2022-09-18 16:51:07 +02:00

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These are the steps to build all you need for the TP.


In order to develop in C++ some system packages are required (you may already have it installed on your machine since the opengl tp of last semester):

sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev build-essential mesa-common-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev automake libgtk+2.0-dev pkg-config libgstreamer1.0-dev  libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev  libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-dev  libv4l-dev  gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad ubuntu-restricted-extras

To build this code we use the CMake build system. You can install CMake from the system package manager but you need a recent version >= 3.10. Check the version that is provided by your linux distribution and if it is suitable usually you just need to

sudo apt-get install cmake

otherwise you can install the binaries from here:

To install:

chmod +x
sudo --prefix=/usr/local/ --skip-license

Setting up your working environment

  • create a folder tpTI where you will have all the dependencies and the sources of the tp. Please avoid paths containing spaces, weird characters or accents.

  • to make your life easier, set up an environment variable that refer to this location

    • You can define it for a single session with (e.g.) export tpTIBasePath=/home/sgaspari/dev/tpTI

    • or you can define it once for all by adding the previous instruction to your ~/.bashrc (or ~/.profile) files, so that you don't need to run the instruction for each terminal session.

    • you can verify that the variable is set with echo ${tpTIBasePath}


OpenCV is a computer vision library that contains some of the algorithms we are using for image processing and pose estimation. To install it:

  • download the library from the repository

  • unzip the file into ${tpTIBasePath} (a folder named opencv-3.4.13 should appear).

  • from ${tpTIBasePath}\opencv-3.4.13 create a build directory (mkdir build)

  • from the shell, go to ${tpTIBasePath}/opencv-3.4.13/build and execute the following:

  • then build and install the library by running

    make install -j$(nproc) 

    and go grab a cup of coffee or a beverage of your choice ;-)

  • in order to run the tp code later on you have to add the built libraries to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${tpTIBasePath}/opencv-3.4.13/build/install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    Again, you can add this to your ~/.bashrc (or ~/.profile) file so that you have it available for all shell sessions.