas_cumprod_prev = torch.from_numpy(np.append(1., alphas_cumprod[:-1])).float()
self.betas = torch.from_numpy(betas).float()
self.alphas_cumprod = alphas_cumprod.float()
self.alphas_cumprod_prev = alphas_cumprod_prev.float()
# calculations for diffusion q(x_t | x_{t-1}) and others
self.sqrt_alphas_cumprod = torch.sqrt(alphas_cumprod).float()
self.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod = torch.sqrt(1. - alphas_cumprod).float()
self.log_one_minus_alphas_cumprod = torch.log(1. - alphas_cumprod).float()
self.sqrt_recip_alphas_cumprod = torch.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod).float()
self.sqrt_recipm1_alphas_cumprod = torch.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod - 1).float()
betas = torch.from_numpy(betas).float()
alphas = torch.from_numpy(alphas).float()
# calculations for posterior q(x_{t-1} | x_t, x_0)
posterior_variance = betas * (1. - alphas_cumprod_prev) / (1. - alphas_cumprod)
# above: equal to 1. / (1. / (1. - alpha_cumprod_tm1) + alpha_t / beta_t)
self.posterior_variance = posterior_variance
# below: log calculation clipped because the posterior variance is 0 at the beginning of the diffusion chain
self.posterior_log_variance_clipped = torch.log(torch.max(posterior_variance, 1e-20 * torch.ones_like(posterior_variance)))
self.posterior_mean_coef1 = betas * torch.sqrt(alphas_cumprod_prev) / (1. - alphas_cumprod)
self.posterior_mean_coef2 = (1. - alphas_cumprod_prev) * torch.sqrt(alphas) / (1. - alphas_cumprod)
def _extract(a, t, x_shape):
Extract some coefficients at specified timesteps,
then reshape to [batch_size, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...] for broadcasting purposes.
bs, = t.shape
assert x_shape[0] == bs
out = torch.gather(a, 0, t)
assert out.shape == torch.Size([bs])
return torch.reshape(out, [bs] + ((len(x_shape) - 1) * [1]))
def q_mean_variance(self, x_start, t):
mean = self._extract(self.sqrt_alphas_cumprod.to(x_start.device), t, x_start.shape) * x_start
variance = self._extract(1. - self.alphas_cumprod.to(x_start.device), t, x_start.shape)
log_variance = self._extract(self.log_one_minus_alphas_cumprod.to(x_start.device), t, x_start.shape)
return mean, variance, log_variance
def q_sample(self, x_start, t, noise=None):
Diffuse the data (t == 0 means diffused for 1 step)
if noise is None:
noise = torch.randn(x_start.shape, device=x_start.device)
assert noise.shape == x_start.shape
return (
self._extract(self.sqrt_alphas_cumprod.to(x_start.device), t, x_start.shape) * x_start +
self._extract(self.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod.to(x_start.device), t, x_start.shape) * noise
def q_posterior_mean_variance(self, x_start, x_t, t):
Compute the mean and variance of the diffusion posterior q(x_{t-1} | x_t, x_0)
assert x_start.shape == x_t.shape
posterior_mean = (
self._extract(self.posterior_mean_coef1.to(x_start.device), t, x_t.shape) * x_start +
self._extract(self.posterior_mean_coef2.to(x_start.device), t, x_t.shape) * x_t
posterior_variance = self._extract(self.posterior_variance.to(x_start.device), t, x_t.shape)
posterior_log_variance_clipped = self._extract(self.posterior_log_variance_clipped.to(x_start.device), t, x_t.shape)
assert (posterior_mean.shape[0] == posterior_variance.shape[0] == posterior_log_variance_clipped.shape[0] ==
return posterior_mean, posterior_variance, posterior_log_variance_clipped
def p_mean_variance(self, denoise_fn, data, t, clip_denoised: bool, return_pred_xstart: bool):
model_output = denoise_fn(data, t)
if self.model_var_type in ['fixedsmall', 'fixedlarge']:
# below: only log_variance is used in the KL computations
model_variance, model_log_variance = {
# for fixedlarge, we set the initial (log-)variance like so to get a better decoder log likelihood
'fixedlarge': (self.betas.to(data.device),
torch.log(torch.cat([self.posterior_variance[1:2], self.betas[1:]])).to(data.device)),
'fixedsmall': (self.posterior_variance.to(data.device), self.posterior_log_variance_clipped.to(data.device)),
model_variance = self._extract(model_variance, t, data.shape) * torch.ones_like(data)
model_log_variance = self._extract(model_log_variance, t, data.shape) * torch.ones_like(data)
raise NotImplementedError(self.model_var_type)
if self.model_mean_type == 'eps':
x_recon = self._predict_xstart_from_eps(data, t=t, eps=model_output)
if clip_denoised:
x_recon = torch.clamp(x_recon, -.5, .5)
model_mean, _, _ = self.q_posterior_mean_variance(x_start=x_recon, x_t=data, t=t)
raise NotImplementedError(self.loss_type)
assert model_mean.shape == x_recon.shape == data.shape
assert model_variance.shape == model_log_variance.shape == data.shape
if return_pred_xstart:
return model_mean, model_variance, model_log_variance, x_recon
return model_mean, model_variance, model_log_variance
def _predict_xstart_from_eps(self, x_t, t, eps):
assert x_t.shape == eps.shape
return (
self._extract(self.sqrt_recip_alphas_cumprod.to(x_t.device), t, x_t.shape) * x_t -
self._extract(self.sqrt_recipm1_alphas_cumprod.to(x_t.device), t, x_t.shape) * eps
''' samples '''
def p_sample(self, denoise_fn, data, t, noise_fn, clip_denoised=False, return_pred_xstart=False, use_var=True):
Sample from the model
model_mean, _, model_log_variance, pred_xstart = self.p_mean_variance(denoise_fn, data=data, t=t, clip_denoised=clip_denoised,
noise = noise_fn(size=data.shape, dtype=data.dtype, device=data.device)
assert noise.shape == data.shape
# no noise when t == 0
nonzero_mask = torch.reshape(1 - (t == 0).float(), [data.shape[0]] + [1] * (len(data.shape) - 1))
sample = model_mean
if use_var:
sample = sample + nonzero_mask * torch.exp(0.5 * model_log_variance) * noise
assert sample.shape == pred_xstart.shape
return (sample, pred_xstart) if return_pred_xstart else sample
def p_sample_loop(self, denoise_fn, shape, device,
noise_fn=torch.randn, constrain_fn=lambda x, t:x,
clip_denoised=True, max_timestep=None, keep_running=False):
Generate samples
keep_running: True if we run 2 x num_timesteps, False if we just run num_timesteps
if max_timestep is None:
final_time = self.num_timesteps
final_time = max_timestep
assert isinstance(shape, (tuple, list))
img_t = noise_fn(size=shape, dtype=torch.float, device=device)
for t in reversed(range(0, final_time if not keep_running else len(self.betas))):
img_t = constrain_fn(img_t, t)
t_ = torch.empty(shape[0], dtype=torch.int64, device=device).fill_(t)
img_t = self.p_sample(denoise_fn=denoise_fn, data=img_t,t=t_, noise_fn=noise_fn,
clip_denoised=clip_denoised, return_pred_xstart=False).detach()
assert img_t.shape == shape
return img_t
def reconstruct(self, x0, t, denoise_fn, noise_fn=torch.randn, constrain_fn=lambda x, t:x):
assert t >= 1
t_vec = torch.empty(x0.shape[0], dtype=torch.int64, device=x0.device).fill_(t-1)
encoding = self.q_sample(x0, t_vec)
img_t = encoding
for k in reversed(range(0,t)):
img_t = constrain_fn(img_t, k)
t_ = torch.empty(x0.shape[0], dtype=torch.int64, device=x0.device).fill_(k)
img_t = self.p_sample(denoise_fn=denoise_fn, data=img_t, t=t_, noise_fn=noise_fn,
clip_denoised=False, return_pred_xstart=False, use_var=True).detach()
return img_t
class PVCNN2(PVCNN2Base):
sa_blocks = [
((32, 2, 32), (1024, 0.1, 32, (32, 64))),
((64, 3, 16), (256, 0.2, 32, (64, 128))),
((128, 3, 8), (64, 0.4, 32, (128, 256))),
(None, (16, 0.8, 32, (256, 256, 512))),
fp_blocks = [
((256, 256), (256, 3, 8)),
((256, 256), (256, 3, 8)),
((256, 128), (128, 2, 16)),
((128, 128, 64), (64, 2, 32)),
def __init__(self, num_classes, embed_dim, use_att,dropout, extra_feature_channels=3, width_multiplier=1,
num_classes=num_classes, embed_dim=embed_dim, use_att=use_att,
dropout=dropout, extra_feature_channels=extra_feature_channels,
width_multiplier=width_multiplier, voxel_resolution_multiplier=voxel_resolution_multiplier
class Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, args, betas, loss_type: str, model_mean_type: str, model_var_type:str):
super(Model, self).__init__()
self.diffusion = GaussianDiffusion(betas, loss_type, model_mean_type, model_var_type)
self.model = PVCNN2(num_classes=args.nc, embed_dim=args.embed_dim, use_att=args.attention,
dropout=args.dropout, extra_feature_channels=0)
def prior_kl(self, x0):
return self.diffusion._prior_bpd(x0)
def all_kl(self, x0, clip_denoised=True):
total_bpd_b, vals_bt, prior_bpd_b, mse_bt = self.diffusion.calc_bpd_loop(self._denoise, x0, clip_denoised)
return {
'total_bpd_b': total_bpd_b,
'terms_bpd': vals_bt,
'prior_bpd_b': prior_bpd_b,
def _denoise(self, data, t):
B, D,N= data.shape
assert data.dtype == torch.float
assert t.shape == torch.Size([B]) and t.dtype == torch.int64
out = self.model(data, t)
assert out.shape == torch.Size([B, D, N])
return out
def get_loss_iter(self, data, noises=None):
B, D, N = data.shape
t = torch.randint(0, self.diffusion.num_timesteps, size=(B,), device=data.device)
if noises is not None:
noises[t!=0] = torch.randn((t!=0).sum(), *noises.shape[1:]).to(noises)
losses = self.diffusion.p_losses(
denoise_fn=self._denoise, data_start=data, t=t, noise=noises)
assert losses.shape == t.shape == torch.Size([B])
return losses
def gen_samples(self, shape, device, noise_fn=torch.randn, constrain_fn=lambda x, t:x,
clip_denoised=False, max_timestep=None,
return self.diffusion.p_sample_loop(self._denoise, shape=shape, device=device, noise_fn=noise_fn,
clip_denoised=clip_denoised, max_timestep=max_timestep,
def reconstruct(self, x0, t, constrain_fn=lambda x, t:x):
return self.diffusion.reconstruct(x0, t, self._denoise, constrain_fn=constrain_fn)
def train(self):
def eval(self):
def multi_gpu_wrapper(self, f):
self.model = f(self.model)
def get_betas(schedule_type, b_start, b_end, time_num):
if schedule_type == 'linear':
betas = np.linspace(b_start, b_end, time_num)
elif schedule_type == 'warm0.1':
betas = b_end * np.ones(time_num, dtype=np.float64)
warmup_time = int(time_num * 0.1)
betas[:warmup_time] = np.linspace(b_start, b_end, warmup_time, dtype=np.float64)
elif schedule_type == 'warm0.2':
betas = b_end * np.ones(time_num, dtype=np.float64)
warmup_time = int(time_num * 0.2)
betas[:warmup_time] = np.linspace(b_start, b_end, warmup_time, dtype=np.float64)
elif schedule_type == 'warm0.5':
betas = b_end * np.ones(time_num, dtype=np.float64)
warmup_time = int(time_num * 0.5)
betas[:warmup_time] = np.linspace(b_start, b_end, warmup_time, dtype=np.float64)
raise NotImplementedError(schedule_type)
return betas
def get_constrain_function(ground_truth, mask, eps, num_steps=1):
:param target_shape_constraint: target voxels
:return: constrained x
# eps_all = list(reversed(np.linspace(0,np.float_power(eps, 1/2), 500)**2))
eps_all = list(reversed(np.linspace(0, np.sqrt(eps), 1000)**2 ))
def constrain_fn(x, t):
eps_ = eps_all[t] if (t<1000) else 0
for _ in range(num_steps):
x = x - eps_ * ((x - ground_truth) * mask)
return x
return constrain_fn
def get_dataset(dataroot, npoints,category,use_mask=False):
tr_dataset = ShapeNet15kPointClouds(root_dir=dataroot,
categories=[category], split='train',
random_subsample=True, use_mask = use_mask)
te_dataset = ShapeNet15kPointClouds(root_dir=dataroot,
categories=[category], split='val',
return tr_dataset, te_dataset
def evaluate_gen(opt, ref_pcs, logger):
if ref_pcs is None:
_, test_dataset = get_dataset(opt.dataroot, opt.npoints, opt.category, use_mask=False)
test_dataloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=opt.batch_size,
shuffle=False, num_workers=int(opt.workers), drop_last=False)
ref = []
for data in tqdm(test_dataloader, total=len(test_dataloader), desc='Generating Samples'):
x = data['test_points']
m, s = data['mean'].float(), data['std'].float()
ref.append(x*s + m)
ref_pcs = torch.cat(ref, dim=0).contiguous()
logger.info("Loading sample path: %s"
% (opt.eval_path))
sample_pcs = torch.load(opt.eval_path).contiguous()
logger.info("Generation sample size:%s reference size: %s"
% (sample_pcs.size(), ref_pcs.size()))
# Compute metrics
results = compute_all_metrics(sample_pcs, ref_pcs, opt.batch_size)
results = {k: (v.cpu().detach().item()
if not isinstance(v, float) else v) for k, v in results.items()}
jsd = JSD(sample_pcs.numpy(), ref_pcs.numpy())
pprint('JSD: {}'.format(jsd))
logger.info('JSD: {}'.format(jsd))
def generate(model, opt):
_, test_dataset = get_dataset(opt.dataroot, opt.npoints, opt.category)
test_dataloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=opt.batch_size,
shuffle=False, num_workers=int(opt.workers), drop_last=False)
with torch.no_grad():
samples = []
ref = []
for i, data in tqdm(enumerate(test_dataloader), total=len(test_dataloader), desc='Generating Samples'):
x = data['test_points'].transpose(1,2)
m, s = data['mean'].float(), data['std'].float()
gen = model.gen_samples(x.shape,
'cuda', clip_denoised=False).detach().cpu()
gen = gen.transpose(1,2).contiguous()
x = x.transpose(1,2).contiguous()
gen = gen * s + m
x = x * s + m
visualize_pointcloud_batch(os.path.join(str(Path(opt.eval_path).parent), 'x.png'), gen[:64], None,
None, None)
samples = torch.cat(samples, dim=0)
ref = torch.cat(ref, dim=0)
torch.save(samples, opt.eval_path)
return ref
def main(opt):
if opt.category == 'airplane':
opt.beta_start = 1e-5
opt.beta_end = 0.008
opt.schedule_type = 'warm0.1'
exp_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
dir_id = os.path.dirname(__file__)
output_dir = get_output_dir(dir_id, exp_id)
copy_source(__file__, output_dir)
logger = setup_logging(output_dir)
outf_syn, = setup_output_subdirs(output_dir, 'syn')
betas = get_betas(opt.schedule_type, opt.beta_start, opt.beta_end, opt.time_num)
model = Model(opt, betas, opt.loss_type, opt.model_mean_type, opt.model_var_type)
if opt.cuda:
def _transform_(m):
return nn.parallel.DataParallel(m)
model = model.cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
logger.info("Resume Path:%s" % opt.model)
resumed_param = torch.load(opt.model)
ref = None
if opt.generate:
opt.eval_path = os.path.join(outf_syn, 'samples.pth')
Path(opt.eval_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
ref=generate(model, opt)
if opt.eval_gen:
# Evaluate generation
evaluate_gen(opt, ref, logger)
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--dataroot', default='ShapeNetCore.v2.PC15k/')
parser.add_argument('--category', default='chair')
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=50, help='input batch size')
parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=16, help='workers')
parser.add_argument('--niter', type=int, default=10000, help='number of epochs to train for')
parser.add_argument('--eval_gen', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--nc', default=3)
parser.add_argument('--npoints', default=2048)
parser.add_argument('--beta_start', default=0.0001)
parser.add_argument('--beta_end', default=0.02)
parser.add_argument('--schedule_type', default='linear')
parser.add_argument('--time_num', default=1000)
parser.add_argument('--attention', default=True)
parser.add_argument('--dropout', default=0.1)
parser.add_argument('--embed_dim', type=int, default=64)
parser.add_argument('--loss_type', default='mse')
parser.add_argument('--model_mean_type', default='eps')
parser.add_argument('--model_var_type', default='fixedsmall')
parser.add_argument('--model', default='',required=True, help="path to model (to continue training)")
parser.add_argument('--manualSeed', default=42, type=int, help='random seed')
parser.add_argument('--gpu', type=int, default=0, metavar='S', help='gpu id (default: 0)')
opt = parser.parse_args()
if torch.cuda.is_available():
opt.cuda = True
opt.cuda = False
return opt
if __name__ == '__main__':
opt = parse_args()