2023-06-22 20:30:57 +02:00

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Introduction to OpenGL



Not necessary if you already did the previous tp, but to recall:

Create the Visual Studio Solution.

This step enables you to create the project file to load inside VS:

  • unzip the code inside a folder. Avoid to place the code in folders with spaces and accented characters.

  • open a Terminal and go to the directory containing the code.

  • execute:

    • md build

    • cd build

    • cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release ..

    • dir

    if you had a different version of VS installed (not the latest) you may need to adapt the string Visual Studio 16 2019 to your version: e.g. Visual Studio 15 2017, Visual Studio 14 2015, Visual Studio 12 2013

  • if everything went well you should find a file named tp2.sln inside the directory.

Compile, build, execute

  • open tp1.sln inside VS either by double clicking on it or opening from inside VS

  • build the solution (Build Solution from the Build menu)

  • from the tp directory copy freeglut\bin\x64\freeglut.dll in build\Release

  • execute the code:

    • Select the project you want to run (e.g. robot), right click on it and select Set as Startup Project

    • On the menu bar, choose Debug --> Start without debugging.)

(see for how to build, execute, etc)

Editing the code

Edit the code according to the assignments that are given, rebuild the solution and execute.

!!! You need to run the cmake line only once

!!! You need to copy the dll file only once.



Not necessary if you already did the previous tp.

In order to develop with OpenGL some system packages are required (unless you are using the N7 machines):

sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev build-essential mesa-common-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev automake

To build this code we use the CMake build system. You can install CMake from the system package manager but you need a recent version >= 3.10. Check the version that is provided by your linux distribution and if it is suitable usually you need to

sudo apt-get install cmake

otherwise you can install the binaries from here:

To install:
chmod +x
sudo --prefix=/usr/local/ --skip-license


To compile and build the code you do

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make robot


make all

builds everything, and

make clean

cleans everything.

Execute the code:


Editing the code

Edit the code as required and then

make robot

!!! the cmake line has to be run only once



In order to develop with OpenGL check if

ls  /System/Library/Frameworks/

contains OpenGL and GLUT frameworks. If not you need to install XCode from the Mac App Store, see here for more details

Install the latest version of CMake by downloading


Same as Linux.

Editing the code

Same as Linux.