import warnings from typing import * import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.autograd import Function try: import pointnet2_ops._ext as _ext except ImportError: import glob import os import os.path as osp from torch.utils.cpp_extension import load warnings.warn("Unable to load pointnet2_ops cpp extension. JIT Compiling.") _ext_src_root = osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), "_ext-src") _ext_sources = glob.glob(osp.join(_ext_src_root, "src", "*.cpp")) + glob.glob( osp.join(_ext_src_root, "src", "*.cu"), ) _ext_headers = glob.glob(osp.join(_ext_src_root, "include", "*")) os.environ["TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST"] = "3.7+PTX;5.0;6.0;6.1;6.2;7.0;7.5" _ext = load( "_ext", sources=_ext_sources, extra_include_paths=[osp.join(_ext_src_root, "include")], extra_cflags=["-O3"], extra_cuda_cflags=["-O3", "-Xfatbin", "-compress-all"], with_cuda=True, ) class FurthestPointSampling(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, xyz, npoint): # type: (Any, torch.Tensor, int) -> torch.Tensor r"""Uses iterative furthest point sampling to select a set of npoint features that have the largest minimum distance. Parameters ---------- xyz : torch.Tensor (B, N, 3) tensor where N > npoint npoint : int32 number of features in the sampled set Returns: ------- torch.Tensor (B, npoint) tensor containing the set """ out = _ext.furthest_point_sampling(xyz, npoint) ctx.mark_non_differentiable(out) return out @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_out): return () furthest_point_sample = FurthestPointSampling.apply class GatherOperation(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, features, idx): # type: (Any, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor r"""Parameters ---------- features : torch.Tensor (B, C, N) tensor idx : torch.Tensor (B, npoint) tensor of the features to gather Returns: ------- torch.Tensor (B, C, npoint) tensor """ ctx.save_for_backward(idx, features) return _ext.gather_points(features, idx) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_out): idx, features = ctx.saved_tensors N = features.size(2) grad_features = _ext.gather_points_grad(grad_out.contiguous(), idx, N) return grad_features, None gather_operation = GatherOperation.apply class ThreeNN(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, unknown, known): # type: (Any, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor] r"""Find the three nearest neighbors of unknown in known Parameters ---------- unknown : torch.Tensor (B, n, 3) tensor of known features known : torch.Tensor (B, m, 3) tensor of unknown features. Returns: ------- dist : torch.Tensor (B, n, 3) l2 distance to the three nearest neighbors idx : torch.Tensor (B, n, 3) index of 3 nearest neighbors """ dist2, idx = _ext.three_nn(unknown, known) dist = torch.sqrt(dist2) ctx.mark_non_differentiable(dist, idx) return dist, idx @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_dist, grad_idx): return () three_nn = ThreeNN.apply class ThreeInterpolate(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, features, idx, weight): # type(Any, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) -> Torch.Tensor r"""Performs weight linear interpolation on 3 features Parameters ---------- features : torch.Tensor (B, c, m) Features descriptors to be interpolated from idx : torch.Tensor (B, n, 3) three nearest neighbors of the target features in features weight : torch.Tensor (B, n, 3) weights. Returns: ------- torch.Tensor (B, c, n) tensor of the interpolated features """ ctx.save_for_backward(idx, weight, features) return _ext.three_interpolate(features, idx, weight) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_out): # type: (Any, torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor] r"""Parameters ---------- grad_out : torch.Tensor (B, c, n) tensor with gradients of ouputs Returns: ------- grad_features : torch.Tensor (B, c, m) tensor with gradients of features None None """ idx, weight, features = ctx.saved_tensors m = features.size(2) grad_features = _ext.three_interpolate_grad( grad_out.contiguous(), idx, weight, m, ) return grad_features, torch.zeros_like(idx), torch.zeros_like(weight) three_interpolate = ThreeInterpolate.apply class GroupingOperation(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, features, idx): # type: (Any, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor r"""Parameters ---------- features : torch.Tensor (B, C, N) tensor of features to group idx : torch.Tensor (B, npoint, nsample) tensor containing the indicies of features to group with Returns: ------- torch.Tensor (B, C, npoint, nsample) tensor """ ctx.save_for_backward(idx, features) return _ext.group_points(features, idx) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_out): # type: (Any, torch.tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor] r"""Parameters ---------- grad_out : torch.Tensor (B, C, npoint, nsample) tensor of the gradients of the output from forward Returns: ------- torch.Tensor (B, C, N) gradient of the features None """ idx, features = ctx.saved_tensors N = features.size(2) grad_features = _ext.group_points_grad(grad_out.contiguous(), idx, N) return grad_features, torch.zeros_like(idx) grouping_operation = GroupingOperation.apply class BallQuery(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, radius, nsample, xyz, new_xyz): # type: (Any, float, int, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor r"""Parameters ---------- radius : float radius of the balls nsample : int maximum number of features in the balls xyz : torch.Tensor (B, N, 3) xyz coordinates of the features new_xyz : torch.Tensor (B, npoint, 3) centers of the ball query Returns: ------- torch.Tensor (B, npoint, nsample) tensor with the indicies of the features that form the query balls """ output = _ext.ball_query(new_xyz, xyz, radius, nsample) ctx.mark_non_differentiable(output) return output @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_out): return () ball_query = BallQuery.apply class QueryAndGroup(nn.Module): r"""Groups with a ball query of radius. Parameters --------- radius : float32 Radius of ball nsample : int32 Maximum number of features to gather in the ball """ def __init__(self, radius, nsample, use_xyz=True): # type: (QueryAndGroup, float, int, bool) -> None super().__init__() self.radius, self.nsample, self.use_xyz = radius, nsample, use_xyz def forward(self, xyz, new_xyz, features=None): # type: (QueryAndGroup, torch.Tensor. torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[Torch.Tensor] r"""Parameters ---------- xyz : torch.Tensor xyz coordinates of the features (B, N, 3) new_xyz : torch.Tensor centriods (B, npoint, 3) features : torch.Tensor Descriptors of the features (B, C, N) Returns: ------- new_features : torch.Tensor (B, 3 + C, npoint, nsample) tensor """ idx = ball_query(self.radius, self.nsample, xyz, new_xyz) xyz_trans = xyz.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() grouped_xyz = grouping_operation(xyz_trans, idx) # (B, 3, npoint, nsample) grouped_xyz -= new_xyz.transpose(1, 2).unsqueeze(-1) if features is not None: grouped_features = grouping_operation(features, idx) if self.use_xyz: new_features = [grouped_xyz, grouped_features], dim=1, ) # (B, C + 3, npoint, nsample) else: new_features = grouped_features else: assert self.use_xyz, "Cannot have not features and not use xyz as a feature!" new_features = grouped_xyz return new_features class GroupAll(nn.Module): r"""Groups all features. Parameters --------- """ def __init__(self, use_xyz=True): # type: (GroupAll, bool) -> None super().__init__() self.use_xyz = use_xyz def forward(self, xyz, new_xyz, features=None): # type: (GroupAll, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor] r"""Parameters ---------- xyz : torch.Tensor xyz coordinates of the features (B, N, 3) new_xyz : torch.Tensor Ignored features : torch.Tensor Descriptors of the features (B, C, N) Returns: ------- new_features : torch.Tensor (B, C + 3, 1, N) tensor """ grouped_xyz = xyz.transpose(1, 2).unsqueeze(2) if features is not None: grouped_features = features.unsqueeze(2) if self.use_xyz: new_features = [grouped_xyz, grouped_features], dim=1, ) # (B, 3 + C, 1, N) else: new_features = grouped_features else: new_features = grouped_xyz return new_features